Mathematica -- How to compile BitShiftRight (or Left)? - wolfram-mathematica

I want to compile a Mathematica module because I am after speed.
testC = Compile[{{inputInt, _Integer}},
Module[{outputInt, bitShift = 5},
outputInt = BitShiftRight[inputInt, bitShift]
, CompilationTarget -> "C", RuntimeOptions -> "Speed"
, CompilationOptions -> {"ExpressionOptimization" -> True,
"InlineCompiledFunctions" -> True,
"InlineExternalDefinitions" -> True}
My real function is longer but has a very simple structure, uses lists, and only contains the following function: Total, Table, BitAnd, If. All the Compilation and Runtime options are useful (maybe) in my real function, not this one line extract.
I have set
SetSystemOptions["CompileOptions" -> "CompileReportExternal" -> True];
to make sure I can see what happens, and
gives the following result
1 argument
3 Integer registers
Underflow checking off
Overflow checking off
Integer overflow checking off
RuntimeAttributes -> {}
I0 = A1
I1 = 5
Result = I2
1 I2 = MainEvaluate[ Hold[BitShiftRight][ I0, I1]]
2 Return
As expected/feared from this thread BitShiftRight is not compilable, and this call to MainEvaluate is a serious drag on my function. I am extremely surprised that this sort of very low level, common function is not compilable while BitAnd, BitNot, BitOr, BitXor are !
Does anybody know of a (fast) workaround ? I can use a MathLink call to a C language function, but my objective is to use this function in a Manipulate[ ] and deploy it as a stand alone cdf file. And I understand that in this context I cannot use MathLink, correct ? By the way, is there some tractable workaround there ?

If you divide by 32, the compiler will likely rewrite this as a shift. You should also try dividing by 32 in Mathematica directly, making sure your data is and stays packed (Developer`ToPackedArray[]). The overhead of sending the data back and forth probably won't be worth the benefit of computing in C.


Efficiency of unfoldr versus zipWith

Over on Code Review, I answered a question about a naive Haskell fizzbuzz solution by suggesting an implementation that iterates forward, avoiding the quadratic cost of the increasing number of primes and discarding modulo division (almost) entirely. Here's the code:
fizz :: Int -> String
fizz = const "fizz"
buzz :: Int -> String
buzz = const "buzz"
fizzbuzz :: Int -> String
fizzbuzz = const "fizzbuzz"
fizzbuzzFuncs = cycle [show, show, fizz, show, buzz, fizz, show, show, fizz, buzz, show, fizz, show, show, fizzbuzz]
toFizzBuzz :: Int -> Int -> [String]
toFizzBuzz start count =
let offsetFuncs = drop (mod (start - 1) 15) fizzbuzzFuncs
in take count $ zipWith ($) offsetFuncs [start..]
As a further prompt, I suggested rewriting it using Data.List.unfoldr. The unfoldr version is an obvious, simple modification to this code so I'm not going to type it here unless people seeking to answer my question insist that is important (no spoilers for the OP over on Code Review). But I do have a question about the relative efficiency of the unfoldr solution compared to the zipWith one. While I am no longer a Haskell neophyte, I am no expert on Haskell internals.
An unfoldr solution does not require the [start..] infinite list, since it can simply unfold from start. My thoughts are
The zipWith solution does not memoize each successive element of [start..] as it is asked for. Each element is used and discarded because no reference to the head of [start..] is kept. So there is no more memory consumed there than with unfoldr.
Concerns about the performance of unfoldr and recent patches to make it always inlined are conducted at a level which I have not yet reached.
So I think the two are equivalent in memory consumption but have no idea about the relative performance. Hoping more informed Haskellers can direct me towards an understanding of this.
unfoldr seems a natural thing to use to generate sequences, even if other solutions are more expressive. I just know I need to understand more about it's actual performance. (For some reason I find foldr much easier to comprehend on that level)
Note: unfoldr's use of Maybe was the first potential performance issue that occurred to me, before I even started investigating the issue (and the only bit of the optimisation/inlining discussions that I fully understood). So I was able to stop worrying about Maybe right away (given a recent version of Haskell).
