UDPAnySourceMulticastClient works only in Wi-fi? - windows-phone-7

I am developing an application in which device discovery in a network is required. I am using UDPAnySourceMulticastClient in windows phone 7 for discovering desktop clients. Whenever I connect desktop to a D-link or wi-fi connector, I am able to discover desktop in my wp7.
But my problem arises when I connect desktop through ethernet to some network and connect wp7 to the same network that desktop is using I am not able to discover desktops(Even though I am sending message to the group). Is it UDPAnySourceMulticastClient works only if both are connected through wi-fi network?
Thanks in advance

UDP multicast is dependent upon the hardware used to make the network (routers, etc.) to rebroadcast the message to all other clients. While more complex scenarios are possible, it's unusual for multicast to be enabled for anything other than communications connected to the same wireless hub.


How to force MacOS to send network packets to local proxy even when Wi-Fi is not connected

MacOS version: Mojave
I have a program listening on a local port(2080). I would like to forward all network requests to this program.
In order to accomplish this, I have configured the Wi-Fi network service to use a socks5 proxy as well as dns server pointing to local host.
This works as long as the Wi-Fi network service is connected to any network, regardless wether that network is connected to the internet. (For instance, a chromecast).
Is there a way to force the packages to the program without having to connect to a network?
Previous attempts include creating a network service attached to the lookback device, lo0, with the proxy and dns settings as before (couldn't get any packets to be routed through the program, network panel says not connected) And installing tun/tap discussed in this question.(Virtual network interface in Mac OS X).
The device will show up in ifconfig, but not in network services after editing the SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist
Any guidance is welcomed.
Nevermind I figured it out. The Tun/Tap will work, just need to configure the virtual network service with correct DNS and proxy settings.

Windows 10: introduced router and can't see other computers in network

When I'm connected via cable to the building's network socket I can see all other computers in the network.
Now I introduced a router and can only see computers in the router's sub-network. Is there something I can do to be able to see other computers in the network to which now router is directly connected?
I disabled firewall on the router.
Router is a Layer 3 device for routing network traffic between networks. But not broadcast by default. So you can see only PCs in your subnet. Because broadcast is allowed. So you have to find a solution how to allow the broadcast traffic in your router. If it not possible you can't get what you want by simple solution.

Read/Send sms from wifi modem in c#

I have modem which is work on browser as wifi and when i connect to pc it becomes virtual router having ip address and DHCP settings. Now i want to use this wifi dongle as like long code or sms gateway.Also this modem is working on browser so it dont have port for communication to pc. How i can do this i.e. take sms which is stored in device local memory not on cloud and send it to clients. I cant use AT commands for read/write sms coz AT commodes only work when we have port number...pls suggest if any idea...is it possible?? I want implement this feature asp.net MVC5
Thanks in advance

P2P network on windows phone 7.1

I am trying to connect two windows phone emulators without router to form p2p network, is there any solution to connect them with access point without router and internet. and can be a possibility of using IP address of emulator.
answer plz
To the best of my knowledge no it is not possible in Mango - but is in WP8. You could however use a wireless network to perform create a UDP multicast socket and and then "connect" to one another that way.
Have a look at http://blogs.msdn.com/b/davrous/archive/2010/03/29/windows-phone-7-platformer-starter-kit-for-xna-studio-4-0.aspx it's got some pretty good pointers.

How to montor WP7 HTTP traffic when connected via USB cable

Im using Fiddler2 to monitor HTTP traffic from a Windows Phone 7 app, by proxying the phone's wifi connection to the PC running Fiddler2. Works like a charm. However, this only works when the phone is not connected via the USB cable. Obviously this is not acceptable as you can't debug the phone app this way.
How do you achieve the same with the phone connected via the USB cable?
The Windows Phone team decided to host their debug bridge on port 8888, stealing all traffic that was intended to be sent to Fiddler.
You can fix this in Fiddler by clicking Tools > Fiddler Options > Connections to move Fiddler to a different port (e.g. 8887).
See also https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/httpfiddler/-Ja4L_tezOc
