How to make deb packages for my server? - makefile

I have a Ubuntu (12.04 LTS) install for my desktop, and I have two VPS servers that run Ubuntu (11.04 LTS) as well. I have PHP running on these servers using fcgi, but I want to upgrade to the lastest version of PHP (5.4.3) and include the modules that I need baked right in. It just so happens that the regular ./configure script happens to include all of the things that I need. So from here, I want to make a deb package that I can use on my two VPS servers so that I can quickly install it using apt-get install php. What do I have to do in order for this to happen?
I would be making the package from the desktop installation that I have (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS) and distributing them to my servers via ftp or setting up a lunchpad account. The desktop is a stock install, and the only extra thing that I added was the lib2xml-dev so that I could compile php. The servers are also bare, only running 10 proccess, including nginx, and php-cgi.

Download and build the source package from Debian testing; they currently seem to be on PHP 5.4.4. (You may need to add some backports etc, though.) Set up your own repository and add it to /etc/apt/sources.list.d on the servers. You may need to build on a 11.04 box in order to be able to install on 11.04 (or play tricks with versioned dependencies).


gnupg installation on windows

I successfully installed pear & pecl on my windows machine.
Now, i would like to install gnupg extension using pecl.
My need is to get the extension for php7 to upload it on a linux server on which I have no rights. The extension does not exist on this server, this is the reason why I need to get it to transfer it.
When I run pecl install gnupon my machine, I get the following result:
C:\WEB>pecl install gnupg-1.4.0.tgz
6 source files, building
ERROR: The DSP gnupg.dsp does not exist.
After some research, I found out that I migth need a .dll but there is no way to find anything about it.
Is there anyone who can help me?
pecl install downloads the source code and compiles it for the system pecl runs on. It will not work on a different system, especially not on a Linux one when you are compiling it on windows.
You have three options that will work, in order of preference:
Install the distribution-provided pecl-gnupg package
Run the pecl install command on your server
Setup an identical machine as your live server, run pecl install on it and copy the generated .so file to your live server.

How to install Logstash for NodeJs on Windows 7

I want to install Logstash for NodeJs on windows 7, but I am not able to find proper steps for the same.
Can any one please help!
There is the option of node-logstash if you want a node.js alternative to Logstash. This isn't something I'm using myself (I'm using nxlog in Windows instead) but it looks like a decent alternative to the standard JRuby Logstash if you need to forward logs from Windows.
Instructions from the readme are below:
Install NodeJS, version >= 0.10, or io.js.
Install build tools
Debian based system: apt-get install build-essential
Centos system: yum install gcc gcc-c++ make
Install zmq dev libraries: This is required to build the node zeromq module.
Debian based system: apt-get install libzmq1. Under recent releases, this package is present in default repositories. On ubuntu lucid, use this ppa. On debian squeeze, use backports.
Centos 6: yum install zeromq zeromq-devel. Before, you have to add the rpm zeromq repo : curl > /etc/yum.repos.d/zeromq.repo
Clone repository: git clone git:// && cd node-logstash
Install dependencies: npm install.
The executable is in bin/node-logstash-agent
You have scripts in dists folder to build packages. Actually, only debian is supported.
As per the comment, logstash has nothing to do with nodejs.
What you're looking to do is install Logstash on Windows, something that you can find out about by using google, there will be loads of guides out there describing how to do this.
You would then need to configure logstash to look in the right location for the log files it needs to process, and then set up filters to handle nodejs style logs (which as far as I understand aren't very well standardised). You then need to configure an output (logstash is essentially a unix pipe on steroids and needs somewhere to save the logs it has processed). Elasticsearch is the most common thing to save logs to.
Personally, in my environment, I would install logstash on a CentOS server, as it's a well established process, and ship the logs from your Windows 7 machine to the logstash server using either logstash forwarder or nxlog. That way you can have logs coming in from a number of different sources and you can still reboot your Windows machine every few days as required by Windows update without your logstash server going down.

Docker - Creating base image with RHEL iso

I am trying to use a RHEL image for my project. Is there a way to create a base image with my RHEL 6's iso file? I am not using Fedora as it is beneficial for my project to use the RHEL distribution instead.
If you want a fair bit of control, you may want to look into the script in the Docker contrib repository on Github.
One of them is for "yum" based images, Centos in this case, but there's no reason it shouldn't work for RHEL.
It bootstraps itself through a series of YUM installs. If you look at the usage:
-p "<packages>" The list of packages to install in the container.
The default is blank.
-g "<groups>" The groups of packages to install in the container.
The default is "Core".
-y <yumconf> The path to the yum config to install packages from. The
default is /etc/yum.conf for Centos/RHEL and /etc/dnf/dnf.conf for Fedora
you can see that you can provide your own yum.conf, which you can set to use your ISO as source.

Install fpm separately for PHP 5.5.8

I'm doing a manual LAMP setup to learn more about working with the terminal and network configuration, and upon installing the latest version of PHP (5.5.8) I realised that I missed installing fpm. I've been trying to install the extension by itself but I'm not sure how to.
Running php-fpm -v tells me I have version 5.4.17, should fpm's version be the same as PHP in order to work together?
If you are using the manual configure option, ensure you have set the --prefix=/path/to/php-5.5.8 and --enable-fpm. And you can run /path/to/php-5.5.8/bin/php after installation.

how to update firefox on redhat via yum

I have firefox 3.0.12 on my redhat 5.8 and I'm trying to update it.
But, yum update firefox does not find and new version and keeps finding only 3.0.12
I have also tried updating yum itself.
I have also tried downloading firefox tgz, but I get a lot of dependency files missing. So going that route is very tedious and I'm finding it hard to download the dependent .so files.
How do I update using yum or is there a .rpm for firefox that I can download and install(I did not find one on the mozilla website)
If yum upgrade firefox does not report any possible updates, you probably do not have proper channels enabled (you are not subscribed into these). You should see rhel-x86_64-server-5 (depends on your architecture and RHEL variant - Server/Client...) in output of command yum repolist. If it is not there you have to register into RHN Classic ( or your company's Red Hat Satellite or something else - depends on your company's policy.
If you have that channel available, upgrade to firefox-31.2.0-3.el5_11.x86_64 (which seems to be latest in RHEL5 channel) should be offered.
Firefox 3.0.12 is the latest version available in repository of 5.8 and so you are getting same. If you need the latest version then upgrade the OS itself or download the rpm manually and install with yum localinstall command.
