Having to reach right arrow key after typing (") after a string etc on the keyboard when I'm typing the code is a pain in the _ for me. Can anyone show a trick to skip the double quote in the following line as marked? Is any keyboard shortcut other than the right arrow key on the keyboard? It's very annoying.
Perhaps use fillstruct to flesh out the struct?
Reference: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-go
When I am using letter keys and move to arrow keys it's a waste of my time. For that, I use vim in vscode but problem is that I don't use h,j,k,l, etc letter when type. For example: when I type "j" my cursor down but I don't type the letter "j" ..how can I solve the problem?
you can give a try to touchcursor-linux. It basically provides arrow keys and other button functionalities by making space button work as shift. I think it's really intutive and easy....and you don't have to switch to vim keyboard layout as well.
In Rstudio if you type a quotation mark, it will automatically complete the end quotation mark and the pointer is inside the two quotation marks. I currently need to move my hand to another side of the keyboard to press "arrow" to move the pointer out of the quotation marks. Is there any hotkey can do so without having my hand leave the keyboard?Thanks!
I think I accidentally found the answer: if you are in a parenthesis, after you finished whatever you want to put here, type then end parenthesis, the pointer will come out. If you are in a quotation mark, type another quotation mark to get out, and so on.
On OS X, you can use Ctrl + F to move to the next character; alternatively, you can activate Vim keybindings and use l; with Emacs keybindings you should be able to use Ctrl + F regardless of operating system.
Goal: I want to use the function indent-region with the default shortcut C-M-\.
Problem: I use a German keyboard layout. To insert "\" I have to type either C-M-ß or AltGr-ß, because the "ß" is overloaded with "?" and "\" (see: QWERTZ layout in the upper right corner).
Question: Is it possible to to input the shortcut C-M-\ without tweaking emacs or the OS on a German keyboard?
If it is not I would just change the shortcut to something easily accessible. The main reason I want this to work is that it works out of the box on a default emacs installation.
I've experienced this problem and found the following info helpful from the "Alt Gr Key" page on emacswiki.org:-
Emacs keys may seem to be “hidden” (perhaps only) on MS Windows because AltGr + LeftControl + key is just AltGr + key.
Solution 1: Using the Right Control
But you can type those keys even on MS Windows! The trick is that you must type AltGr as the first key, and Ctrl must be the right control key, not the left one.
After experimenting on a German keyboard, I can execute C-M-\ like: AltGr+RCtrl+M+\, where RCtrl is my right-Ctrl key, M is my left/only Alt key and \ is my ß?\ key. (The value of w32-alt-is-meta is t.)
This key-chord is cumbersome so perhaps it's better to define the C-M-ß combination as suggested by #OlegPavliv.
Add the following to your .emacs
(define-key (current-global-map) (kbd "C-M-ß") 'indent-region)
This way it will indent the region on C-M-ß
Press C-M.
Press AltGr-ß to produce \
Works for me. Where is the problem?
In the Textmate code-editor I use the Escape-key, for word completion, alot.
Is there a way to bind another key-shortcut to its functionality ?
(ps: my CAPSLOCK is already CTRL)
A much better way to do this (and this applies to all Mac apps in general) is to
Open System Preferences > Keyboard & Mouse > Keyboard shortcuts
Click the + sign at the bottom
Choose TextMate from the application menu
Type the exact name of the menu command for next completion and previous completion
Now type the shortcut you want to use and click the Add button
To remap the esc key you have to copy
~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/KeyBindings.dict
and then edit it, preferably using TextMate :) as Property List Editor messes up the codes.
Look for nextCompletion and previousCompletion and replace their values with whatever suits your needs best. For example, you could replace \033 (code for esc) to \t (->|).
Does anyone know what the keyboard shortcut to scroll a method's overloads that appears in the tooltip is? I presently have to resort to using the mouse to click the ^ and v labels in the tooltip, which isn't particularly effective.
A little late but maybe somebody else needs it too:
Place the cursor after the first bracket
Press Ctrl + Shift + Space
What's the command to bring up the tooltip? I know the shortcut in Eclipse (Ctrl + Space) but that's Eclipse...
In VS the tooltip shows when you type the first bracket but if I would like to see the different method overloads for a method that's been implemented already, how would I do that?
Press Ctrl + Shift + Space to see the list of overloads and arguments.
See the Visual C# 2008 Keybinding Reference Poster for more keyboard shortcuts.
The arrow keys work for me...
Sometimes I have to hit escape to get rid of the intellisence popup before using the arrow keys to scroll through the overload list.
What's the command to bring up the tooltip? I know the shortcut in Eclipse (ctrl+space) but that's Eclipse...
In VS the tooltip shows when you type the first bracket but if I would like to see the different method overloads for a method that's been implemented aldready, how would I do that?
There's got to be an easier way than this:
place the cursor just after the first bracket
erase it
re-type it (tada!)
navigate the methods using up and down arrows
when you're done, press ctrl+z to undo changes.
1. To Show Overloading Suggestions
Place the cursor after the first bracket and press CTRL + SHIFT + SPACE to bring it back.
Also, Erasing the opening bracket and writing it back can do the trick too.
2. To Scroll through Overloading Suggestions/Options
if your IntelliSense options are showing then press ESC which will hide it. Now, it's time to use the Up/Down arrow keys to see the charm.
if your IntelliSense is disabled, the Up/Down arrow keys will work directly.
Ctrl + Shift + Space in the "()" method brackets brings up the method overload context menu. The UP and DOWN arrows are used to navigate through.
The Visual Studio Keybindings definition is : Displays the name, number, and
type of parameters required for the specified method.
P.S. Jasper's link to Visual C# 2008 Keybinding Reference Poster is useful, check it out.
Arrow keys are the short cut keys i suppose as they work for me.
You can type a comma after the last parameter of the function. That will bring up the intelisense menu