As the one responsible for the recent changes in the implementations of zipWith and unfoldr, I figured I should probably take a stab at this. I can't really compare them so easily, because they're very different functions, but I can try to explain some of their properties and the significance of the changes.
The old version of unfoldr (before base-4.8/GHC 7.10) was recursive at the top level (it called itself directly). GHC never inlines recursive functions, so unfoldr was never inlined. As a result, GHC could not see how it interacted with the function it was passed. The most troubling effect of this was that the function passed in, of type (b -> Maybe (a, b)), would actually produce Maybe (a, b) values, allocating memory to hold the Just and (,) constructors. By restructuring unfoldr as a "worker" and a "wrapper", the new code allows GHC to inline it and (in many cases) fuse it with the function passed in, so the extra constructors are stripped away by compiler optimizations.
For example, under GHC 7.10, the code
module Blob where
import Data.List
bloob :: Int -> [Int]
bloob k = unfoldr go 0 where
go n | n == k = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (n * 2, n+1)
compiled with ghc -O2 -ddump-simpl -dsuppress-all -dno-suppress-type-signatures leads to the core
$wbloob :: Int# -> [Int]
$wbloob =
\ (ww_sYv :: Int#) ->
letrec {
$wgo_sYr :: Int# -> [Int]
$wgo_sYr =
\ (ww1_sYp :: Int#) ->
case tagToEnum# (==# ww1_sYp ww_sYv) of _ {
False -> : (I# (*# ww1_sYp 2)) ($wgo_sYr (+# ww1_sYp 1));
True -> []
}; } in
$wgo_sYr 0
bloob :: Int -> [Int]
bloob =
\ (w_sYs :: Int) ->
case w_sYs of _ { I# ww1_sYv -> $wbloob ww1_sYv }
The other change to unfoldr was rewriting it to participate in "fold/build" fusion, an optimization framework used in GHC's list libraries. The idea of both "fold/build" fusion and the newer, differently balanced, "stream fusion" (used in the vector library) is that if a list is produced by a "good producer", transformed by "good transformers", and consumed by a "good consumer", then the list conses never actually need to be allocated at all. The old unfoldr was not a good producer, so if you produced a list with unfoldr and consumed it with, say, foldr, the pieces of the list would be allocated (and immediately become garbage) as computation proceeded. Now, unfoldr is a good producer, so you can write a loop using, say, unfoldr, filter, and foldr, and not (necessarily) allocate any memory at all.
For example, given the above definition of bloob, and a stern {-# INLINE bloob #-} (this stuff is a bit fragile; good producers sometimes need to be inlined explicitly to be good), the code
hooby :: Int -> Int
hooby = sum . bloob
compiles to the GHC core
$whooby :: Int# -> Int#
$whooby =
\ (ww_s1oP :: Int#) ->
letrec {
$wgo_s1oL :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#
$wgo_s1oL =
\ (ww1_s1oC :: Int#) (ww2_s1oG :: Int#) ->
case tagToEnum# (==# ww1_s1oC ww_s1oP) of _ {
False -> $wgo_s1oL (+# ww1_s1oC 1) (+# ww2_s1oG (*# ww1_s1oC 2));
True -> ww2_s1oG
}; } in
$wgo_s1oL 0 0
hooby :: Int -> Int
hooby =
\ (w_s1oM :: Int) ->
case w_s1oM of _ { I# ww1_s1oP ->
case $whooby ww1_s1oP of ww2_s1oT { __DEFAULT -> I# ww2_s1oT }
which has no lists, no Maybes, and no pairs; the only allocation it performs is the Int used to store the final result (the application of I# to ww2_s1oT). The entire computation can reasonably be expected to be performed in machine registers.
zipWith has a bit of a weird story. It fits into the fold/build framework a bit awkwardly (I believe it works quite a bit better with stream fusion). It is possible to make zipWith fuse with either its first or its second list argument, and for many years, the list library tried to make it fuse with either, if either was a good producer. Unfortunately, making it fuse with its second list argument can make a program less defined under certain circumstances. That is, a program using zipWith could work just fine when compiled without optimization, but produce an error when compiled with optimization. This is not a great situation. Therefore, as of base-4.8, zipWith no longer attempts to fuse with its second list argument. If you want it to fuse with a good producer, that good producer had better be in the first list argument.
