What does this do in my routes.rb file? - ruby

I am looking at a gist showing me how to handle CORS request in a Rails app. My routes.rb needs to have this bit of code in it.
Rails.application.routes.draw do
controller :whatever, path: '/whatever' do
match 'post_action', via: [ :post, :options]
If I was looking at a post resource, could someone show me how to set this up? I mainly do not understand the match function.

It will match the /whatever/post_action with the Controller/Action whatever#post_action. One useful tool you could use to see what your routes.rb are doing is to run the command:
rake routes
That will display all the routing table of your Rails app.
You can find more info in the Rails guide http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html
Take care!

Actually match is not the good way to handle routes.
In rails 4 also it removed.
You can use the following code to use it:-
resource :whatever do
post 'post_action'
To test your routes
rake routes


Can't get custom error pages to work in Padrino

I started to build a website with padrino. At the moment the main class of my app is the simplest thing in the world:
class App < Padrino::Application
enable :sessions
get :index do
send_file 'public/view/index.html'
error 404 do
send_file 'public/view/errors/404.html'
So the views are simply htmls - the idea behind it is to use angularjs to render all the thingies provided by a rest api. I guess that's fairly standard.
My problem is - although it works fine for rendering the home page (localhost:3000/), the custom error doesn't work at all; let's say I try localhost:3000/test - the standard "Sinatra doesn’t know this ditty" page is rendered instead.
I'm running padrino 0.12.4 with WEBrick 1.3.1. What am I doing wrong here?
I believe what's going on here is that when you go to localhost:3000/test, your Sinatra app is looking for the "test" action under your App Controller. Obviously this action is not being found because it's not listed as a route! Therefore explicitly tell Sinatra to return a 404 page if the diddy wasn't found:
error Sinatra::NotFound do
content_type 'text/plain'
[404, 'Not Found']

Jekyll site via Sinatra and Heroku - can't route to new posts

I created a 'Hello, World' app using Sinatra and then pushed to Heroku and all worked.
I've since created a basic Jekyll blog, and am trying to access it via Heroku using the following routes:
get '/?' do
get '/.*.*' do
not_found do
The route to the index works fine link to my site
but as soon as I click to the first post it always fails.
I have tried so many variations of different routes for the :splat and get, just can't seem to get it to work? Any ideas?
In the route that's failing, before the file.read statement, add warn "splat = #{params[:splat]}" and that will output the result to the terminal, and you can see what it's actually getting, e.g.
get '/.*.*' do
warn "splat = #{params[:splat]}"
You could also try using an absolute path to the files, though if you're getting the index page then it suggests it's not needed:
config do
set :statics, File.expand_path(File.join(settings.root, "_site"))
get '/.*.*' do
file.read( File.join settings.statics, params[:splat] )
Unless there's something else you were planning to use Sinatra's routes for, you could probably remove the Sinatra routes entirely and just make the "_site" folder the public_folder, and then Sinatra will do the serving of the static files for you:
config do
set :public_folder, File.expand_path(File.join(settings.root, "_site"))
# no more to do...

Sinatra error when handling .php routes

I'm creating a Sinatra app to replace a legacy PHP based app.
get '/page.php' do
# ... do something
I'm trying to define a route like this but I get "Sinatra doesn't know this ditty." error page.
At the top of the page, I have this
configure do
mime_type :php, 'text/html'
Any idea how to tell Sinatra to use the whole path including the file extension as part of it?

Multiple Sinatra apps using rack-mount

I have a question regarding using rack-mount with Sinatra. I've got two classic-style Sinatra apps. Let's call one App defined in app.rb and the other API defined in api.rb.
I would like it so that api.rb handles all routes beginning with '/api' and app.rb handles all other requests including the root ('/').
How would I set this up with rack-mount? Or is there a better solution than that?
I think you'll prefer Rack::URLMap - it will probably look something like this:
run Rack::URLMap.new("/" => App.new,
"/api" => Api.new)
That should go in your config.ru file.
I had a similar issue and I am not very familiar with Rack. I could not figure out what to do based on the answers above. My final solution was to have the following in config.ru.
This works perfectly for me.
# Main Ramaze site
map "/" do
Encoding.default_external = Encoding::UTF_8
Encoding.default_internal = Encoding::UTF_8
require ::File.expand_path('../app', __FILE__)
Ramaze.start(:root => __DIR__, :started => true)
run Ramaze
# Sinatra & Grape API
map "/api" do
use Rack::Static, :urls => ["/stylesheets", "/images", "/javascripts"], :root => "public"
use Rack::Session::Cookie
run Rack::Cascade.new([
In config.ru you could also take advantage of Sinatra's middleware feature. If you have several Sinatra apps, each with its own routes, and want to run them simultaneously, you can arrange them in the order you want them found, e.g.
# config.ru
use MyAppA
use MyAppB
use MyAppC
run MyAppD
I had the same problem once and so I came up with this template: sinatra-rspec-bundler-template which is layed out for multiple apps.
It may have more features than you need but it should help you when you need something "a bit more" complex.

Generate URL for file in /public in Rails 2 ERB view

In my rails (v2.3.8) app I have a static resource file which I've put at /public/myfile.kml No need for any special routes.rb setting right?
It serves up just fine at http://localhost:3000/myfile.kml
When I deploy (to passenger) it appears at http://myserver/myappname/myfile.kml
All is well so far...
I have a view (an erb file) which spews out javascript which needs to reference this file. The output needs to be '/myfile.kml' on localhost, and '/myappname/myfile.kml' in production, or maybe the full URLs as above, or maybe a relative url involving a bit of '../../../' (awkward with RESTful URLs).
Should I be able to do something like <%=url_for 'myfile.kml'%> ?
or '<%=ROOT_URL%>/myfile.kml'
I know there's an insanely easy answer to this question, but honestly I've had no luck finding it. Quite a few people talking about 'root_url' but what is that? A variable I can reference in a view? It's undefined.
I'm not sure about Rails 2.3.8, but in Rails 3 this value defaults to false.
edit config/environments/production.rb and set:
config.serve_static_assets = true
Also, here's a blog post that shows a helper for linking to a static resource (favicon)
'<%= ENV["RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT"] %>/myfile.kml'
<%= RAILS_ROOT + "/public/myfile.kml" %>
Inspection of rake routes reveals the helper root_path for use in views. For example <%= root_path + 'myfile.kml' %> By default will map to files under public/ in a rails application.
The latest (>2.3.6) is Rails.root, see:
Why not just replicate your production environment locally? A webserver is not very resource hungry and it can help resolve some ecosystem configuration issues like you're seeing here.
