Shipping Amount for different payment method in magento - magento

how to apply different shipping amount for each payment method in magento? Now i am currently using two payment methods.
1) credit cart
2) Cash on delivery.
When customer selecting credit cart payment method shipping price is free.
and when customer selecting Cash on delivery payment method shipping price is 100.
FYI : my default shipping amount is 100.
Can anyone explain me briefly?

The problem is that the payment method is chosen based on the shipping method, so you can't change the shipping after choosing a payment method.
One possibility is to offer to different shipping method which restrict the payment methods after selecting.
I've created a magento module which does this, feel free to take a look on the sourcecode how it restricts payment methods based on shipping rates. This is the way I'd go.

You can create a Promotion rule with the Shopping Cart Price Rule for specific Payment Methods.


Magento Promotions - Payment Method

I would like to know if there is a plugin for applying discounts on the sub total when a certain bank credit card is being used for transaction. I am planning to connect different banks to my webstore. When a customer is purchasing a product, he/she can enter their valid credit card of the specified bank to check if they can use the discount on the sub total.
There are any plugin or cart rule condition for that.

CS cart shipping condition

I am using CS cart and I have problem with my shipping method. Basically I provide free shipping on specific products when their total exceeds 500 and other products have shipping even those that exceed 500 or not.
The problem is that when our free shipping products exceed $500 and if we choose some other products so it calculates as a free shipping. How can I modify its calculation?
to use different shipping charges for products within one order, you can set different suppliers for different products: the products from the “free shipping for products over $500” category will be assigned to one supplier with the free shipping method, while the rest of your products will be assigned to the other supplier with another shipping method. As a result, shipping cost will be calculated separately for several products in one order.
Here is the instruction on how to set up the suppliers’ functionality:
CS-Cart Team

How to Give Discount Fees From Checkout to Payment Gateways in Magento

Where do magento fetch the grand total and sub total while to takes the amount from check out to payment gateway?
I would like to give a deduction(some amount for each payment methods) for each order from magento checkout. So i have write a Observer for fee deduction to each orders in Magento.
You can easily setup discount fees based on payment methods using shopping cart price rules which is built in functionality in magento.Check this magento wiki link
The link describes how to set shopping cart price rules.

Remove Tax at Checkout for B2B customers in Magento

I need to dynamicaly remove tax during checkout for business to business customers in Magento. I have a module which asks for a VAT ID during checkout and checks it against the European Online VAT-ID Validation Service. If the VAT ID is valid, the tax should be removed during checkout.
The module already assigns new customers with valid VAT ID to the according business to business group in Magento. Customers who order for the first time and create their account during that first checkout, get charged VAT (even with valid VAT-ID).
I basically need to know, how this can be done, which methods involved, etc.
I've got a similar setup going on at the moment, what I have done is if the VAT# at checkout is stored in mage_checkout_model_session. The call
In my instance is returning the VAT number for me to check elsewhere. Your VAT# validator is certainly setting something similar to this. At this point you can either create a new module to modify the tax, or override the controller with
$x = Mage::getSingleton('where_your_extension/stores_the_value)->getIsVatValid();
if ($x) $this->setTaxValue( 0 );
else //magento sets it automatically
and it will set the tax rate to zero for the remainder of the session. It will work with guests and registered customers.

How to apply extra fee on order / cart total in magento?

I have a magento site in which I want to charge the customer with some extra fee per order.
This fee must be displayed under cart page & need to be added to subtotal & passed to all places including payment gateway. Any one have implemented this or is there custom module which supports this option.
You can try Magento Extra Fee Extension which allows you to apply different types of extra charges like product or category specific addditial charges, order type fee, or shipping type fee, gift wrap fee etc.
Translating fee names in different languages or charging one time setup fee is something you should look at.
Fooman has made an off-the-shelf extension that should do what you are looking for