Specifically, the reference implementation of zipWith leads to the expectation that, say, zipWith (+) [1,2,3] (1 : 2 : 3 : undefined) will give [2,4,6], because it stops as soon as it hits the end of the first list. With the previous zipWith implementation, if the second list looked like that but was produced by a good producer, and if zipWith happened to fuse with it rather than the first list, then it would go boom.

Haskell Fibonacci sequence performance depending on methodology

I was trying out different approaches to getting a number at a given index of the Fibonacci sequence and they could basically be divided into two categories:
building a list and querying an index
using variables (might be separate or tupled, without a list)
I picked an example of both:
fibs1 :: Int -> Integer
fibs1 n = fibs1' !! n
where fibs1' = 0 : scanl (+) 1 fibs1'
fib2 :: Int -> Integer
fib2 n = fib2' 1 1 n where
fib2' _ b 2 = b
fib2' a b n = fib2' b (a + b) (n - 1)
real 0m2.356s
user 0m2.310s
sys 0m0.030s
real 0m0.671s
user 0m0.667s
sys 0m0.000s
Both were compiled with 64bit GHC 7.6.1 and -O2 -fllvm. Their core dumps are very similar in length, but they differ in the parts that I'm not very proficient at interpreting.
I was not surprised that fibs1 failed for n = 350000 (Stack space overflow). However, I am not comfortable with the fact that it used that much memory.
I would like to clear some things up:
Why does the GC not take care of the beginning of the list throughout computation even though most of it quickly becomes useless?
Why does GHC not optimize the list version to a variable version since only two of its elements are required at once?
EDIT: Sorry, I mixed the speed results, fixed. Two of three of my doubts are still valid, though ;).
Why does the GC not take care of the beginning of the list throughout computation even though most of it quickly becomes useless?
fibs1 uses a lot of memory and is slow because scanl is lazy, it doesn't evaluate the list elements, so
fibs1' = 0 : scanl (+) 1 fibs1'
0 : scanl (+) 1 (0 : more)
0 : 1 : let f2 = 1+0 in scanl (+) f2 (1 : more')
0 : 1 : let f2 = 1+0 in f2 : let f3 = f2+1 in scanl (+) f3 (f2 : more'')
0 : 1 : let f2 = 1+0 in f2 : let f3 = f2+1 in f3 : let f4 = f3+f2 in scanl (+) f4 (f3 : more''')
etc. So you rather quickly get a huge nested thunk. When that thunk is evaluated, it is pushed on the stack, and at some point between 250000 and 350000, it becomes too big for the default stack.
And since each list element holds a reference to the previous while it is not evaluated, the beginning of the list cannot be garbage-collected.
If you use a strict scan,
fibs1 :: Int -> Integer
fibs1 n = fibs1' !! n
fibs1' = 0 : scanl' (+) 1 fibs1'
scanl' f a (x:xs) = let x' = f a x in x' `seq` (a : scanl' f x' xs)
scanl' _ a [] = [a]
when the k-th list cell is produced, its value is already evaluated, so doesn't refer to a previous, hence the list can be garbage collected (assuming nothing else holds a reference to it) as it is traversed.
With that implementation, the list version is about as fast and lean as fib2 (it needs to allocate list cells nevertheless, so it allocates a small bit more, and is possibly a tiny bit slower therefore, but the difference is minute, since the Fibonacci numbers become so large that the list construction overhead becomes negligible).
The idea of scanl is that its result is incrementally consumed, so that the consumption forces the elements and prevents the build-up of large thunks.
