How to remove this '...' characters from code in VS? - visual-studio-2010

When I tried press the CTRL+D+E keys combination, I typed a wrong combination that turns my code in VS in this:
what's the purpose of this characters and how do I remove them?

Those are space charactes.
You pressed Ctrl + E, S (Edit, Advanced, Show White Space)

The dots denote whitespace characters. Press Ctrl+R, Ctrl+W to hide them.


How to make Color Picker VSCode extension not block polish letter Ć?

I can't type Ć in VSCode, which is a regular character in polish language, NOT an accented character.
Normally I type it by pressing option + C, but in VSCode this results in a message on the bottom of window:
Waiting for second key of chord...
I have unchecked Allow Chords in settings, but it still appears. There is also no keybinding for option + c.
Other polish characters are entered without problems, eg. Ś (option + S).
EDIT: I figured out that Color Picker extension causes the problem, but still I don't know how to fix it (I want to keep this plugin;)
Just press and hold C button. On my mac book its working. You hold and mac will suggest you to choose letter C

How to skip typing " while typing code in VSCode

Having to reach right arrow key after typing (") after a string etc on the keyboard when I'm typing the code is a pain in the _ for me. Can anyone show a trick to skip the double quote in the following line as marked? Is any keyboard shortcut other than the right arrow key on the keyboard? It's very annoying.
Perhaps use fillstruct to flesh out the struct?

visual studio fast typing string inside brackets

In Visual Studio
while i am typing a string inside braces
what is the hotkey to go to ending bracket ] without pressing end
item["i am typing here..."] //i want an hotkey to jump here
if it's not possible
how can i jump out of current box which i am typing in?
lambda->({(jump out of this box)});
according to this you should use end button to go to ending bracket and you can see all of hotkeys in this link.
You are looking for Ctrl-]. From the documentation:
Moves the cursor to the matching brace in the document. If the cursor is on an opening brace, this will move to the corresponding closing
brace and vice versa
At the bottom line - it will bring you to the end of your current braces-scope (or to the beginning of it if you are on the closing brace )
I did this trick after starting to type inside quotes ("")
press tab then press ]
It's much better than pressing end
Sometimes this won't work and will print /t character
I don't know how to deal with that
Still, there should be a better answer to this!

How to clean Vimperator search highlights

In Vimperator, press / and do a search. If there are matches, all will be highlighted.
My question is how to clean these highlights in a decent way.
My current approach is to press / again, and type in a random string like "abcdefgh", enter, and press Esc to clean the red warning in command window.
Type the following to quickly clear highlighted text
or you can toggle it highlight with
:set hls!
The :nohlsearch command will remove the search highlights. You could map this to a key if you use it frequently.
Remaping is awesome and you should do it!
To add to the answers above:
You can remap some of the keys to handle this automatically for you.
e.g. put this to your ~/.vimperatorrc
" adjust search to enable highlight when searching and disable when escape is pressed
noremap n :set hlsearch<return>n
noremap <esc> :noh<return><esc>
noremap - remaps a key sequence without remaping keys.
n key to remap.
:set hlsearch<return>n function we want remap to perform in this case enable highlighting.
This will set highlight on when you click n (for the next search result) and turn it off when you click escape. You can also use / instead of n if you want highlight on when you start search instantly.

vs2010 : give indent/dedent line a hotkey

In VS2010 by edit/advanced/increase line indent and decrease line indent commands, you can easily control indentation of multiple lines. the problem is that no hotkeys are assigned to them and I can't find some obvious way to give them hotkeys. How can I achieve this? if it isn't possible I'd like to at least have them on my editor context menus instead of some northwest corner.
You can select the lines where you want to change indentation, and then press Tab or Shift + Tab.
