Is it possible to debug the ShareLinkTask using the emulator? - windows-phone-7

I'm using the ShareLinkTask in an app I'm developing, however, on the emulator it doesn't appear to do anything, not even pretend to go through the motions. Is this the sign of a bug with my code, or is this just how the emulator behaves?

That's the way the emulator works with this task.
From msdn
Allows an application to launch a dialog that enables the user to share a link on the social networks of their choice.
The emulator does not have any social networks so nothing to share.


Authenticate with webauthn using iphone on windows?

I have been investigating using webauthn for MFA in my company's application. It looked like a great fit when I started investigating it and I got really excited about the prospect of our users being able to use their phones as authenticators.
However, a colleague with an iPhone pointed out to me that when he tried the example application on he were not able to select his iPhone and there were only options to add a Android phone to his account. As many of our users he was using chrome on a Windows computer but has a iPhone 12.
To me it seems unthinkable that this scenario wouldn't be supported? Lots of users use Windows and have iOS devices. Am I missing something obvious?
The wording will change with Chrome 103 to something like „use your phone“.
It already works with an iPhone as well, though. You may need to enable Platform Authenticator Syncing, as the feature is currently only in testing. In iOS 15, turn on the Syncing Platform Authenticator switch under Settings > Developer. The Developer menu is available on your device when you set it up as a development device in Xcode.
Edit: seems like Chrome 103 still uses the "Add a new Android phone" wording :/ I already saw a screenshot somewhere teasing the change so I guess it will come rather sooner than later.

Which SmartTV can open a browser on boot?

Is there a SmartTV that can open a browser when it's powered on (in EU)? And how can you do it (do you need to hack the TV)?
You can try some "hack" but it is not so easy. I try it for Samsung models (Without tizen OS).
I had to enable running ticker applications in Samsung service menu (Any classic system menu in TV) Then you can set ticker app It should be your easy app where you define something like: "Open webbrowser with some URL".
Another not easy way is using TV with Android but I think, you should also implement some app which open webbrowser.
I hope that it for helpful for you.
All of Samsung's SSSP TV's can do that. But they are expensive.

Is it possible to get an app to open up when entering a beacon region / within range of a beacon/ibeacon

I'm exploring the end user experience for a beacon prototype but I'm struggling to find any end-user scenarios that involve the app becoming active / opening up on the screen when within range.
I can get the app to send a notification and this is the most likely experience on both Android and iOS but does anyone know if it is possible to get the app to open up?
It's unlikely that I'd want real customers to have their experience interfered with in this way, I think it's ok if the app is already running and is open but not if it's running but not open.
On Android this is possible. The reference app for the Android Beacon Library demonstrates how to do exactly this.
On iOS, it is not possible due to OS security restrictions. See here for details. The best you can do is send a local notification to the user when the beacon is detected, then if the user gestures to it, bring up the app.

Locking the computer disables speech recognition on windows 8.1

I work with SpeechRecognitionEngine from the namespace System.Speech in inproc-mode for doing some automation work. The speech recognition is started via RecognizeAsync.
It works fine, however, when the computer gets locked, speech recognition stops. As soon as the computer gets unlocked, the recognition is active again.
While this is probably a meaningful behavior for most applications, for mine, it is an issue. I have searched the web, but not found a solution to disable this behaviour.
How can I parameterize the SpeechRecognition not to stop when the computer is locked?
(Please note: The app is a conventional Windows WPF application, not a Windows Store App)
Some ideas which might be too crazy to work to hopefully trigger some ideas that might work:
Using ControlChannelTrigger to keep pinging your app to wake up and try recognizing speech at intervals? This listener allows your app to process network data in the background.
Try out Google Chrome's hotword (OK, Google) extension and see if it works behind the lock screen. If they can do it, then it's possible.
Do you have to lock the screen, isn't it possible to not have it locked?
Some references:
Similar questions:
Do you have "Enable voice activation" option enabled in Windows?
It looks like the behavior you describe is expected when "Enable voice activation" option is disabled in Control Panel | Speech recognition. Though, it can be unrelated to locked Windows.
See "Setting speech options":
Enable voice activation
Sets Speech Recognition to start in sleep mode and allows Speech Recognition to enter sleep mode when you
say "stop listening."
On the other hand, I don't think that using Speech Recognition with locked device is valid operation (security reasons). Unless you are going to spell your password instead of typing it. :)
See this article on how to launch an application on the secure desktop (a.k.a. lock screen).

How do I debug my .net CF app on my physical device?

I am pretty new to WinMo development. I managed to write my first app, debug it via the emulators but I failed to run the debug session on my physical phone.
I connected my phone to the development PC via ActiveSync, but that alone did not make my phone show up on the list among the selectable emulators. Is there anything I need to do before this would work?
Alternative: I want to program with the G-sensor and the bluetooth capabilites of the phone. Is there a way to play with them via emulators? How on earth do you shake an emulator? :)
After you hooked up and confirmed that ActiveSync is working, you should be able to select the "Mobile Device" form the target list. It is not listed by name, it simply is the only entry not ending in emulator.
