Direct way of converting BASE-14 to BASE-7 - algorithm

Given (3AC) in base-14. Convert it into BASE-7.
A simple approach is to convert first 3AC into BASE-10 & then to BASE-7 which results in 2105.
I was just wondering that does there exist any direct way of conversion from BASE-14 to BASe-7?

As others have said, there is no straightforward technique, because 14 is not a power of 7.
However, you don't need to go through base-10. One approach is to write routines that perform base-14 arithmetic (specifically addition and multiplication), and then use them to process each base-7 digit in turn: multiply it by the relevant power-of-7, and then add it to an accumulator.

I have found one approach.
There is no need to calculate for base 10 and then base 7. It can be done using this formula!
If a no X is represented in base 14 as
X = an a(n-1) a(n-2) .... a(0)
then in base 7 we can write it as
q=((2^1)a(1) + p/7)%7
r=((2^2)a(2) + q/7)%7
nth term=((2^n)a(n) + (n-1)th term/7)%7
(will go further because a no. in base 14 will require more digits in base 7).
The logic is simple, just based on properties of bases, and taking into account the fact that 7 is half of 14. Else it would have been a tedious task.
Eg. here it is given 3AC.
C =12;
so last digit is (2^0 * 12)%7 = 5
next digit is (2^1 * 10 + 12/7)%7 = (20+1)%7=21%7=0
next is 3;
next digit is (2^2 * 3 + 21/7)%7 = (12+3)%7=15%7=1
next is nothing(0);
next digit is (2^3 * 0 + 15/7)%7 = (0+2)%7=2%7=2
Hence, in base 7 number will be, 2105. This method may seem confusing and difficult, but with a little practice, it may come very handy in solving similar types of problems! Also, even if the number is very long, like 287AC23B362, we don't have to unnecessarily find base 10, which may consume atleast some time, and directly compute base 7!

No, there's not really an easy way to do as you wish because 14 is not a power of 7.
The only tricks that I know of for something like this (ex easily going from hex to binary) require that one base be a power of the other.

Link gives a reasonable clear answer. In short, it's a bit of a pain from the methods I know.


Binary Search with multiple midpoints confusion

I'm reviewing for my midterm and this specific question is causing me some issues.
This is the following array to perform the binary search:
the value I want to search for is 150.
To start off, I take the first element which is 0, and the last element which is 15.
(start + end) / 2,
(0 + 15) / 2 = 7
The value at the array of 7 is 90.
90 < 150, so the value is contained in the right side of the array.
The array now looks like this:
Continuing with the same logic
(start + end) / 2
(8 + 15) / 2 = 11.
However, according to the professor I should be at the value 12 here. I'm not sure what i am doing wrong. Any help would be appreciated.
The algorithms were written even before the computers were invented.
Computers are simply a tool or a device which implements the algorithm in an efficient manner which is why it is fast.
The binary search which you are performing here is relevant to computers as the array are indexed from 0 (counting usually starts from 0 in computers), that is why you are getting 11 which is correct in point of computers.
But for the humans counting starts from 1 and the so the result according to professor is 12.
While writing algorithms we write in according to the perception of the human and we twist it a little to implement in our machine.

What methods can I use to analyse and guess 4-bit checksum algorithm?

