Detect whether a process is being debugged; in kernel land - windows

Is there a way to detect (in kernel-mode) that a debugger (in user-mode) is attached to another process (also in user-mode) on Windows ?
I cannot find any API or flag in the EPROCESS structure that would reveal this information. Ideally, I'm looking for a flag that cannot be altered from a program in user-mode, nonetheless I'm unaware if this information is also kept at kernel level.
Thanks !

exist (from xp) undocumented api
extern "C"
PsIsProcessBeingDebugged(PEPROCESS Process);
which return Process->DebugPort != NULL very simply and reliable api, can be used at any irql (because Process object in not paged memory).
Library: NtosKrnl.lib
IRQL: Any level


what is the purpose of the BeingDebugged flag in the PEB structure?

What is the purpose of this flag (from the OS side)?
Which functions use this flag except isDebuggerPresent?
thanks a lot
It's effectively the same, but reading the PEB doesn't require a trip through kernel mode.
More explicitly, the IsDebuggerPresent API is documented and stable; the PEB structure is not, and could, conceivably, change across versions.
Also, the IsDebuggerPresent API (or flag) only checks for user-mode debuggers; kernel debuggers aren't detected via this function.
Why put it in the PEB? It saves some time, which was more important in early versions of NT. (There are a bunch of user-mode functions that check this flag before doing some runtime validation, and will break to the debugger if set.)
If you change the PEB field to 0, then IsDebuggerPresent will also return 0, although I believe that CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent will not.
As you have found the IsDebuggerPresent flag reads this from the PEB. As far as I know the PEB structure is not an official API but IsDebuggerPresent is so you should stick to that layer.
The uses of this method are quite limited if you are after a copy protection to prevent debugging your app. As you have found it is only a flag in your process space. If somebody debugs your application all he needs to do is to zero out the flag in the PEB table and let your app run.
You can raise the level by using the method CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent where you pass in your own process handle to get an answer. This method goes into the kernel and checks for the existence of a special debug structure which is associated with your process if it is beeing debugged. A user mode process cannot fake this one but you know there are always ways around by simply removing your check ....

Who read/write my application's memory

Each Application has its memory space. In Windows, all process can use "OpenProcess" and "ReadProcessMemory/WriteProcessMemory(NtReadVirtualMemory/NtWriteVirtualMemory)" to read or write memory of application.
In System kernel, we can hook SSDT function "NtReadVirtualMemory/NtWriteVirtualMemory" to check who read and write memory of Application.
I have a question: Is there a way to check who read and write memory of Application in this application's process?
No. Not without hooking other processes/kernel (by hooking SSDT, as you've mentioned in your question). You can check which process has a handle to your application, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they've actually read/written anything.
To see which process has a handle to your process,
Call NtQuerySystemInformation with SystemHandleInformation(undocumented) for SystemInformationClass parameter, to enumerate all handles that are open on the system.
Duplicate all handles by calling DuplicateHandle with PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION access (if I recall correctly, this will filter out all non-process handles)
For each duplicated handle, call GetProcessId to get the process-id.
If the process-id matches with your application's process-id, then we can get the owner of the original handle by looking up the ProcessId field of the original SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION structure returned from NtQuerySystemInformation.

IoGetDeviceObjectPointer() fails with no return status

This is my code:
WCHAR ntNameBuffer[128];
swprintf(ntNameBuffer, L"\\Device\\Harddisk1\\Partition1");
RtlInitUnicodeString(&symbol, ntNameBuffer);
KdPrint(("OSNVss:symbol is %ws\n",symbol.Buffer));
status = IoGetDeviceObjectPointer(&symbol,
My driver is next-lower-level of \\Device\\Harddisk1\\Partition1.
When I call IoGetDeviceObjectPointer it will fail and no status returns and it not continue do remaining code.
When I use windbg debug this, it will break with a intelpm.sys;
If I change the objectname to "\\Device\\Harddisk1\\Partition2" (the partition2 is really existing), it will success call
If I change objectname to "\\Device\\Harddisk1\\Partition3", (the partition3 is not existing), it failed and return status = 0xc0000034, mean objectname is not existing.
Does anybody know why when I use object "\\Device\\Harddisk1\\Partition1" it fails and no return status? thanks very much!
First and foremost: what are you trying to achieve and what driver model are you using? What bitness, what OS versions are targeted and on which OS version does it fail? Furthermore: you are at the correct IRQL for the call and is running inside a system thread, right? From which of your driver's entry points (IRP_MJ_*, DriverEntry ...) are you calling this code?
Anyway, was re-reading the docs on this function. Noting in particular the part:
The IoGetDeviceObjectPointer routine returns a pointer to the top object in the named device object's stack and a pointer to the
corresponding file object, if the requested access to the objects can
be granted.
IoGetDeviceObjectPointer establishes a "connection" between the caller
and the next-lower-level driver. A successful caller can use the
returned device object pointer to initialize its own device objects.
It can also be used as as an argument to IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack,
IoCallDriver, and any routine that creates IRPs for lower drivers. The
returned pointer is a required argument to IoCallDriver.
You don't say, but if you are doing this on a 32bit system, it may be worthwhile tracking down what's going on with IrpTracker. However, my guess is that said "connection" or rather the request for it gets somehow swallowed by the next-lower-level driver or so.
It is also hard to say what kind of driver you are writing here (and yes, this can be important).
Try not just breaking at a particular point before or after the fact but rather follow the stack that the IRP would travel downwards in the target device object's stack.
But thinking about it, you probably aren't attached to the stack at all (for whatever reason). Could it be that you actually should be using IoGetDiskDeviceObject instead, in order to get the actual underlying device object (at the bottom of the stack) and not a reference to the top-level object attached?
Last but not least: don't forget you can also ask this question over on the OSR mailing lists. There are plenty of seasoned professionals there who may have run into the exact same problem (assuming you are doing all of the things correct that I asked about).
thanks everyone , I solve this problem; what cause this problem is it becoming synchronous; when I
call IoGetDeviceObjectPointer , it will generate an new Irp IRP_MJ_WRITER which pass though from high level, when this irp reach my driver, my thread which handle IRP is the same thread whilch call IoGetDeviceObjectPointer ,so it become drop-dead halt;