Why does GHC not optimize the list version to a variable version since only two of its elements are required at once?
Its optimiser can't see through the algorithm to determine that. scanl is opaque to the compiler, it doesn't know what scanl does.
If we take the exact source code for scanl (renaming it or hiding scanl from the Prelude, I opted for renaming),
scans :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]
scans f q ls = q : (case ls of
[] -> []
x:xs -> scans f (f q x) xs)
and compile the module exporting it (with -O2), and then look at the generated interface file with
ghc --show-iface Scan.hi
we get (for example, minor differences between compiler versions)
Magic: Wanted 33214052,
got 33214052
Version: Wanted [7, 0, 6, 1],
got [7, 0, 6, 1]
Way: Wanted [],
got []
interface main:Scan 7061
interface hash: ef57dac14815e2f1f897b42a007c0c81
ABI hash: 8cfc8dab79de6a51fcad666f1869574f
export-list hash: 57d6805e5f0b5f76f0dd8dfb228df988
orphan hash: 693e9af84d3dfcc71e640e005bdc5e2e
flag hash: 1e8135cb44ef6dd330f1f56943d1f463
used TH splices: False
module dependencies:
package dependencies: base* ghc-prim integer-gmp
orphans: base:GHC.Base base:GHC.Float base:GHC.Real
family instance modules:
import -/ base:Prelude 1cb4b618cf45281dc97748b1831bf0cd
scans :: forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]
{- Arity: 3, HasNoCafRefs, Strictness: LLL -}
vectorised variables:
vectorised tycons:
vectorised reused tycons:
scalar variables:
scalar tycons:
trusted: safe-inferred
require own pkg trusted: False
and see that the interface file doesn't expose the unfolding of the function, only its type, arity, strictness and that it doesn't refer to CAFs.
When a module importing that is compiled, all that the compiler has to go by is the information exposed by the interface file.
Here, there is no information exposed that would allow the compiler to do anything else but emit a call to the function.
If the unfolding were exposed, the compiler had a chance to inline the unfolding and analyse the code knowing the types and combination function to produce more eager code that doesn't build thunks.
The semantics of scanl, however, are maximally lazy, each element of the output is emitted before the input list is inspected. That has the consequence that GHC can't make the addition strict, since that would change the result if the list contained any undefined values:
scanl (+) 1 [undefined] = 1 : scanl (+) (1 + undefined) [] = 1 : (1 + undefined) : []
scanl' (+) 1 [undefined] = let x' = 1 + undefined in x' `seq` 1 : scanl' (+) x' []
= *** Exception: Prelude.undefined
One could make a variant
scanl'' f b (x:xs) = b `seq` b : scanl'' f (f b x) xs
that would produce 1 : *** Exception: Prelude.undefined for the above input, but any strictness would indeed change the result if the list contained undefined values, so even if the compiler knew the unfolding, it couldn't make the evaluation strict - unless it could prove that there are no undefined values in the list, a fact that is obvious to us, but not the compiler [and I don't think it would be easy to teach a compiler recognize that and be able to prove the absence of undefined values].

Complex Error Function in Mathematica

The complex error function w(z) is defined as e^(-x^2) erfc(-ix). The problem with using w(z) as defined above is that the erfc tends to explode out for larger x (complemented by the exponential going to 0 so everything stays small), so that Mathematica reverts to arbitrary precision calculations that make life VERY slow. The function is used in implementing the voigt profile - a line shape commonly used in spectroscopy and other related areas. Right now I'm reverting to calculating the lineshape once and using an interpolation to speed things up, however this doesn't let me alter the parameters of the lineshape (or fit to them) easily.
scipy has a nice and fast implementation of w(z) as scipy.special.wofz, and I was wondering if there is an equivalent in Mathematica.