[Background Story]
I am working with a 5 year old user identification system, and I am trying to add IDs to the database. The problem I have is that the system that reads the ID numbers requires some sort of checksum, and no-one working here now has ever worked with it, so no-one knows how it works.
I have access to the list of existing IDs, which already have correct checksums. Also, as the checksum only has 16 possible values, I can create any ID I want and run it through the authentication system up to 16 times until I get the correct checksum (but this is quite time consuming)
What methods can I use to help guess the checksum algorithm of used for some data?
I have tried a few simple methods such as XORing and summing, but these have not worked.
So my question is: if I have data (in hexadecimal) like this:
data checksum
00029921 1
00013481 B
00026001 3
00004541 8
What methods can I use work out what sort of checksum is used?
i.e. should I try sequential numbers such as 00029921,00029922,00029923,... or 00029911,00029921,00029931,... If I do this what patterns should I look for in the changing checksum?
Similarly, would comparing swapped digits tell me anything useful about the checksum?
i.e. 00013481 and 00031481
Is there anything else that could tell me something useful? What about inverting one bit, or maybe one hex digit?
I am assuming that this will be a common checksum algorithm, but I don't know where to start in testing it.
I have read the following links, but I am not sure if I can apply any of this to my case, as I don't think mine is a CRC.
I have now downloaded a much larger list of data, and it turned out to be simpler than I was expecting, but for completeness, here is what I did.
00024901 A
00024911 B
00024921 C
00024931 D
00042811 A
00042871 0
00042881 1
00042891 2
00042901 A
00042921 C
00042961 0
00042971 1
00042981 2
00043021 4
00043031 5
00043041 6
00043051 7
00043061 8
00043071 9
00043081 A
00043101 3
00043111 4
00043121 5
00043141 7
00043151 8
00043161 9
00043171 A
00044291 E
From these, I could see that when just one value was increased by a value, the checksum was also increased by the same value as in:
00024901 A
00024911 B
Also, two digits swapped did not change the checksum:
00024901 A
00042901 A
This means that the polynomial value (for these two positions at least) must be the same
Finally, the checksum for 00000000 was A, so I calculated the sum of digits plus A mod 16:
( (Σxi) +0xA )mod16
And this matched for all the values I had. Just to check that there was nothing sneaky going on with the first 3 digits that never changed in my data, I made up and tested some numbers as Eric suggested, and those all worked with this too!
Many checksums I've seen use simple weighted values based on the position of the digits. For example, if the weights are 3,5,7 the checksum might be 3*c[0] + 5*c[1] + 7*c[2], then mod 10 for the result. (In your case, mod 16, since you have 4 bit checksum)
To check if this might be the case, I suggest that you feed some simple values into your system to get an answer:
1000000 = ?
0100000 = ?
0010000 = ?
... etc. If there are simple weights based on position, this may reveal it. Even if the algorithm is something different, feeding in nice, simple values and looking for patterns may be enlightening. As Matti suggested, you/we will likely need to see more samples before decoding the pattern.