Change user space memory protection flags from kernel module

I am writing a kernel module that has access to a particular process's memory. I have done an anonymous mapping on some of the user space memory with do_mmap():
prot = PROT_WRITE;
retval = do_mmap(NULL, vaddr, vsize, prot, MAP_FLAGS, 0);
vaddr and vsize are set earlier, and the call succeeds. After I write to that memory block from the kernel module (via copy_to_user), I want to remove the PROT_WRITE permission on it (like I would with mprotect in normal user space). I can't seem to find a function that will allow this.
I attempted unmapping the region and remapping it with the correct protections, but that zeroes out the memory block, erasing all the data I just wrote; setting MAP_UNINITIALIZED might fix that, but, from the man pages:
MAP_UNINITIALIZED (since Linux 2.6.33)
Don't clear anonymous pages. This flag is intended to improve performance on embedded
devices. This flag is only honored if the kernel was configured with the
CONFIG_MMAP_ALLOW_UNINITIALIZED option. Because of the security implications, that option
is normally enabled only on embedded devices (i.e., devices where one has complete
control of the contents of user memory).
so, while that might do what I want, it wouldn't be very portable. Is there a standard way to accomplish what I've suggested?
After some more research, I found a function called get_user_pages() (best documentation I've found is here) that returns a list of pages from userspace at a given address that can be mapped to kernel space with kmap() and written to that way (in my case, using kernel_read()). This can be used as a replacement for copy_to_user() because it allows forcing write permissions on the pages retrieved. The only drawback is that you have to write page by page, instead of all in one go, but it does solve the problem I described in my question.
In userspace there is a system call mprotect that can modify the protection flags on existing mapping. You probably need to follow from the implementation of that system call, or maybe simply call it directly from your code. See mm/protect.c.

Ring level shift in Win NT based OS

Can anyone please tell me how there is privilege change in Windows OS.
I know the user mode code (RL:3) passes the parameters to APIs.
And these APIs call the kernel code (RL:1).
But now I want to know, during security(RPL) check is there some token that is exchanged between these RL3 API and RL1 Kernel API.
if I am wrong please let me know (through Some Link or Brief description) how it works.
Please feel free to close this thread if its offtopic, offensive or duplicate.
RL= Ring Level
RPL:Requested Privilege level
Interrupt handlers and the syscall instruction (which is an optimized software interrupt) automatically modify the privilege level (this is a hardware feature, the ring 0 vs ring 3 distinction you mentioned) along with replacing other processor state (instruction pointer, stack pointer, etc). The prior state is of course saved so that it can be restored after the interrupt completes.
Kernel code has to be extremely careful not to trust input from user-mode. One way of handling this is to not let user-mode pass in pointers which will be dereferenced in kernel mode, but instead HANDLEs which are looked up in a table in kernel-mode memory, which can't be modified by user-mode at all. Capability information is stored in the HANDLE table and associated kernel data structures, this is how, for example, WriteFile knows to fail if a file object is opened for read-only access.
The task switcher maintains information on which process is currently running, so that syscalls which perform security checks, such as CreateFile, can check the user account of the current process and verify it against the file ACL. This process ID and user token are again stored in memory which is accessible only to the kernel.
The MMU page tables are used to prevent user-mode from modifying kernel memory -- generally there is no page mapping at all; there are also page access bits (read, write, execute) which are enforced in hardware by the MMU. Kernel code uses a different page table, the swap occurs as part of the syscall instruction and/or interrupt activation.