The complex error function can be written in terms of the Hermite "polynomial" H_{-1}(x):
In[1]:= FullSimplify[2 HermiteH[-1,I x] == Sqrt[Pi] Exp[-x^2] Erfc[I x]]
Out[1]= True
And the evaluation does not suffer as many underflows and overflows
In[68]:= 2 HermiteH[-1, I x] /. x -> 100000.
Out[68]= 6.12323*10^-22 - 0.00001 I
In[69]:= Sqrt[Pi] E^-x^2 Erfc[I x] /. x -> 100000.
During evaluation of In[69]:= General::unfl: Underflow occurred in computation. >>
During evaluation of In[69]:= General::ovfl: Overflow occurred in computation. >>
Out[69]= Indeterminate
That said, some quick tests show that the evaluation speed of the Hermite function to be slower than that of the product of the exponential and error function...
A series expansion at infinity shows that the real and imaginary parts are of very different scales. I'd suggest computing them separately and not adding them. Below I use the first few terms of the series expansion to get the imaginary part.
w[x_?NumericQ] := {N[Exp[-SetPrecision[x, 25]^2], 20],
N[(3 /(4 Sqrt[\[Pi]] x^5) + 1/(2 Sqrt[\[Pi]] x^3) + 1/(
Sqrt[\[Pi]] x))]}
In[187]:= w[11]
Out[187]= {2.8207700884601354011*10^-53, 0.05150453151309212}
In[188]:= w[1000]
Out[188]= {3.296831478088558579*10^-434295, 0.0005641898656429712}
Not sure how badly you want that very small real part. If you can drop it that will keep the numbers in a reasonable range. In some ranges (or if higher than machine precision is desired) you may want to use more terms from the expansion on that imaginary part.
Daniel Lichtblau
Wolfram Research
The real and imaginary parts of the complex error function on the real line can be explicitly and efficiently computed in Mathematica using Dawson integral:
In[9]:= Sqrt[Pi] Exp[-x^2] Erfc[I x] ==
E^-x^2 Sqrt[\[Pi]] - 2 I DawsonF[x] // FullSimplify
Out[9]= True
This is about 4 times faster than using HermiteH[-1,z].
In[10]:= w1[x_] := E^-x^2 Sqrt[\[Pi]] - 2 I DawsonF[x]
w2[x_] := 2 HermiteH[-1, I x]
In[15]:= AbsoluteTiming[w1 /# Range[-5.0, 5.0, 0.001];]
Out[15]= {2.3272327, Null}
In[16]:= AbsoluteTiming[w2 /# Range[-5.0, 5.0, 0.001];]
Out[16]= {10.2400239, Null}
A program in language C for the complex error function (aka the Faddeeva function) that can be run from Mathematica is also available in RooFit. Read the article by Karbach et al. arXiv:1407.0748 for more information.
Just wrap the C library libcerf.

Specifics of usage and internal work of *Set* functions

I just noticed one undocumented feature of internal work of *Set* functions in Mathematica.
In[1]:= a := (Print["!"]; a =.; 5);
a[b] = 2;
During evaluation of In[1]:= !
Out[3]= {HoldPattern[a[b]] :> 2}
In[4]:= a := (Print["!"]; a =.; 5);
a[1] = 2;
During evaluation of In[4]:= !
During evaluation of In[4]:= Set::write: Tag Integer in 5[1] is Protected. >>
Out[6]= {HoldPattern[a[b]] :> 2}
What is the reason for this difference? Why a is evaluated although Set has attribute HoldFirst? For which purposes such behavior is useful?
And note also this case:
In[7]:= a := (Print["!"]; a =.; 5)
a[b] ^= 2
During evaluation of In[7]:= !
Out[8]= 2
Out[9]= {HoldPattern[5[b]] :> 2}
Out[10]= 2
As you see, we get the working definition for 5[b] avoiding Protected attribute of the tag Integer which causes error in usual cases:
In[13]:= 5[b] = 1
During evaluation of In[13]:= Set::write: Tag Integer in 5[b] is Protected. >>
Out[13]= 1
The other way to avoid this error is to use TagSet*:
In[15]:= b /: 5[b] = 1
Out[15]= 1
Out[16]= {HoldPattern[5[b]] :> 1}
Why are these features?
