SSDT hooking alternative in x64 systems - windows

I read a little bit and I find out that SSDT hooks using drivers in Windows 7 x64 systems are harder, on purpose because of Patch Guard/Driver Signing while in x32 systems that doesn't happen.
So, is there any other alternative for x64 systems? I mean, is there any other way that I could go to achieve the same result? (global hook a ntdll api)

You could implement User Mode hooks using the DLL Injection method as this works on both x86 and x64. If you want to make the hook global you will need to inject the DLL into every process including newly created ones.

SSDT is not allowed in x64.
File system or mini-filter driver is a way to alter any default system behavior.
What do you want to achieve?

It's up to what your target is. If you need to prevent malicious operation on process or thread, you can Use NotifyRoutine or ObRegisterCallbacks instead. Or you are able to use minifilter to monitor file operation.


Windows Driver - How do I determine if Windows is in the process of booting, or has already booted?

I'm trying to develop a dual purpose driver that performs certain tasks at boot time, and other unrelated tasks after Windows has already started. It's developed as a boot start driver. I understand that the proper way to do this may be to develop 2 separate drivers, but I'd prefer to only go through the WinQual process once. There's also the added benefit of performing only one driver install in my app versus two. It needs to work on Vista through Win8 x86 & 64.
So what I'm really looking for is a safe way to determine in DriverInit if the system is in the process of booting, or if it's already up and running. The driver will initially be utilized when Windows has already started, then enabled at boot time after the next reboot. The DriverInit code needs to be different for both scenarios.
Is there a registry key that is or is not present?
Can I determine if a user is logged-in in DriverInit?
Is there a call I can make that will determine if Windows is booting?
I'm not an expert at driver writing, so thanks in advance for any advice.
Technically, glagolig's answer is probably the correct way to solve this.
The solution for my particular issue was a little different. There are 2 mutually exclusive use cases were the driver is either needed as a SERVICE_DEMAND_START driver after Windows is up and running, or as a SERVICE_BOOT_START driver with boot time functionality. The situation never arises were I need the functionality of both cases at the same time in the same Windows session.
The driver is initially installed as a SERVICE_DEMAND_START driver (this is the one that is going to WinQual). It is then changed to SERVICE_BOOT_START in the registry on the new drive that will be booted. All the driver entry points (DriverEntry, AddDevice, etc) that are different for each use case read the 'Start' value in the driver's service registry key to determine how it needs to operate.
It hasn't passed yet, but I'm fairly certain that I can change the start type of the driver in the registry without affecting Window's digital signature enforcement.
At the time boot-start drivers are loaded Windows has not created any user-mode processes yet. Try to acquire a handle to some process that is supposed to be created later on during Windows startup. For example, smss.exe, csrss.exe or wininit.exe . (Processes with these names existed for many years, it is very unlikely that Microdoft abandons them in the future while still allowing existing kernel mode modules to run.) Use ZwOpenProcess with POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES pointing to one of those process' names. If the call fails you are at boot time.
Also you may study Windows startup described in "Windows Internals" by Russinovich and Solomon. Most likely you will get a number of other ideas.
I've answered a similar question elsewhere on SO. The short version is that what you're asking is not normal driver behavior, so no API exists to support this. You can add in heuristics to tell you this, but they'll remain heuristics.
You can use IoGetBootDiskInformation to check if you are loaded post or, during boot. It will return STATUS_TOO_LATE if this API is called post reboot.

Do all user mode processes started in Windows go through CreateProcess?

Is there any bottleneck above the physical the cpu and HAL? Or are there multiple ways a process could start under Windows XP, Vista, or 7, that don't invovle CreateProcess at some point?
Given the comment on your question:
Building an Anti-Executable driver, just planning, wondering if controlling createprocess would be enough.
No it wouldn't be enough if security is your concern. There is NtCreateProcess below that one for example. And those aren't the only ones.
The best way provided by the system is a file system filter driver. In fact the WDK comes with samples that require only a moderate amount of change to do what you're asking. Since you asked about XP you can use a minifilter if you can get away with support for XP SP1 and later.
PsSetLoadImageNotifyRoutine and PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine are unfortunately only notifications. So they don't allow to do anything about the event that they notify about. And you really shouldn't attempt to work around this.
In the old times I have seen some clever implementations using SSDT hooks on ZwCreateSection that would exchange the returned handle with one to an executable that shows an error message. Since the executable itself sees the original command line, it can then show a nice error message informing the user that the command has been banned for reasons xyz. However, with Vista and later and even on XP and 2003 64bit (x64), it's going to be harder to write the SSDT hooks. Not to mention that everyone would frown upon it, that it requires quite extensive experience to get it right (and even then it often has flaws that can cause havoc) and that you can forget any certifications you may be aspiring for in the Windows Logo process.
Conclusion: use a file system filter driver to deny access to unwanted executables. With a minifilter the learning curve will be moderate, with a legacy filter I'll recommend you take a few courses first and then start your first attempts.
Looking through a quick disassembly of CreateProcess, it appears that the two main things it does are:
Call NtCreateUserProcess (this is syscall 0xAA) to actually create the process structures in the kernel (PEB, etc.)
Start the new process with a call to NtResumeThread (syscall 0x4F).
The Windows Internals books certainly detail this process very well.
I'm not sure if there are designated hooks in the kernel which would allow you to create your anti-executable driver. It used to be that you could hook the "System Service Dispatch Table" to change how these system calls behaved. But now, technologies like PatchGuard prevent a driver from doing this (and allowing the system to run).

Registry Access hook to protect driver

I'm writing a driver for Windows NT that provides Ring-0 access for userspace application. I want to make a utility with exclusive rights to execute any user's commands that would be protected from any external harmful influence.
Surfing the Internet I found that it is necessary to hook some native kernel functions, such as NtOpenProcess, NtTerminateProcess, NtDublicateObject, etc. I've made a working driver which protects an application but then I realized that it would be better to prevent it also from external attempts of removing the driver or forbidding its loading during OS starting like firewall. I divided the task into two parts: to prevent physical removing of the driver from \system32\drivers\ and to prevent changing/removing registry key responsible for loading the driver (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services).
The matter is that I do not understand how to hook the access to the registry key from kernel space and even not sure that it is possible: all functions from ntdll that work with registry are in the userspace, unavailable from kernelspace. Also all API hooks that I can set from userspace would be in specific proccess's memory context. So we need to inject Dll into every proccess be it current or new.
Is there a method to hook all NT-calls in one place without injecting Dll into every proccess?
You do this in wrong way. Registry calls is also nt syscalls and reside in SSDT (as another Zw* syscalls). But hooking SSDT is bad practice. Major drawbacks - its dont working on x64 systems because of PathGuard. Right way is use documented specific filtering mechanisms of OS. For registry calls it is Configuration Manager callbacks. There are some caveats for windows xp version of this callbacks (some facilities are unimplemented or bogus) but xp is dead now =). It`s very simple to use it. You can start (and end =) ) from this guide

Risks of using KEY_WOW64_64KEY on a 32bit application

We currently have a 32bit application that requires various key/value pairs to be loaded from the registry before use.
Previously we had completed this by loading the .reg as part of the installation. Running it on 64-bit Windows the .reg components end up in the 64-bit store, but our 32-bit application looks in the 32-bit store.
I was thinking of using KEY_WOW64_64KEY to force our 32-bit application to always use the 64-bit store however this answer advises against that. Then I thought we could change the .reg file to point to the 32-bit store but the comment on this answer advises against assuming the key will always be called "Wow6432Node"
Is there any perferred way to do this (other than migrating the whole app to 64-bit)? What are risks of a 32-bit application using the 64-bit store?
As long as you don't pass the HKEY handle to non Reg* functions that expect x86==native registry I don't think there are any risks. (Filesystem redirection on the other hand is not per handle and can cause problems if a sub-function calls LoadLibrary or CoCreateInstance etc)
If using KEY_WOW64_64KEY seems like too much of a hack, why not have the (32 bit) installer write to the registry instead of using .reg files? The only downside by doing this is that if you create a x64 version of your app in the future it will not share the settings with the x86 version. (This might be a good thing or a bad thing)

Determining 64-bit vs. 32-bit Windows

I'd like to configure visual studio 2005 to copy .dll's based on whether the OS is 64-bit or 32-bit during a build.
I do not want to specify what the platform target is.
My first attempt was to use a batch file to lookup the Windows version, but some 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows share the same version number.
Anyone know of any way to check this?
You should be able to read the environment variable %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%. Here is some great information on it.
Check out isWow64, I think that shopuld give you what you are after.
Determines whether the specified process is running under WOW64.
Jon's link is a total hack because it relies upon no new processor architectures being added.
See: for the "official" batch file method.
