how to add visual c++ template to visual studio 2010 ultimate - visual-studio-2010

i recently installed visual studio 2010 ultimate with visual c#. Now i want to program in visual c++, how can i install the visual c++ template?

Start the Visual Studio installer again and change the selected set of features.

Try to search in online templates section under New->Project and then in the left side of the window.
TO restore all templates,Close all instance of Visual Studio. Open visual studio command prompt and traverse to ../Microsoftvisualstudioxxxx/common7/IDE and then type
**devenv /installvstemplates**
in command prompt. Wait for sometime until all templates are restored.


What is the difference between Visual Studio and Blend for Visual Studio?

Why did Microsoft develop Visual Studio and Blend for Visual Studio and yet Visual Studio itself is a complete tool?
Visual studio you code everything in the .xaml window in the solution, in blend it does the code for you and you just change the properties via the code or via the interface.

Is there a Visual Studio Installer Project type for Visual Studio 2019?

I am trying to build a VS 2017 solution which includes a Visual Studio Installer Project with the just released Visual Studio Pro 2019. Of course, when I tried to open the solution I got an error because there was not Visual Studio Installer project type in VS 2019. And, I cant find a place to load it from.
How do I add a Visual Studio Installer Project type in the released version of VS 2019?
Install the addin in Visual Studio 2019:
This extension provides the same functionality that currently exists
in Visual Studio 2015 for Visual Studio Installer projects. To use
this extension, you can either open the Extensions and Updates dialog,
select the online node, and search for "Visual Studio Installer
Projects Extension," or you can download directly from this page.
This extension is designed to work with Visual Studio 2017 and
Visual Studio 2019.

Visual Studio Command Prompt in Visual C# Express?

Can I use Visual Studio Command Prompt with the free Visual C# Express?
The Visual Studio Command Prompt is referenced here:
Run 'Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010)' (or 'Visual Studio x64 Win64 Command Prompt (2010)' if you are on a x64 operating system) in the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 \
Visual Studio Tools menu as administrator.
An unreferenced forum post claims it is not available in Express, and lives in \Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\vcvarsall.bat. The bat file name suggests it may just open a command prompt or PowerShell with a few environment variables, so maybe it is easy to reproduce even without the expensive Visual Studio?
I think you are talking about compiler, C# compiler, is available in few versions with Reddistributables,
refer this link fro beginner that will help you understand better, Search for compiler/redistributable package of .net framework, that will help
this will solve your question.

VS2010 not show up if SQL Server 2012 installed before

I installed them in this order:
Install SQL Server 2012 SP1 x64
Visual Studio 2010
This is the proper order that other developers recommended and as i did.
The problem is, if SQL Server 2012 installed on the system, VS2010 shortcuts are not show up.
How can I fix this?
Note: OS is Windows 8.
This is a bug.
A workaround is to navigate to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start
Menu\Programs\Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, right-click on the
shortcut called Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, and select Pin to Start.
After this, there will be two shortcuts targeting devenv (one titled
Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools and one titled Microsoft Visual Studio
As the OP stated. I too installed SQL before VS. I always do. So I was baffled when i could not find my VS2010 shortcut.
It turns out that the icon is mis-named. If you open (or check the properties) of the icon in the Visual Studio 2010 start menu folder called "Sql Server Data Tools". You may find it is actually the VS 2010 IDE.
Workaround provided by
Edit the shortcut start target. For instance. I made mine not display the splash page.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" /nosplash
Then repin it to the start menu (right click).
Installing Visual Studio 2010 SP1 seems to fix this as well, its available to download from here If you run devenv.exe it should prompt you to do this also.

Where can I find the "Visual Studio Package" Template for Visual Studio project?

I'm trying to create a plugin (tool window) for Visual Studio 2010, and am following the directives inn MSDN -
In step #3:
3. In the Templates pane click Visual Studio Package.
However, in my visual studio I don't see that template (i only see Visual Studio Add In)
Why is it missing? Where can I find it?
I believe your VS 2010 SDK is not installed (or it is broken and requires re-installing).
As soon as the SDK is installed, the templates will appear in [ProgramFiles]\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\ProjectTemplates\ and will be ready to use.
See this page for more details.
Have you tried running Visual Studio 2010 with the following switches?
- devenv /resetskippkgs
- devenv /setup
- devenv /resetttings
- devenv /installvstemplates
