magento - differences with collections - magento

I'm starting to gain a little experience with magento but collections are are thrown up some inconsistencies.
Some collections use addAttributeToSelect and addAttributeToFilter whereas others use addFilter and addSelect.
Why is this and how do you tell straight off which collection uses which?
How the hell do you join collections. I've tried every single example out there which never works. Specifically I would like to join shipping, invoice and order collections

As far as I know there are no addFilter and addSelect functions in Magneto. What you might refer to is differences between addFieldToFilter and addAttributeToFilter.
The difference between those two is that there is a specific data type in Magento called EAV. You can read more about it anywhere else. Products and their attributes, customers and sales are EAV in Magneto. The quick background under EAV is that the data is kept in a different tables that's why functions to filter a collection is absolutely different.
This brings us to your second questions. Since there is not single table for products, customers or orders in Magento you can't apply normal SQL join to it. However it's quite unlikely that you will need it often. For all other non-EAV cases you can use the following syntax:
$collection = Mage::getModel('group/model')->getCollection();
'your_alias' => Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getTableName('group2/model2')),
'main_table.your_id = your_alias.your_id',
Please let me know if I can make it more clear.


What is the best way to get all eloquent model instances meeting multiple requirements inside different relations

I have multiple Orders which have related Payments and related InvoiceCorrections.
I want to fetch all orders where the
order->payments->sum('amount')differs from(order->amount - order->invoiceCorrections->sum('amount')).
What would be the best way to archive this, while keeping a good performance?
The payments should have their own column containing correction information which gets updated via a model observer, otherwise your queries are going to get very complex and messy very fast.

Laravel 5 bilingual Product model

I am looking for the most straightaway solution and breaking my head about implementing a bilingual Product model with only one basic requirements: the product query should only deliver results where the product name in the app()->locale language is set.
I'm stuck right at the beginning to decide wether I should keep completely different models (Product_en and Product_es), this would make querying easiest I guess, or have just one Product model with the English texts, with hasOne() methods pointing to the Spanish translations? In the latter case, how would I effectively query for entries which have translations?
Thanks a lot for any hints. Cheers.
I would create a language property for the Product model and would add a Scope for this, where you can filter the results with the value of App::getLocale().
This way, any time you just query the product, you get the Product models on the actually selected language.

Merchandising categories at store level

We are about to begin working on an addition to Magento 1.14.2 EE that will allow us to merchandise and sort products within categories at a store level. currently we do this by having 3 entirely separate root category trees, our editors are finding this cumbersome, and our indexing takes 3x the time it should take to reindex a single tree.
The plan is to add a store_id column to the catalog_category_product table which currently stores the product_id, category_id and products position within the category in question.
So my questions are fairly general at this point, has anyone attempted this previously and are there any obvious pitfalls that we are likely to encounter as a result of attempting this? The solution to us seems fairly obvious yet it hasn't been implemented yet by Magento, surely this is a piece of functionality that would be useful for any company that has a presence in multiple countries.

Magento: what is table eav_entity for?

I know EAV logic and I know what is eav_entity_attribute for. (about eav_entity_* - the same).
But I'm not clear about table eav_entity. It is always empty.
Could someone give some comments please.
I would be glad to get any assumption.
Google gives nothing on this question, as usual)
Doing a grep of the Community Edition code, the only time eav_entity is mentioned is in the config file (/app/core/code/Mage/Eav/etc/config.xml) and in the database setup files (/app/code/core/Mage/Eav/sql/eav_setup/mysql4-install-0.7.0.php).
To me this says that it was put in just before a release and then never actually used. The devs possibly decided to go with a slightly different way of storing the data...
I expected to see all records of all entities in the table eav_entity. But I see that Magento has created separate tables for each of the 8 entities ( customer, customer_address, category, product, order, invoice, shipment, creditmemo) with the following table names ( customer_entity, customer_address_entity, catalog_category_entity, catalog_product_entity, sales_flat_order, sales_flat_invoice, sales_flat_shipment, sales_flat_creditmemo). So eav_entity table is empty and you get data for entities directly from their respective tables.. Some level of de-EAVing the database design :-)

Codeigniter and nested tab markup

I need some guidance. Forgive me for a lengthy post but I need to explain myself. In my world, there is no one who understands what I am talking about so I have to go online for assistance.
I am an architect doing my own website because work has dried up and I plan to use an improved website for a marketing campaign.
I have done what I'd call a "lash-up" of this site which functions OK. But it's nowhere near ready to publish. I am trying to get it reorganised to do this and am moving the whole thing over to Codeigniter. My puzzle relates to views in Codeigniter.
One of the main pages for potential clients is the projects page showing work done. It uses nested tabbing. As I have said, I've made it work OK in ordinary procedural PHP.
Note that the projects are organised by category i.e housing, commercial etc In each category there are projects.
Actually the tabs are dynamically produced with some assistance from jQuery. I mean by this that my homespun php creates markup based on what's returned from the database.
The tab markup is the usual one of an unordered list whose li elements contain anchors whose hrefs reference divs arranged below. To achieve nesting, these divs then contain another ul with a further set of divs related to it.
The top tabs correspond to a category e.g housing, commercial. The lower tabs correspond to projects within a category.
I've made this work with four queries before. I think at least one may be redundant but I said it was a "lash-up".
Query 1: "select distinct pcat, pcatid from pcategory inner join projects on pcatid = projcat order by pcat desc"
From this query I get hold of the id used in the href.
Query 2 : same as above but this time the id is used for div id.
The next query is the source of my puzzlement because I don't see how to replicate it with CI.
Query3 :
$queryall3 = "select projid, projtit, projcost, projdate from projects where projcat= '$jobcat'";
This query uses the category id - $jobcat - returned by each iteration of the while clause used to expand the results from query 2. In other words, it runs inside the query 2 while loop so it can get the category id and then get all the projects related to it.
The results of query 3 are used to form the lower tabs, and their href value is the id of the project.
Query4: same as query 3 and used to populate the lower divs with data from the database relating to a specific project.
So, finally my question: it seems to me that query 3 is difficult to manage using the Codeigniter set up. I can imagine an array of results looped over in a view. What I can't conceive is how to make a model call within that loop.
Apologies for a long-winded question and any maladroit coding assumptions exhibited. Assistance would be a blessing.
I don't really see what you're asking, but it seems that you want to know how to perform queries in CI?
In which case I suggest you take a good read of the docs
$this->db->select('pcat, pcatid');
$this->db->join('projects', 'pcategory.pcatid =', 'inner');
$this->db->order_by('pcat', 'DESC');
$result = $this->db->get();
I very much doubt this will work as I do not know your table structure but may give you an idea of how to use the active record class in CI.
You can of course just use the query method:
$results = $this->db->query('YOUR QUERY HERE');
the active record class can do a lot of the work for you, however.
As for about being difficult to do in CI, this is simply untrue - you just need a clearer picture and understanding of what you want to achieve.
$queryall3 = "select projid, projtit, projcost, projdate from projects where projcat= '$jobcat'";
$data = $results->result_array(); // get the results of the 3rd query as an array
// new query
$this->db->select('query_4_select'); // select whatever you need
// this probably isn't the most efficient way, but for examples sake:
foreach($data as $row) // using the result_array from above
$this->db->or_where('query_4_id', $row['id']); // the magic !!
$new_results = $this->db->get();
So essentially, you get the ID's from query 3, run it through a foreach and build a where x=x or x=y or x=b type query, which will then (hopefully) return the desired results.
This is one way, you will need to tweak it.
But it sounds like you can just use a join? Perhaps if you could post your entire tables structure.