Regarding my question why we can write a := (a =.; 5); a[b] = 2 while cannot a := (a =.; 5); a[1] = 2. In really in Mathematica 5 we cannot write a := (a =.; 5); a[b] = 2 too:
From In[1]:= Set::write: Tag Integer in 5[b] is Protected. More...
(The above is copied from Mathematica 5.2)
We can see what happens internally in new versions of Mathematica when we evaluate a := (a =.; 5); a[b] = 2:
In[1]:= a:=(a=.;5);
Out[2]= {a[b]=2,{Set},{2},a[b]=2,{With[{JLink`Private`obj$=a},RuleCondition[$ConditionHold[$ConditionHold[JLink`CallJava`Private`setField[JLink`Private`obj$[b],2]]],Head[JLink`Private`obj$]===Symbol&&StringMatchQ[Context[JLink`Private`obj$],JLink`Objects`*]]],{With},With[{JLink`Private`obj$=a},RuleCondition[$ConditionHold[$ConditionHold[JLink`CallJava`Private`setField[JLink`Private`obj$[b],2]]],Head[JLink`Private`obj$]===Symbol&&StringMatchQ[Context[JLink`Private`obj$],JLink`Objects`*]]],{a,a=.;5,{CompoundExpression},a=.;5,{a=.,{Unset},a=.,Null},{5},5},RuleCondition[$ConditionHold[$ConditionHold[JLink`CallJava`Private`setField[5[b],2]]],Head[5]===Symbol&&StringMatchQ[Context[5],JLink`Objects`*]],{RuleCondition},{Head[5]===Symbol&&StringMatchQ[Context[5],JLink`Objects`*],{And},Head[5]===Symbol&&StringMatchQ[Context[5],JLink`Objects`*],{Head[5]===Symbol,{SameQ},{Head[5],{Head},{5},Head[5],Integer},{Symbol},Integer===Symbol,False},False},RuleCondition[$ConditionHold[$ConditionHold[JLink`CallJava`Private`setField[5[b],2]]],False],Fail},a[b]=2,{a[b],{a},{b},a[b]},2}
I was very surprised to see calls to Java in such a pure language-related operation as assigning a value to a variable. Is it reasonable to use Java for such operations at all?
Todd Gayley (Wolfram Research) has explained this behavior:
At the start, let me point out that in
Mathematica 8, J/Link no longer
overloads Set. An internal kernel
mechanism was created that, among
other things, allows J/Link to avoid
the need for special, er, "tricks"
with Set.
J/Link has overloaded Set from the
very beginning, almost twelve years
ago. This allows it support this
syntax for assigning a value to a Java
javaObject#field = value
The overloaded definition of Set
causes a slowdown in assignments of
the form
_Symbol[_Symbol] = value
Of course, assignment is a fast
operation, so the slowdown is small in
real terms. Only highly specialized
types of programs are likely to be
significantly affected.
The Set overload does not cause a
call to Java on assignments that do
not involve Java objects (this would
be very costly). This can be verified
with a simple use of TracePrint on
your a[b]=c.
It does, as you note, make a slight
change in the behavior of assignments
that match _Symbol[_Symbol] = value.
Specifically, in f[_Symbol] = value, f
gets evaluated twice. This can cause
problems for code with the following
(highly unusual) form:
f := SomeProgramWithSideEffects[]
f[x] = 42
I cannot recall ever seeing "real"
code like this, or seeing a problem
reported by a user.
This is all moot now in 8.0.
Taking the case of UpSet first, this is expected behavior. One can write:
5[b] ^= 1
The assignment is made to b not the Integer 5.
Regarding Set and SetDelayed, while these have Hold attributes, they still internally evaluate expressions. This allows things such as:
p = n : (_List | _Integer | All);
f[p] := g[n]
f[{0.1, 0.2, 0.3}]
g[{0.1, 0.2, 0.3}]
One can see that heads area also evaluated. This is useful at least for UpSet:
p2 = head : (ff | gg);
p2[x] ^:= Print["Echo ", head];
Echo ff
Echo gg
It is easy to see that it happens also with Set, but less clear to me how this would be useful:
j = k;
j[5] = 3;
(* Out= {HoldPattern[k[5]] :> 3} *)
My analysis of the first part of your question was wrong. I cannot at the moment see why a[b] = 2 is accepted and a[1] = 2 is not. Perhaps at some stage of assignment the second one appears as 5[1] = 2 and a pattern check sets off an error because there are no Symbols on the LHS.
The behavour you show appears to be a bug in 7.0.1 (and possibly earlier) that was fixed in Mathematica 8. In Mathematica 8, both of your original a[b] = 2 and a[1] = 2 examples give the Set::write ... is protected error.
The problem appears to stem from the JLink-related down-value of Set that you identified. That rule implements the JLink syntax used to assign a value to the field of a Java object, e.g. object#field = value.
Set in Mathematica 8 does not have that definition. We can forcibly re-add a similar definition, thus:
HoldPattern[sym_Symbol[arg_Symbol]=val_] :=
, setField[obj[arg], val] /; Head[obj] === Symbol && StringMatchQ[Context[obj],"Something`*"]
After installing this definition in Mathematica 8, it now exhibits the same inconsistent behaviour as in Mathematica 7.
I presume that JLink object field assignment is now accomplished through some other means. The problematic rule looks like it potentially adds costly Head and StringMatchQ tests to every evaluation of the form a[b] = .... Good riddance?

How to store punch of equations / constants to solve for any element equation or numerical value

Lets say, that problems are fairly simple - something, that pre-degree theoretical physics student would solve. And student does the hardest part of the task - functional reading: parsing linguistically free form text, to get input and output variables and input variable values.
For example: a problem about kinematic equations, where there are variables {a,d,t,va,vf} and few functions that describe, how thy are dependent of each-other. So using skills acquired in playing fitting blocks where thy fit, you play with the equations to get the output variable you where looking for.
In any case, there are exactly 2 possible outputs you might want and thy are (with working example):
1) Equation for that variable
Physics[have_, find_] := Solve[Flatten[{
d == vf * t - (a * t^2) /2, (* etc. *)
have }], find]
Physics[True, {d}]
{{d -> (1/2)*(2*t*vf - a*t^2)}}
2) Exact or general numerical value for that variable
Physics[have_, find_] := Solve[Flatten[{
d == vf * t - (a * t^2) /2, (* etc. *)
have }], find]
Physics[{t == 9.7, vf == -104.98, a == -9.8}, {d}]
I am not sure, that I am approaching the problem correctly.
I think that I would probably prefer an approach like
In[1]:= Physics[find_, have_:{}] := Solve[
{d == vf*t - (a*t^2)/2 (* , etc *)} /. have, find]
In[2]:= Physics[d]
Out[2]= {{d -> 1/2 (-a t^2 + 2 t vf)}}
In[2]:= Physics[d, {t -> 9.7, vf -> -104.98, a -> -9.8}]
Out[2]= {{d -> -557.265}}
Where the have variables are given as a list of replacement rules.
As an aside, in these types of physics problems, a nice thing to do is define your physical constants like
N[g] = -9.8;
which produces a NValues for g. Then
N[tf] = 9.7;N[vf] = -104.98;
Physics[d, {t -> tf, vf -> vf, a -> g}]
{{d->1/2 (-g tf^2+2 tf vf)}}
Let me show some advanges of Simon's approach:
You are at least approaching this problem reasonably. I see a fine general purpose function and I see you're getting results, which is what matters primarily. There is no 'correct' solution, since there might be a large range of acceptable solutions. In some scenario's some solutions may be preferred over others, for instance because of performance, while that might be the other way around in other scenarios.
The only slight problem I have with your example is the dubious parametername 'have'.
Why do you think this would be a wrong approach?