Algorithms: random unique string

I need to generate string that meets the following requirements:
it should be a unique string;
string length should be 8 characters;
it should contain 2 digits;
all symbols (non-digital characters) should be upper case.
I will store them in a data base after generation (they will be assigned to other entities).
My intention is to do something like this:
Generate 2 random values from 0 to 9—they will be used for digits in the string;
generate 6 random values from 0 to 25 and add them to 64—they will be used as 6 symbols;
concatenate everything into one string;
check if the string already exists in the data base; if not—repeat.
My concern with regard to that algorithm is that it doesn't guarantee a result in finite time (if there are already A LOT of values in the data base).
Question: could you please give advice on how to improve this algorithm to be more deterministic?
it should be unique string;
string length should be 8 characters;
it should contains 2 digits;
all symbols (non-digital characters) - should be upper case.
requirements #2 and #3 are exact (exactly 8 chars, exactly 2 digits) and not a minimum
the "symbols" in requirement #4 are the 26 capital letters A through Z
you would like an evenly-distributed random string
Then your proposed method has two issues. One is that the letters A - Z are ASCII 65 - 90, not 64 - 89. The other is that it doesn't distribute the numbers evenly within the possible string space. That can be remedied by doing the following:
Generate two different integers between 0 and 7, and sort them.
Generate 2 random numbers from 0 to 9.
Generate 6 random letters from A to Z.
Use the two different integers in step #1 as positions, and put the 2 numbers in those positions.
Put the 6 random letters in the remaining positions.
There are 28 possibilities for the two different integers ((8*8 - 8 duplicates) / 2 orderings), 266 possibilities for the letters, and 100 possibilities for the numbers, the total # of valid combinations being Ncomb = 864964172800 = 8.64 x 1011.
edit: If you want to avoid the database for storage, but still guarantee both uniqueness of strings and have them be cryptographically secure, your best bet is a cryptographically random bijection from a counter between 0 and Nmax <= Ncomb to a subset of the space of possible output strings. (Bijection meaning there is a one-to-one correspondence between the output string and the input counter.)
This is possible with Feistel networks, which are commonly used in hash functions and symmetric cryptography (including AES). You'd probably want to choose Nmax = 239 which is the largest power of 2 <= Ncomb, and use a 39-bit Feistel network, using a constant key you keep secret. You then plug in your counter to the Feistel network, and out comes another 39-bit number X, which you then transform into the corresponding string as follows:
Repeat the following step 6 times:
Take X mod 26, generate a capital letter, and set X = X / 26.
Take X mod 100 to generate your two digits, and set X = X / 100.
X will now be between 0 and 17 inclusive (239 / 266 / 100 = 17.796...). Map this number to two unique digit positions (probably easiest using a lookup table, since we're only talking 28 possibilities. If you had more, use Floyd's algorithm for generating a unique permutation, and use the variable-base technique of mod + integer divide instead of generating a random number).
Follow the random approach above, but use the numbers generated by this algorithm instead.
Alternatively, use 40-bit numbers, and if the output of your Feistel network is > Ncomb, then increment the counter and try again. This covers the entire string space at the cost of rejecting invalid numbers and having to re-execute the algorithm. (But you don't need a database to do this.)
But this isn't something to get into unless you know what you're doing.
Are these user passwords? If so, there are a couple of things you need to take into account:
You must avoid 0/O and I/1, which can easily be mistaken for each other.
You must avoid too many consecutive letters, which might spell out a rude word.
As far as 2 is concerned, you can avoid the problem by using LLNLLNLL as your pattern (L = letter, N = number).
If you need 1 million passwords out of a pool of 2.5 billion, you will certainly get clashes in your database, so you have to deal with them gracefully. But a simple retry is enough, if your random number generator is robust.
I don't see anything in your requirements that states that the string needs to be random. You could just do something like the following pseudocode:
for letters in ( 'AAAAAA' .. 'ZZZZZZ' ) {
for numbers in ( 00 .. 99 ) {
string = letters + numbers
This will create unique strings eight characters long, with two digits and six upper-case letters.
If you need randomly-generated strings, then you need to keep some kind of record of which strings have been previously generated, so you're going to have to hit a DB (or keep them all in memory, or write them to a textfile) and check against that list.
I think you're safe well into your tens of thousands of such ID's, and even after that you're most likely alright.
Now if you want some determinism, you can always force a password after a certain number of failures. Say after 50 failures, you select a password at random and increment a part of it by 1 until you get a free one.
I'm willing to bet money though that you'll never see the extra functionality kick in during your life time :)
Do it the other way around: generate one big random number that you will split up to obtain the individual characters:
long bigrandom = ...;
int firstDigit = bigRandom % 10;
int secondDigit = ( bigrandom / 10 ) % 10;
and so on.
Then you only store the random number in your database and not the string. Since there's a one-to-one relationship between the string and the number, this doesn't really make a difference.
However, when you try to insert a new value, and it's already in the databse, you can easily find the smallest unallocated number graeter than the originally generated number, and use that instead of the one you generated.
What you gain from this method is that you're guaranteed to find an available code relatively quickly, even when most codes are already allocated.
For one thing, your list of requirements doesn't state that string has to be necessary random, so you might consider something like database index.
If 'random' is a requirement, you can do a few improvements.
Store string as a number in database. Not sure how much this improves perfromance.
Do not store used strings at all. You can employ 'index' approach above, but convert integer number to a string in a seemingly random fashion (e.g., employing bit shift). Without much research, nobody will notice pattern.
E.g., if we have sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, ... and use cyclic binary shift right by 1 bit, it'll be turned into 4, 1, 5, 2, ... (assuming we have 3 bits only)
It doesn't have to be a shift too, it can be a permutation or any other 'randomization'.
The problem with your approach is clearly that while you have few records, you are very unlikely to get collisions but as your number of records grows the chance will increase until it becomes more likely than not that you'll get a collision. Eventually you will be hitting multiple collisions before you get a 'valid' result. Every time will require a table scan to determine if the code is valid, and the whole thing turns into a mess.
The simplest solution is to precalculate your codes.
Start with the first code 00AAAA, and increment to generate 00AAAB, 00AAAC ... 99ZZZZ. Insert them into a table in random order. When you need a new code, retrieve to top record unused record from the table (then mark it as used). It's not a huge table, as pointed out above - only a few million records.
You don't need to calculate any random numbers and generate strings for each user (already done)
You don't need to check whether anything has already been used, just get the next available
No chance of getting multiple collisions before finding something usable.
If you ever need more 'codes', just generate some more 'random' strings and append them to the table.

