How to montor WP7 HTTP traffic when connected via USB cable - windows-phone-7

Im using Fiddler2 to monitor HTTP traffic from a Windows Phone 7 app, by proxying the phone's wifi connection to the PC running Fiddler2. Works like a charm. However, this only works when the phone is not connected via the USB cable. Obviously this is not acceptable as you can't debug the phone app this way.
How do you achieve the same with the phone connected via the USB cable?

The Windows Phone team decided to host their debug bridge on port 8888, stealing all traffic that was intended to be sent to Fiddler.
You can fix this in Fiddler by clicking Tools > Fiddler Options > Connections to move Fiddler to a different port (e.g. 8887).
See also!topic/httpfiddler/-Ja4L_tezOc


Tizen WebSockets: can access Internet WebSocket server but cannot acces LAN WebSocket server

last week I started to develop apps for a Samsung Smartwatch with the Tizen SDK 2.4.0. My sample web application connects to a remote Websocket server (a simple echo server) and sends some random requests and prints the received messages (Server is This works fine on an emulated devices as well as on the real Gear S2 Smartwatch (Example was taken from
But as soon as I start a Websocket server in my home LAN I run into problems. The server is launched via a simple Python example I found on Github ( The emulator device from the SDK connects to this server without any problems using the local IPv4. But the real device, which is logged in to the same WiFi access point, doesn't.
Note that the connection between my PC and my watch device works fine, since the SDK flashes the developed apps via WiFi to the device.
In my config.xml all connections are allowed
<access origin="*" subdomains="true"></access>
and the privilege for "Internet" is available.
The logs show that the watch tries to open a connection, but is then stuck. No error message is printed - the watch just does not go beyond the initial creation of the websocket.
Do you have any hints or thoughts about how I could debug this issue?
Thanks in advance!
I found the solution - my virus scanner has an integrated software firewall that blocked incoming connections...
Try with higher ports maybe ? I got WS working fine on SamsungZ1 on Tizen:2.3:Mobile
Maybe I could try your code on Tizen:2.4:Mobile too ?

Read/Send sms from wifi modem in c#

I have modem which is work on browser as wifi and when i connect to pc it becomes virtual router having ip address and DHCP settings. Now i want to use this wifi dongle as like long code or sms gateway.Also this modem is working on browser so it dont have port for communication to pc. How i can do this i.e. take sms which is stored in device local memory not on cloud and send it to clients. I cant use AT commands for read/write sms coz AT commodes only work when we have port number...pls suggest if any it possible?? I want implement this feature MVC5
Thanks in advance

Need to find solution to route major traffic via LAN internet and minor traffice via dialup network

I have lan internet with some proxy server (corporate internet) and usb dial up direct network. I am using win7 prof edition.
I want to control the internet traffic(based on applications & most of it ) to LAN internet and minor traffic to dialup network.
After connecting to LAN and then dialup, always dialup take precedence and hence my lan is not used when dialup it is active. All communication I meant here is IE or any application on windows communication.
Interestingly I could control it manually in firefox, by switching/changing the proxy settings to proxy server on LAN or ip address of dial up connection. But if I try the same in IE it doesn't work and always point to dialup(until it is active)
let me know how to achieve this. I was looking in to route command line tool to solve this but need experts advice on this.
Try Fiddler 2
The free web debugging proxy for any browser, system or platform

UDPAnySourceMulticastClient works only in Wi-fi?

I am developing an application in which device discovery in a network is required. I am using UDPAnySourceMulticastClient in windows phone 7 for discovering desktop clients. Whenever I connect desktop to a D-link or wi-fi connector, I am able to discover desktop in my wp7.
But my problem arises when I connect desktop through ethernet to some network and connect wp7 to the same network that desktop is using I am not able to discover desktops(Even though I am sending message to the group). Is it UDPAnySourceMulticastClient works only if both are connected through wi-fi network?
Thanks in advance
UDP multicast is dependent upon the hardware used to make the network (routers, etc.) to rebroadcast the message to all other clients. While more complex scenarios are possible, it's unusual for multicast to be enabled for anything other than communications connected to the same wireless hub.

Using Fiddler to debug the Windows Phone 7 emulator

I recently started using the updated beta tools for Windows Phone 7 and ran into an interesting problem. It seems that with Fiddler running, any Http requests run through the emulator start returning a null result and create a "not found" web exception. This is easy to reproduce with WebClient.DownloadStringAsync(). The old versions of the emulator did work with Fiddler if I remember correctly. Has anyone had luck getting the two to work together? If it's not possible I'd be open to any other tool that could help debug web requests from the WP7 emulator.
It looks like there is a blog post that describes getting fiddler working with Win Phone 7 through some customized rules for setting up Fiddler as a Reverse Proxy.
Here is a little bit of the instructions from the fiddler website, but the blog post seems a little clearer (sorry for wacky format, the block quote is not cooperating):
Option #1: Configure Fiddler as a
Reverse-Proxy Fiddler can be
configured so that any traffic sent to is automatically
sent to a different port on the same
machine. To set this configuration:
Start REGEDIT Create a new DWORD named
ReverseProxyForPort inside
Set the DWORD to the local port you'd like
to re-route inbound traffic to
(generally port 80 for a standard HTTP
server) Restart Fiddler Navigate your
browser to
Option #2: Write a FiddlerScript rule
Alternatively, you can write a rule
that does the same thing.
Say you're running a website on port
80 of a machine named WEBSERVER.
You're connecting to the website using
Internet Explorer Mobile Edition on a
Windows SmartPhone device for which
you cannot configure the web proxy.
You want to capture the traffic from
the phone and the server's response.
Start Fiddler on the WEBSERVER
machine, running on the default port
of 8888. Click Tools | Fiddler
Options, and ensure the "Allow remote
clients to connect" checkbox is
checked. Restart if needed. Choose
Rules | Customize Rules. Inside the
OnBeforeRequest handler, add a new
line of code: if
( ==
"webserver:8888") =
"webserver:80"; On the SmartPhone,
navigate to http://webserver:8888
Requests from the SmartPhone will
appear in Fiddler. The requests are
forwarded from port 8888 to port 80
where the webserver is running. The
responses are sent back through
Fiddler to the SmartPhone, which has
no idea that the content originally
came from port 80.
I'm not able to get Fiddler to monitor the traffic, so I use WireShark, which works fine.
