how to update firefox on redhat via yum - firefox

I have firefox 3.0.12 on my redhat 5.8 and I'm trying to update it.
But, yum update firefox does not find and new version and keeps finding only 3.0.12
I have also tried updating yum itself.
I have also tried downloading firefox tgz, but I get a lot of dependency files missing. So going that route is very tedious and I'm finding it hard to download the dependent .so files.
How do I update using yum or is there a .rpm for firefox that I can download and install(I did not find one on the mozilla website)

If yum upgrade firefox does not report any possible updates, you probably do not have proper channels enabled (you are not subscribed into these). You should see rhel-x86_64-server-5 (depends on your architecture and RHEL variant - Server/Client...) in output of command yum repolist. If it is not there you have to register into RHN Classic ( or your company's Red Hat Satellite or something else - depends on your company's policy.
If you have that channel available, upgrade to firefox-31.2.0-3.el5_11.x86_64 (which seems to be latest in RHEL5 channel) should be offered.

Firefox 3.0.12 is the latest version available in repository of 5.8 and so you are getting same. If you need the latest version then upgrade the OS itself or download the rpm manually and install with yum localinstall command.


How to Install FFMpeg on centos 6 in 2022?

a client of mine asked to add videos to their website, i decided to install FFMpeg on their server so whenever they upload a video, the service automatically generates the first frame for the preview and encodes them in webm.
Sadly it seems to be impossible to install without having to compile it myself (which i don't really want to do as i have never done it before and don't want to risk breaking something in their server),
The server is running cento6 but EVERY repository that provides the centos6 version of FFMpeg seem to use dependencies from dead hosts (they are offline and unreachable), every solution i find ends up with the same error like "Couldn't resolve host ''"
I've changed yam repositories, installed apt-get to try with that instead of yam, disabled and enable repos like nux that seem to be very outdated, even followed posts that were published/updated recently like this but they all keep ending up with the the same "Couldn't resolve host..." when installing decencies.
Is there any live and updated repo that provides a way to install FFMpeg for centos6 with yum or apt-get in 2022?
Following Romeo's tip about downloading the binaries, i managed to install it but in my case i needed a older 32 bit version to make it work (else i'd get Kernel too old):
$ wget
$ tar xvf ffmpeg-4.0.3-32bit-static.tar.xz
$ sudo mv ffmpeg-4.0.3-32bit-static/ffmpeg ffmpeg-4.0.3-32bit-static/ffprobe /usr/local/bin/
What you can do is to try to install statically build ffmpeg binary. This will help you not to search for contemporary package and update your CentOS.
You can try this version (64bit version).

Installing Firefox on OEL (Oracle Enterprise Linux)

I am trying to install Firefox 59.0.2 on my linux server(OEL). But everytime I try to install firefox with command (yum install firefox) it installs 52.x version.
Could you please help me with the command to install firefox 59.0.2 in Oracle Enterprise Linux - 7.1
If possible, use yum to install Firefox on Oracle Linux. Using yum you can specify the Firefox version to install. Depending on your OL version, you may or may not be able to install Firefox 59.0.2.
To find which versions are available through the yum repositories on your machine, run:
sudo yum --showduplicates list firefox
You can choose a specific version that is shown in the list. So, on my OL7 VMs I currently have Firefox 60.3.0, and can install it like this:
sudo yum install firefox-60.3.0
Note that you may need to uninstall the existing version of Firefox before installing a new one:
sudo yum remove firefox
Since you're mentioning Enterprise, that's probably the reason why it downloads the 52.x version: it's the latest ESR (Extended Support Release). To install the latest version, you can:
Download the Linux archive from the official page.
Untar it with tar -xjvf firefox-59.02.tar.bz2 (current release).
Run the firefox executable from the unpacked directory.

