Laravel 5 bilingual Product model - laravel-5

I am looking for the most straightaway solution and breaking my head about implementing a bilingual Product model with only one basic requirements: the product query should only deliver results where the product name in the app()->locale language is set.
I'm stuck right at the beginning to decide wether I should keep completely different models (Product_en and Product_es), this would make querying easiest I guess, or have just one Product model with the English texts, with hasOne() methods pointing to the Spanish translations? In the latter case, how would I effectively query for entries which have translations?
Thanks a lot for any hints. Cheers.

I would create a language property for the Product model and would add a Scope for this, where you can filter the results with the value of App::getLocale().
This way, any time you just query the product, you get the Product models on the actually selected language.


Elasticsearch read model sync with write model

My application following CQRS strategy separates Read model from Write model. I have a Product and multiple Purchase orders related to that Product.
The PurchaseOrder read model is in Elasticsearch and with product name attached. Now if I change the product name in the write model then I need to update all the PurchaseOrder's productName field accordingly in the read model(using Elasticsearch's bulk update API).
My question is: As I have millions of PurchaseOrders, will this productName sync be a performance issue? Or any suggestions for modeling such kind of syncing?
Although I do not believe that changing a product name on existing orders is a good idea (the invoice might have been generated and the product name in the order should match the one in the invoice), the question still has merit.
You may want your PurchaseOrder to only keep the ID (and perhaps the version?) of the Product, so that you can avoid such a mass update. This approach, on the other hand, requires a call to the Product aggregate root every time you want to translate the ID of the product in its own name. The impact of such a read can obviously be mitigated by using a cache.
I guess it really depend on the number of occurrences of such two circumstances to happen and I would then optimize the most occurring one.

HippoCMS translated documents with shared fields

I am evaluating HippoCMS and am trying to model a schema of Venues. I want to model a document that has non-translatable features such as telephoneNumber and emailAddress, plus translatable features such as description.
How do I model this in HippoCMS? How do I ensure that the non-translated fields are shared between the different translations, to avoid each translated document having its own copy of a value. Obviously no matter which language you are reading a site in, the telephoneNumber shouldn't change.
The only way I have found for the moment is to create a document called Venue and another document called VenueTranslation. Venue would contain the telephoneNumber and VenueTranslation would contain its description and a link back to the Venue document. There would then be VenueTranslation documents for each language.
Is this the correct approach?
That could work, but you will run into usability issues. I'd say it depends on how many venues you plan to enter into the system, how many languages you are targeting, and, in the end, how keen are your CMS users to pick the right Venue document for every VenueTranslation corresponding to a language. I can see how this will quickly become error prone and cumbersome, but I don't have the numbers.
Regarding the final question, it's not correct nor incorrect: it's just that since the granularity of the translations in Hippo is at the document level and not at the field level, you have to do it this way. Your model makes sense but is not well supported in the CMS. This use case is trivial in a CMS that supports the notion of translatable field.

magento attributes / multiple atts with one selection

really could do with your expert advice / knowledge & help...
We have a client who we built a magento site for. He sells parts for motorbikes, jet-skis, motocross etc..
We set up three attributes "Manufacturer" then "Model" then "Year" - and this was the selection process inside each product to drill down a price (as price changes on the models year) to achieve the pricing structure he wanted we used a simpler config products plugin that worked a charm. (which I found searching through these forums)
Problem.. The "Model" attribute is getting way too big (crashing the browser and timing out - and approaching what I have been told is the limit for attributes) so we have to rethink the logic (as last resort is to change the whole site and add them all as simple products and use filters instead - which the client does not want)
After days fo stress and researching we are still none the wiser...
one idea would be to split the model attribute into manufacturer.. so "Hond_Model" .. "Aprilla_Model" and so on.. but then we cant keep the structure of one product with all the options inside, be great of we could have inside the product (front end)
select honda model
select aprilla model
select Can Am Model
but the user can choose one model from any three of the "model" drop downs, then it blanks out the other 2 model attributes and lets the user select the year to get a price.
But in the back end when I try this all three "Model" attributes have a red asterix and require an input in all three..
Sorry if some of this is basic I am a designer who is learning magento with the help of my developer for the past 6 months so still new to this but already way out of my depth.
Any help would be so appreciated.
Given the level of complexity, the relative newness of your company with Magento, and particulars of the automotive fitment domain, it might be wise to buy an existing fitment module (e.g. Year Make Model Extension - not an endorsement - i have no firsthand knowledge of this extension) to bootstrap your development or to learn from. You should check with module vendor first to make sure that the code is suitable for this purpose (not obfuscated / encrypted, written using Magento conventions).
There are several approaches which can be taken depending on how frontend presentation and backend reporting should work, but these are too broad to be discussed here.

Store a group of form fields in multidimensional array in Joomla

Here's the setup (using a made-up scenario), but applicable to my real situation:
For the purposes of this explanation, let's say that i design T-shirts (Let's call them ShirtA, shirtB, shirtC). Rather than selling them myself, i have several vendors that sell the product for me (we'll call them Vendors X, Y, and Z).
I have a table in my Joomla database for the vendors, and a table for the t-shirts.
When customers are buying from this vendor, they will visit my site and based on the ID url variable, will display a different vendor's page.
Each vendor can choose to sell all of my t-shirts, or only some of them. Additionally, the vendor can override the price that i have set in the t-shirt table, with their own.
In the admin section of the component, each vendor needs to be able to select which t-shirt they want to sell, and provide an optional price override.
This is how i imagine it looking...
Each vendor will have a column in their table that will contain the serialized data of a multidimensional array. The main array contains a sub-array for each t-shirt that i have in my t-shirt table. Each of those sub-arrays contains all of the override data (price, sizes offered, etc..).
How would i write the model, view, and/or edit page in a Joomla 2.5 component so that a vendor can select all of the options in the component admin page, and have it serialized in a column?
I am sorry if this is poorly explained and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't hesitate to ask if you need further information in order to assist me.
I hate to say it, but I don't think that there is a "standard" method to do this in Joomla 2.5. Joomla has all kinds of ways to interact with the database and use their standard classes, but none of the classes are designed to work with serialized data to the best of my knowledge, so you would be stuck building all of the pieces by hand.
That being said, in general the model, should handle retrieving and storing the serialized data, the view would request any data in the database from the model, and the edit page should unserialize the data and display it in a way that your vendors can add their overrides. Beyond that it would be up to you to code each piece in your own way.

Structuring a model - MVC (PHP)

How should one structure validation, preparation and arrangement (etc) of data before dealing with the DB?
The data I expect to be passed might need to be validated (ex: category books actually exists) or contain conditional values (ex: sale price should only be set if ad = sale) or values that must be converted to ids (ex: category books must be converted to category_id 123).
I imagine that there are numerous ways to go about this like clumping everything together, grouping by field (do validation, prep etc together per field) or separating by action (validation, prep, etc) and field.
Are there any concepts when it comes to this topic just like the concept of MVC exists? Achieving flexibility, ease of maintenance or something like that?
Anything relating to common used components of model?
(I'm not sure if it helps but I'm currently using CodeIgniter / PHP)
In codeigniter, you can use the Form_Validation class with a callback method that you create.
In your callback method you can check to see if things exist in database, etc.