Algorithm to find a common multiplier to convert decimal numbers to whole numbers

I have an array of numbers that potentially have up to 8 decimal places and I need to find the smallest common number I can multiply them by so that they are all whole numbers. I need this so all the original numbers can all be multiplied out to the same scale and be processed by a sealed system that will only deal with whole numbers, then I can retrieve the results and divide them by the common multiplier to get my relative results.
Currently we do a few checks on the numbers and multiply by 100 or 1,000,000, but the processing done by the *sealed system can get quite expensive when dealing with large numbers so multiplying everything by a million just for the sake of it isn’t really a great option. As an approximation lets say that the sealed algorithm gets 10 times more expensive every time you multiply by a factor of 10.
What is the most efficient algorithm, that will also give the best possible result, to accomplish what I need and is there a mathematical name and/or formula for what I’m need?
*The sealed system isn’t really sealed. I own/maintain the source code for it but its 100,000 odd lines of proprietary magic and it has been thoroughly bug and performance tested, altering it to deal with floats is not an option for many reasons. It is a system that creates a grid of X by Y cells, then rects that are X by Y are dropped into the grid, “proprietary magic” occurs and results are spat out – obviously this is an extremely simplified version of reality, but it’s a good enough approximation.
So far there are quiet a few good answers and I wondered how I should go about choosing the ‘correct’ one. To begin with I figured the only fair way was to create each solution and performance test it, but I later realised that pure speed wasn’t the only relevant factor – an more accurate solution is also very relevant. I wrote the performance tests anyway, but currently the I’m choosing the correct answer based on speed as well accuracy using a ‘gut feel’ formula.
My performance tests process 1000 different sets of 100 randomly generated numbers.
Each algorithm is tested using the same set of random numbers.
Algorithms are written in .Net 3.5 (although thus far would be 2.0 compatible)
I tried pretty hard to make the tests as fair as possible.
Greg – Multiply by large number
and then divide by GCD – 63
Andy – String Parsing
– 199 milliseconds
Eric – Decimal.GetBits – 160 milliseconds
Eric – Binary search – 32
Ima – sorry I couldn’t
figure out a how to implement your
solution easily in .Net (I didn’t
want to spend too long on it)
Bill – I figure your answer was pretty
close to Greg’s so didn’t implement
it. I’m sure it’d be a smidge faster
but potentially less accurate.
So Greg’s Multiply by large number and then divide by GCD” solution was the second fastest algorithm and it gave the most accurate results so for now I’m calling it correct.
I really wanted the Decimal.GetBits solution to be the fastest, but it was very slow, I’m unsure if this is due to the conversion of a Double to a Decimal or the Bit masking and shifting. There should be a
similar usable solution for a straight Double using the BitConverter.GetBytes and some knowledge contained here: but my eyes just kept glazing over every time I read that article and I eventually ran out of time to try to implement a solution.
I’m always open to other solutions if anyone can think of something better.
I'd multiply by something sufficiently large (100,000,000 for 8 decimal places), then divide by the GCD of the resulting numbers. You'll end up with a pile of smallest integers that you can feed to the other algorithm. After getting the result, reverse the process to recover your original range.
Multiple all the numbers by 10
until you have integers.
by 2,3,5,7 while you still have all
I think that covers all cases.
2.1 * 10/7 -> 3
0.008 * 10^3/2^3 -> 1
That's assuming your multiplier can be a rational fraction.
If you want to find some integer N so that N*x is also an exact integer for a set of floats x in a given set are all integers, then you have a basically unsolvable problem. Suppose x = the smallest positive float your type can represent, say it's 10^-30. If you multiply all your numbers by 10^30, and then try to represent them in binary (otherwise, why are you even trying so hard to make them ints?), then you'll lose basically all the information of the other numbers due to overflow.
So here are two suggestions:
If you have control over all the related code, find another
