visual studio 2010 search in specific files - visual-studio-2010

I was wondering is there a way in visual studio 2010 to search in specific set of files
for example search only in *.js or *.cs files?
thanks in advance

Yes, when you use the Find in Files command (Ctrl+Shift+F), in the Find Options section, you can specify the type(s) of files to search in:


How to make Visual Studio solution explorer search within file contents

I'm looking for the way to search all files that containing the specified key word in Visual Studio 2019 solution explorer. At least in scope of current git repo, but it would be better to check every repo at same search operation.
I saw How to make solution explorer search only file names but in my Visual Studio 2019 I can't see any combobox there, just regular editbox.
Could anybody advice?
Use the inbuilt Find features (Ctrl-F or Ctrl-Shift-F) to search for keywords in your code. You are only searching the solution explorer for files by name when you search the way you are showing in your question here.
See here for the MS docs on this feature:

how to search with filter (file extension) in 'NavigateTo' in Visual Studio 2013

I have Visual Studio 2013, I know we can do Quick Search by using Keyword CTRL + , is there any way we can filter with the file extension.
let's suppose I have a different type of files which is starting from 'dummyfiles' i want to search all dummyfiles where file extension is .cshtml
I don't believe it's possible with quick search but it is possible in general. Open the Find and Replace window (Ctrl+Shift+F) and open the "Find options" dialog and then put your target file extension in the "Look at these file types:" field.

How to find files containing two search terms in Visual Studio

In the Visual Studio I am trying to find files which contain both "readonly" and "token". Is there a way to do that? Is there anything like "readonly + token"
something like
Don't forget to check "Regular Expressions".

visual studio find in files - how to search in office documents? (e.g. docx)

we want to add docx files to our visual studio solution.
How can we achieve that visual studio "find in files" recognizes the content in office documents? (e.g. docx)
Visual studio 2013 does not search docx or doc file formats, at least it isn't able to do so.
Is there an extension that searches office file types?
Or is there a different way to add our documentation with pretty formatted text to a VS solution? We want to use versioning and "find in files" for our documentation.
Best regards
Right click the project and select "ADD" and then "Existing Item". THere, on the right side, you will find a drop down where you can select all files. That way you can get any file to the solution.

How to find a file by name in the filter tree in Visual Studio Express?

Suppose I know that a file of a certain name is in a project in Visual C++ 2010 Express. I can see it in the "Show All Files" list. Is there any way to find out where it lurks in the "filter" hierarchy, short of laboriously opening each folder and looking? (As an example of what I would wish for, in Xcode one can right-click on a file and choose "Reveal in Group Tree".)
VsCommands is an extension to Visual Studio that has a 'locate in solution' option for a file that is already open in your editor.