Installing biber 2.7

I am using a software called Texmaker, it uses another program (i think they called it a backend, am i right?) called biber. The current version of biber in my computer is: Biber 1.9. I have tried to download a current version of biber in the webpage (i am sure it is the correct programme and webpage).
The problem is that Texmaker still recognize the old version (1.9)and not the new one. What should i do?
Where should i unpackage biber?
Another question, Biber is downloaded in a tar.gz file, so i uncompressed it and it was finished.
I am not sure if it is wrong or not, i mean, only uncompress the file to install it.
Extra data: The version of linux i have is based on Debian.
Debian updates packages continuously, but for releases that are already out it takes special care not disrupt and does not update much more than what is required for security purposes. The page shows that version 2.7 is already available, but only in the next version of Debian which is called "testing". A new release of Debian is expected "real soon" and then what is stable now will be referred to as old stable and today's testing will be the new stable. You may decide to just wait for that upcoming release to then upgrade your complete installation of perform a partial upgrade now as described below.
To get to the new version you could download the .deb package following and install it with "sudo dpkg -i biber_2.7-2_all.deb". This substitutes your previous version. There is no need to manually decide where to put a Debian package - all previously installed files of that package will be removed and all the files in the .deb file at hand are unpacked at fixed locations. Which files that are you can inspect with the "-c" option, i.e. "sudo dpkg -c biber_2.7-2_all.deb". A program that worked with biber before should now also function with that new version. Should. Just give it a test. If it works then you are done with your update.
The art of assembling a joint release of software packages is the difficulty to avoid side effects. It is common that an upgrade of one packages breaks other packages. But this is not necessarily so and the packages declare any known such dependencies on the versions of other packages. If there are many additional dependencies that you need to co-update with that new version of biber, it may then be preferable to add the download information to stretch to /etc/apt/sources.list (copy the reads jessie or stable now and substitute that with stretch or testing). You then run "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get install biber" to have version 2.7 installed.
Have you installed texmaker also from Debian? That testing release also offers texmaker 4.5 over version 4.3 of the stable distribution features. If your problem was not solved with 4.3 then it may be worthwhile to attempt also an update of texmaker. It is then from the same Debian release as is biber and they should work together since this "togetherness" is what a release is about. You can download the Texmaker .deb file as explained before or with the extended sources.list file use apt-get install texmaker. Again, there is no need to specify any program locations. What is old is removed, the new version of the packages takes it position.
With the new Debian release now so close, not too much should go wrong. But if you are professionally depending on your machine then please try this first on another computer to learn and of course please have backups. Once the biber package was updated, remove or comment out (start the line with the # sign) in /etc/apt/sources.list and run apt-get update again. The newly installed biber package will not be removed again since its version is newer than.
Meta-comment: This site is about programming, not about installing software or distribution-related issues. It may be more appropriate to address this question at, the mailing list or (my preferred option) some friendly soul in the neighbourhood.

Best Way to Install and Maintain the Dependency?

I am a bit new to this kind of administration stuffs -- I would like to build GCC 4.8.2 (just an example) myself, and I would like some how makes yum realize that there is a package newer than what the external repos have (GCC 4.4 is the latest in the standard/defualt repos).
It seems like I have to:
1. Create an rpm package myself
2. Create a local yum repo myself
3. Add the rpm package to my local yum repo and somehow specify that it is a newer version of GCC than the one external repos offer
Am I right?
Is there a good tutorial? I searched online and there are many tutorials for creating RPMs, and tutorials for creating private yum repo. But I couldn't find an example/tutorial to show me the complete flow...
Any input is welcome.
You don't need to create a yum repo. Yum uses the RPM database to see which packages are installed, so if you create a gcc-4.8.2 RPM and install it then Yum will know that gcc-4.8.2 is installed.
Yum understands package version numbers so it will know that gcc-4.8.x newer than gcc-4.4.x

How to make deb packages for my server?

I have a Ubuntu (12.04 LTS) install for my desktop, and I have two VPS servers that run Ubuntu (11.04 LTS) as well. I have PHP running on these servers using fcgi, but I want to upgrade to the lastest version of PHP (5.4.3) and include the modules that I need baked right in. It just so happens that the regular ./configure script happens to include all of the things that I need. So from here, I want to make a deb package that I can use on my two VPS servers so that I can quickly install it using apt-get install php. What do I have to do in order for this to happen?
I would be making the package from the desktop installation that I have (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS) and distributing them to my servers via ftp or setting up a lunchpad account. The desktop is a stock install, and the only extra thing that I added was the lib2xml-dev so that I could compile php. The servers are also bare, only running 10 proccess, including nginx, and php-cgi.
Download and build the source package from Debian testing; they currently seem to be on PHP 5.4.4. (You may need to add some backports etc, though.) Set up your own repository and add it to /etc/apt/sources.list.d on the servers. You may need to build on a 11.04 box in order to be able to install on 11.04 (or play tricks with versioned dependencies).
