How to make Visual Studio solution explorer search within file contents - visual-studio

I'm looking for the way to search all files that containing the specified key word in Visual Studio 2019 solution explorer. At least in scope of current git repo, but it would be better to check every repo at same search operation.
I saw How to make solution explorer search only file names but in my Visual Studio 2019 I can't see any combobox there, just regular editbox.
Could anybody advice?

Use the inbuilt Find features (Ctrl-F or Ctrl-Shift-F) to search for keywords in your code. You are only searching the solution explorer for files by name when you search the way you are showing in your question here.
See here for the MS docs on this feature:


Search multiple solutions in Visual Studio 2010

Is there a way to search a term in multiple solutions at the same time?
I know that Ctrl+Shift+F will search the entire current solution but I need a way to search the term in three solutions, all at once.
I am using Visual studio 2010
You cannot search in multiple solutions.
You could, however, do a directory search in the three solution's directories. Just add the directories to the "Look in" box in the "Find and Replace" tool window.
Just note that this is not the same as searching in a solution, as it will search through all files within the specified directory, not just the ones that are included in the projects of a solution.

Visual Studio Diff Tool - When is Editing Allowed?

I'm using Visual Studio 2013 and tfs 2013. Sometimes I'll make a code change and click compare with latest version. The diff tool will open and allows me to edit the file in the diff tool. However other times it will not let me edit but will read only.
Is there some setting or something I need to do for me always allow edit?
In a database project I've noticed that it never lets me edit in the diff tool. Is there some setting I need to change?
I've searched around online but haven't found any answers to this.
Thank you.
Editing in the Diff viewer is only allowed for certain file types. It doesn't support editing .sql files and there is no VS setting to allow that.
Visual Studio Diff Window: How to Edit .sql Files
Have you tried other diff tools like WinMerge or Beyond Compare?
In Visual Studio, go
Tools-->Options-->Visual Studio Team Foundation Server-->Configure User Tools,
add the extensions of the file types you would like to compare and under Command,
input the path of the diff tool (in my case it is Beyond Compare)
Other answers are correct as well but do not cover all the cases.
Visual studio will not allow you to edit file during compare if the panel you are trying to edit does not correspond directly to the file in your working directory.
You can easily tell by the address bar on top of the compare panel. If it ends with HEAD or Index - you will not be able to edit the file.

visual studio find in files - how to search in office documents? (e.g. docx)

we want to add docx files to our visual studio solution.
How can we achieve that visual studio "find in files" recognizes the content in office documents? (e.g. docx)
Visual studio 2013 does not search docx or doc file formats, at least it isn't able to do so.
Is there an extension that searches office file types?
Or is there a different way to add our documentation with pretty formatted text to a VS solution? We want to use versioning and "find in files" for our documentation.
Best regards
Right click the project and select "ADD" and then "Existing Item". THere, on the right side, you will find a drop down where you can select all files. That way you can get any file to the solution.

Searching in Visual Studio 2010 Solution Explorer is difficult when

Is there any addin or feature available to locate a project, or a file in solution explorer directly without using Ctrl+F (find) ?
We are having 1000's of project , each having N number of files inside.
Difficult to navigate using Find option.
Solution Navigator from Productivity Power Tools adds a new tool window with soultion search.

Hidding source control files within Visual Studio's solution tree

We use Visual Studio 2008 and Surround SCM for source control. SCM drops files into each directory named ".MySCMServerInfo" which are user specific data files that shouldn't be checked into source control. They are similar to the .scc files dropped by Visual Source Safe. We also have several WAPs (Web Application Projects) that we develop. All these .MySCMServerInfo files show up in the solution tree and the Pending Checkins window when they should not. There has to be some way to force VS to ignore files of a given extension because it ignores .scc files. How do I get VS to ignore .MySCMServerInfo files within a WAP?
I have new information about this issue. Setting the hidden bit on .MySCMServerInfo file causes Surround SCM to loose track of the modification state for files. It starts thinking files are out-of-date when they are not, and it always attemps to get new versions.
Instead, set this registry key if you're using Visual Studio 2008:
Set this registry key if you're using Visual Studio 2005:
These will tell Visual Studio to not display .MySCMServerInfo files within the Solution tree and the Pending Checkins view.
Using the file system hidden bit should work.
Late Answer but hopefully useful to others.
I began experiencing this problem when using Visual Studio 2015 with the new ASP.Net 5 Project templates. (I presume this is because the new templates automatically include everything in the folder rather than only showing the things that are listed in the project file).
Showing these files in the Solution explorer change be prevented by right clicking the file and selecting "Hide from Solution Explorer" but this didn't prevent SCM from including them in the Pending Check-ins Window.
The correct way to deal with this problem is:
Select the file(s) in Solution Explorer
Select the File > Source Control > Exclude from Source Control
NOTE: Right Click in the Solution Explorer DOESN'T have this option.
