Advice on using ZeroMQ - zeromq

I'm developing a new client-server app (.Net) and have up until now been using WCF, which suits the app's request-response approach nicely. However I've been asked to replace this with a socket-based solution, partly to support non-.Net clients, and future pub-sub/broadcast requirements (I realise WCF is capable, but there are other drivers behind the decision). Having failed miserably at writing my own async socket solution, I'm now looking at ZeroMQ.
My client app has a couple of background threads that periodically request data from the server. Additionally, certain UI actions (e.g. a button click) can trigger a message to the server. WCF made this easy - the code simply called the relevant method on a singleton WCF service proxy (actually I use the Castle Windsor WCF facility which gives me async calling capabilities, but that's probably irrelevant to my question).
I'm not too sure how this approach would translate to ZeroMQ, particularly with regards to managing the sockets - I'm very new to ZeroMQ and still reading the guide. Am I right in saying that I'll need a separate socket for each thread (i.e. the two b/g threads and the UI)? What about socket lifetime - do I create one each time I want to send/receive (presumably inefficient), or create the socket when the thread starts and reuse it for the entire lifetime of the thread?

One thing has to be very clear. ZMQ sockets can connect and talk to ZMQ sockets only.
This means that if I am building an distributed application whose components communicate to each other, I have liberty to choose any communication approach as external clients are not exposed to it.
Choosing ZMQ Sockets for such means is a good idea. It allows you to instantly build on many communication patterns like req/rep, push/pull, pub/sub etc and also build more complicated topologies using ZMQ devices.
How ever, This constraint is not to be taken lightly when external clients are concerned. This will enforce all external clients to use ZMQ sockets which might not be ideal. If one of the client happens to be a browser consuming your web services then you will need to provide services through regular client.
Is your client app using regular sockets?
Can it be re-written to use ZMQ sockets?
if not then don't use ZMQ sockets for external interface
but only for your internal component communication.
[Edit: Further notes]
ZMQ is a wrapper over sockets but that does a few things which are hard to get done by hand
It manages messaging at higher throughput by batching multiple messages at the same time
Optimizes use of socket at the same time
A socket can send messages to only one another socket, ZMQ socket can connect to multiple ZMQ sockets
ZMQ socket based solution can take immediate advantage of various patterns - REQ/REP, PUSH/PULL, PUB/SUB etc
How ever, it is common to mistake ZMQ to be a messaging queue.
Messaging Queue as available has other properties like message persistence and delivery guarantee etc by implementing a queue for storage.
ZMQ stands for "Zero Messaging Queue"
I have only been learning ZMQ in recent times and have been very happy to use it.
Checkout my mini tutorial on ZMQ and See if it make sense for you to use it:

Regarding castle integration, check out what Henry's done on his fork:


web2py - do I need another server for a real time application?

In the web2py examples there is a websocket example which uses tornado here:
gluon/contrib/ and this requires another server to be started namely tornado. My questions is, do I need another server? Should I only have one server to handle both the websocket stuff and the normal http requests?
Also, it seems tornado is the server of choice for the 2nd server, could that be something different?
I'm a bit of a newbie to websockets (and webapp development) so any comments/links that would help me better understand this would be appreciated.
Python WSGI based frameworks such as web2py are typically served via threaded web servers. A typical HTTP request occupies one of the server threads only very briefly in order to receive the incoming request and deliver the response, then freeing the thread to serve another incoming request.
Websockets (and long polling), on the other hand, require a long-lived connection between the client (i.e., browser) and the web server. A websocket connection will therefore occupy a thread indefinitely, so you can only have as many connections as you have threads, thus limiting the application to a relatively small number of concurrent users.
In order to enable many simultaneous websocket connections, it is therefore best to serve websockets via a server that features non-blocking network I/O, such as Tornado. For more details, see
Another option is to use Gevent with monkey patching, which can be used in the context of a WSGI application as described here. Keep in mind, though, that any libraries you use that involve network I/O (such as database drivers) must be compatible with this approach (either via monkey patching or code explicitly designed for coroutines).
If realtime/server-push functionality is a major aspect of your application, and especially if you are new to web development, you might instead consider a framework built for this specific use case, such as Meteor.

What are the advantages of websocket APIs to middleware?

Some pieces of middleware support websockets natively e.g. HiveMQ: What advantages are conferred to a developer using the websockets API as a first class client to the middleware, rather than routing requests through an intermediary server that supports language specific APIs e.g.
Client -> Middleware
Client -> Server -> Middleware
For example, we could argue that skipping an intermediary server will reduce bandwidth costs, not require a developer to write an extra layer, native SSL websockets support?
What other advantages might be provided to not just a developer, but any party through providing websockets support for middleware?
The main advantage you get is simplicity and in case of HiveMQ, scalability.
Let me explain these advantages:
In case of HiveMQ, you just start the server and you are good to go. All web applications which use a MQTT library over websockets can connect to the server without even knowing that websockets as transport is used. For HiveMQ itself, it's just another MQTT client. So it doesn't matter if the clients are connected via websockets or via a classic TCP connection. I think you already mentioned the other arguments in your question. And of course last but not least the operations guys will thank you if they have one system (in your case the "Server") less to maintain.
Software like HiveMQ is very scalable and it can handle up to hundreds of thousands of concurrent connected clients. The chance is high, that the additional layer ("Server" in your case) could introduce a bottleneck. Also, things like load balancing with a HW or SW load balancer gets a lot easier if you can throw out unneeded layers. In general, your architecture of your system will get a lot of easier if you don't need these additional layers (which are not services which can be reused for other applications, like microservices are).
Last but not least it's worth noting, that HiveMQ itself is often integrated with classic middleware / ESBs. That means, people write custom plugins for integrating HiveMQ to their existing middleware. JMS or webservice calls (REST, SOAP) are often used for doing that.
Take that answer with a grain of salt, since I'm involved developing HiveMQ :-)

Real-time client-server interactivity using Websharper

I'm just learning Websharper but, in the short term, I have a business problem that I am trying to solve. I've written a server and WPF-based client that allows the user to vary inputs using controls like sliders and obtain feedback from the server in real-time (i.e. there is no "submit" button).
I'd like to convert this desktop GUI app into a web app using Websharper. How might I do the background request-response to the server triggered by the user sliding and slider and resulting in feedback visualized asynchronously in the web page?
I imagine the most obvious way is to simply make a bunch of [<Rpc>]-decorated methods for your server-side logic and then simply invoke them on any change in the UI. IIRC, Websharper handles the client-server transition transparently, i.e. if you call a server method, the necessary proxy will fire to get you the results.
As has been pointed out you may rely on RPC methods, but this might give unacceptable latency.
At IntelliFactory we are now working on a project that required asynchronous bi-directional and low-latency communication between the server and the client. We ended up using the WebSocket protocol. We are planning to document and release the code into a reusable library soon for people with similar requirements.
The prime advantage of the WebSocket protocol for our purpose was that it allowed to maintain state on the server side of the connection. Our server is a worker role running in Windows Azure. The server is selected randomly by the Azure load balancer when the WebSocket connection is established, and the client talks to the same server while the connection is open. This allows maintaining expensive to initialize per-connection state on the server.
The disadvantage of the WebSocket protocol is lack of support by older browsers. A portable low-latency alternative is SignalR that uses some form of HTTP polling to emulate the functionality on older browsers. Unfortunately we have so far failed to adapt SignalR to our requirements on Azure. It should theoretically be possible but since AFAIK SignalR follows a mostly stateless design this would require coding up a router to redirect messages and "undo" the effects of Azure load balancer.
I don't know integration points of WebSharper, but Rx has many nice concepts and functions for functional and reactive event processing like throttling (needs for slider and async network calls).

Faye vs. Socket.IO (and Juggernaut)

Socket.IO seems to be the most popular and active WebSocket emulation library. Juggernaut uses it to create a complete pub/sub system.
Faye is also popular and active, and has its own javascript library, making its complete functionality comparable to Juggernaut. Juggernaut uses node for its server, and Faye can use either node or rack. Juggernaut uses Redis for persistence (correction: it uses Redis for pub/sub), and Faye only keeps state in memory.
Is everything above accurate?
Faye says it implements Bayeux -- i think Juggernaut does not do this -- is that because Juggernaut is lower level (IE, I can implement Bayeux using Juggernaut)
Could Faye switch to using the Socket.IO browser javascript library if it wanted to? Or do their javascript libraries do fundamentally different things?
Are there any other architectural/design/philosophy differences between the projects?
Disclosure: I am the author of Faye.
Regarding Faye, everything you've said is true.
Faye implements most of Bayeux, the only thing missing right now is service channels, which I've yet to be convinced of the usefulness of. In particular Faye is designed to be compatible with the CometD reference implementation of Bayeux, which has a large bearing on the following.
Conceptually, yes: Faye could use Socket.IO. In practise, there are some barriers to this:
I've no idea what kind of server-side support Socket.IO requires, and the requirement that the Faye client (there are server-side clients in Node and Ruby, remember) be able to talk to any Bayeux server (and the Faye server to any Bayeux client) may be deal-breaker.
Bayeux has specific requirements that servers and clients support certain transport types, and says how to negotiate which one to use. It also specifies how they are used, for example how the Content-Type of an XHR request affects how its content is interpreted.
For some types of error handling I need direct access to the transport, for example resending messages when a client reconnects after a Node WebSocket dies.
Please correct me if I've got any of this wrong - this is based on a cursory scan of the Socket.IO documentation.
Faye is just pub/sub, it's just based on a slightly more complex protocol and has a lot of niceties built in:
Server- and client-side extensions
Wildcard pattern-matching on channel routes
Automatic reconnection, e.g. when WebSockets die or the server goes offline
The client works in all browsers, on phones, and server-side on Node and Ruby
Faye probably looks a lot more complex compared to Juggernaut because Juggernaut delegates more, e.g. it delegates transport negotiation to Socket.IO and message routing to Redis. These are both fine decisions, but my decision to use Bayeux means I have to do more work myself.
As for design philosophy, Faye's overriding goal is that it should work everywhere the Web is available and should be absolutely trivial to get going with. I'ts really simple to get started with but its extensibility means it can be customized in quite powerful ways, for example you can turn it into a server-to-client push service (i.e. stop arbitrary clients pushing to it) by adding authentication extensions.
There is also work underway to make it more flexible on the server side. I'm looking at adding clustering support, and making the core pub-sub engine pluggable so you could use Faye as a stateless web frontend for another pub-sub system like Redis or AMQP.
I hope this has been helpful.
AFAIK, yes, apart from the fact Juggernaut only uses Redis for Pubsub, not persistence. Also means client libraries in most languages have already been written (since it just needs a Redis adapter).
Juggernaut doesn't implement Bayeux, but rather has a very simple custom JSON protocol
I don't know, but probably
Juggernaut is very simple, and designed to be that way. Although I haven't used Faye, from the docs it looks like it has a lot more features than just PubSub. Being built on top of Socket.IO has it advantages too, Juggernaut's supported in practically every browser, both desktop and mobile.
I'll be really interested in what Faye's author has to say. As I say, I haven't used it and it would be great to know how it compares to Juggernaut. It's probably the case of using the best tool for the job. If it's pubsub you need, Juggernaut does that very well.
Faye certainly could.
Another example of a similar project on top of Socket.IO:

Which group messaging technology to use?

I feel a little bit kind of confused — for about 24 hours I have been thinking which group broadcasting technology to use in my project.
Basically, what I need is:
create groups (by some backend process)
broadcast messages by any client (1:N, N:N)
(potentially) direct messages (1:1)
(important) authenticate/authorize clients with my own backend (say, through some kind of HTTP API)
to be able to kick specific clients by backend process (or server plugin)
Here is what I will have:
Backend-related process(es) in either Ruby or Haxe
Frontend in JS+Haxe(Flash9) — in browser, so ideally communicating through 80/443, but not necessarily.
So, this technology will have to be easily accessible in Haxe for Flash and preferably Ruby.
I've been thinking about: RabbitMQ (or OpenAMQ), RabbitMQ+STOMP, ejabberd, ejabberd+BOSH, juggernaut (with a need to write a Haxe lib for it).
Any ideas/suggestions?
RabbitMQ, Haxe and as3:
RabbitMQ, Ruby and ACLs:
You might also want to look at using Nanite with RabbitMQ to manage backend groups:
You say you need:
* broadcast messages by any client (1:N, N:N)
* (potentially) direct messages (1:1)
You can easily do both using RabbitMQ. RabbitMQ supports both cases, 1:N pubsub and 1:1 messaging, with 'direct' exchanges.
The direct exchange pattern is as follows:
Any publisher (group member) sends a message to the broker with a 'routing key' such as "yurii". RabbitMQ matches this key with subscription bindings in the routing table (aka "exchange") for you. Each binding represents a subscription by a queue, expressing interest in messages with a given routing key. When the routing and binding keys match, the message is then routed to queues for subsequent consumption by clients (group members). This works for 1:N and 1:1 cases; with N:N building on 1:N.
Introduction to the routing model:
General intro:
You also require:
* (important) authenticate/authorize clients with my own backend (say, through some kind of HTTP API)
Please see the ACLs code for this (link above). There is also a HTTP interface to RabbitMQ but we have not yet combined the HTTP front end with the ACL code. That shouldn't hold oyu back though. Please come to the rabbitmq-discuss list where this topic has been talked about recently.
You also require:
* create groups (by some backend process)
* to be able to kick specific clients by backend process (or server plugin)
I suggest looking at how tools like Nanite and Workling do this. Group creation is not usually part of a messaging system, instead, in RabbitMQ, you create routing patterns using subscriptions. You can kick specific clients by sending messages to them by whichever key they have used to bind their consuming queue to the exchange.
Hope this helps!
If you are going to be doing Flash dev have you looked at SmartfoxServer? It has everything you want and has native Flash client libraries. I used in on a project to manage 10s of thousands of connected users.
Well group communication is a slightly different beast than simple messaging / queuing.
Most group communication systems are commercial but there are two (that I know of) open-source / free you can take a look at:
Spread Toolkit
Both of these might be tough to find Ruby bindings though. Spread, and probably OpenAIS, view clients as trusted so a browser based client doesn't make sense. You'd need to have your browser front-ends talk to a group client(s) on the back-end.
We've been using ActiveMQ. Our vendor who supplies our HR system is using Ruby/ActiveMQ to broadcast and receive updates.
Other open source message brokers which support the Stomp protocol are OpenMQ, which is included in GlassFish V3 and GlassFish 2.1.1 but also works standalone, and soon the JBoss message broker, HornetQ V2.1.
OpenMQ supports temporary queues which are useful for a RPC style communication, but ActiveMQ offers some interesting features in the Stomp adapter too.