approach. For example, if you have some function that takes only
int's, but you have floats, and you want to stuff your floats into
the function, just re-write or overload this function to accept
floats as well.
If you don't have control over the part of your system that requires
int's, then choose a precision to which you care about, accept that
you will simply have to lose some information sometimes (but it will
always be "small" in some sense), and then just multiply all your
float's by that constant, and round to the nearest integer.
By the way, if you're dealing with fractions, rather than float's, then it's a different game. If you have a bunch of fractions a/b, c/d, e/f; and you want a least common multiplier N such that N*(each fraction) = an integer, then N = abc / gcd(a,b,c); and gcd(a,b,c) = gcd(a, gcd(b, c)). You can use Euclid's algorithm to find the gcd of any two numbers.
Greg: Nice solution but won't calculating a GCD that's common in an array of 100+ numbers get a bit expensive? And how would you go about that? Its easy to do GCD for two numbers but for 100 it becomes more complex (I think).
Evil Andy: I'm programing in .Net and the solution you pose is pretty much a match for what we do now. I didn't want to include it in my original question cause I was hoping for some outside the box (or my box anyway) thinking and I didn't want to taint peoples answers with a potential solution. While I don't have any solid performance statistics (because I haven't had any other method to compare it against) I know the string parsing would be relatively expensive and I figured a purely mathematical solution could potentially be more efficient.
To be fair the current string parsing solution is in production and there have been no complaints about its performance yet (its even in production in a separate system in a VB6 format and no complaints there either). It's just that it doesn't feel right, I guess it offends my programing sensibilities - but it may well be the best solution.
That said I'm still open to any other solutions, purely mathematical or otherwise.
What language are you programming in? Something like
would give you the number of decimal places for a double in C#. You could run each number through that and find the largest number of decimal places(x), then multiply each number by 10 to the power of x.
Edit: Out of curiosity, what is this sealed system which you can pass only integers to?
In a loop get mantissa and exponent of each number as integers. You can use frexp for exponent, but I think bit mask will be required for mantissa. Find minimal exponent. Find most significant digits in mantissa (loop through bits looking for last "1") - or simply use predefined number of significant digits.
Your multiple is then something like 2^(numberOfDigits-minMantissa). "Something like" because I don't remember biases/offsets/ranges, but I think idea is clear enough.
So basically you want to determine the number of digits after the decimal point for each number.
This would be rather easier if you had the binary representation of the number. Are the numbers being converted from rationals or scientific notation earlier in your program? If so, you could skip the earlier conversion and have a much easier time. Otherwise you might want to pass each number to a function in an external DLL written in C, where you could work with the floating point representation directly. Or you could cast the numbers to decimal and do some work with Decimal.GetBits.
The fastest approach I can think of in-place and following your conditions would be to find the smallest necessary power-of-ten (or 2, or whatever) as suggested before. But instead of doing it in a loop, save some computation by doing binary search on the possible powers. Assuming a maximum of 8, something like:
int NumDecimals( double d )
// make d positive for clarity; it won't change the result
if( d<0 ) d=-d;
// now do binary search on the possible numbers of post-decimal digits to
// determine the actual number as quickly as possible:
if( NeedsMore( d, 10e4 ) )
// more than 4 decimals
if( NeedsMore( d, 10e6 ) )
// > 6 decimal places
if( NeedsMore( d, 10e7 ) ) return 10e8;
return 10e7;
// <= 6 decimal places
if( NeedsMore( d, 10e5 ) ) return 10e6;
return 10e5;
// <= 4 decimal places
// etc...
bool NeedsMore( double d, double e )
// check whether the representation of D has more decimal points than the
// power of 10 represented in e.
return (d*e - Math.Floor( d*e )) > 0;
PS: you wouldn't be passing security prices to an option pricing engine would you? It has exactly the flavor...

What's better multiplication by 2 or adding the number to itself ? BIGnums

I need some help deciding what is better performance wise.
I'm working with bigints (more then 5 million digits) and most of the computation (if not all) is in the part of doubling the current bigint. So i wanted to know is it better to multiply every cell (part of the bigint) by 2 then mod it and you know the rest. Or is it better just add the bigint to itself.
I'm thinking a bit about the ease of implementation too (addition of 2 bigints is more complicated then multiplication by 2) , but I'm more concerned about the performance rather then the size of code or ease of implementation.
Other info:
I'll code it in C++ , I'm fairly familiar with bigints (just never came across this problem).
I'm not in the need of any source code or similar i just need a nice opinion and explanation/proof of it , since i need to make a good decision form the start as the project will be fairly large and mostly built around this part it depends heavily on what i chose now.
Try bitshifting each bit. That is probably the fastest method. When you bitshift an integer to the left, then you double it (multiply by 2). If you have several long integers in a chain, then you need to store the most significant bit, because after shifting it, it will be gone, and you need to use it as the least significant bit on the next long integer.
This doesn't actually matter a whole lot. Modern 64bit computers can add two integers in the same time it takes to bitshift them (1 clockcycle), so it will take just as long. I suggest you try different methods, and then report back if there is any major time differences. All three methods should be easy to implement, and generating a 5mb number should also be easy, using a random number generator.
To store a 5 million digit integer, you'll need quite a few bits -- 5 million if you were referring to binary digits, or ~17 million bits if those were decimal digits. Let's assume the numbers are stored in a binary representation, and your arithmetic happens in chunks of some size, e.g. 32 bits or 64 bits.
If adding the number to itself, each chunk is added to itself and to the carry from the addition of the previous chunk. Any carry forward is kept for the next chunk. That's a couple of addition operation, and some book keeping for tracking the carry.
If multiplying by two by left-shifting, that's one left-shift operation for the multiplication, and one right-shift operation + and with 1 to obtain the carry. Carry book keeping is a little simpler.
Superficially, the shift version appears slightly faster. The overall cost of doubling the number, however, is highly influenced by the size of the number. A 17 million bits number exceeds the cpu's L1 cache, and processing time is likely overwhelmed by memory fetch operations. On modern PC hardware, memory fetch is orders of magnitude slower than addition and shifting.
With that, you might want to pick the one that's simpler for you to implement. I'm leaning towards the left-shift version.
did you try shifting the bits?
<< multiplies by 2
>> divides by 2
Left bit shifting by one is the same as a multiplication by two !
This link explains the mecanism and give examples.
int A = 10; //...01010 = 10
int B = A<<1; //..010100 = 20
If it really matters, you need to write all three methods (including bit-shift!), and profile them, on various input. (Use small numbers, large numbers, and random numbers, to avoid biasing the results.)
Sorry for the "Do it yourself" answer, but that's really the best way. No one cares about this result more than you, which just makes you the best person to figure it out.
Well implemented multiplication of BigNums is O(N log(N) log(log(N)). Addition is O(n). Therefore, adding to itself should be faster than multiplying by two. However that's only true if you're multiplying two arbitrary bignums; if your library knows you're multiplying a bignum by a small integer it may be able to optimize to O(n).
As others have noted, bit-shifting is also an option. It should be O(n) as well but faster constant time. But that will only work if your bignum library supports bit shifting.
most of the computation (if not all) is in the part of doubling the current bigint
If all your computation is in doubling the number, why don't you just keep a distinct (base-2) scale field? Then just add one to scale, which can just be a plain-old int. This will surely be faster than any manipulation of some-odd million bits.
IOW, use a bigfloat.
random benchmark
use Math::GMP;
use Time::HiRes qw(clock_gettime CLOCK_REALTIME CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID);
my $n = Math::GMP->new(2);
$n = $n ** 1_000_000;
my $m = Math::GMP->new(2);
$m = $m ** 10_000;
my $str;
for ($bits = 1_000_000; $bits <= 2_000_000; $bits += 10_000) {
my $start = clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID);
$str = "$n" for (1..3);
my $stop = clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID);
print "$bits,#{[($stop-$start)/3]}\n";
$n = $n * $m;
Seems to show that somehow GMP is doing its conversion in O(n) time (where n the number of bits in the binary number). This may be due to the special case of having a 1 followed by a million (or two) zeros; the GNU MP docs say it should be slower (but still better than O(N^2).
