Visual Studio Command Prompt in Visual C# Express? - visual-studio

Can I use Visual Studio Command Prompt with the free Visual C# Express?
The Visual Studio Command Prompt is referenced here:
Run 'Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010)' (or 'Visual Studio x64 Win64 Command Prompt (2010)' if you are on a x64 operating system) in the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 \
Visual Studio Tools menu as administrator.
An unreferenced forum post claims it is not available in Express, and lives in \Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\vcvarsall.bat. The bat file name suggests it may just open a command prompt or PowerShell with a few environment variables, so maybe it is easy to reproduce even without the expensive Visual Studio?

I think you are talking about compiler, C# compiler, is available in few versions with Reddistributables,
refer this link fro beginner that will help you understand better, Search for compiler/redistributable package of .net framework, that will help
this will solve your question.


Visual Studio 2019 CE Powershell Projects

I use VSCode to create powershell programs...
but I found the debugging capabilities a bit crude...
Recently with PS5/OOP I started to translate a lot of scripts .cmd/.sh/... to Powershell...
also translated some executables to .ps1 scripts with great success... granularity and code libraries are now much easier to manage...
Still I miss the VS2019 IDE facilities for variables/stack/classes and mainly the DEBUGGER quality...
?does anybody knows if I can use VS2019 Community Edition to edit and debug Powershell... better: did VS2019 support Powershell projects... or is this feature planned for a future release???
Visual Studio 2019 CE doesn't have default Powershell tools, it means you can't create powershell projects. You need to install "PowerShell tools for Visual Studio" from "Visual Studio Marketplace".
Goto Visual Studio => Extension
Search for "Powershell"
Install "Powershell Tools for Visual Studio"
Restart Visual studio
Next time when you open Visual studio 2019 CE, you can able to create either "Powershell Module project" or "Powershell Script project"

can't find developers command prompt for visual studio 2013 Windows Server 2012

I am trying to use the Visual Studio Developers Command prompt, but I can't find it. I have Visual Studio 2013 and Windows Server 2012. I have tried searching for 'Developer command prompt' and various shorter versions of that. The only search that gives me something is when I search 'VS2012 command prompt' which gives me the following:
- VS2012 ARM Cross Tools command prompt
- VS 2012 x86 Native Tools Command prompt
- VS 2012 x64 Native Tools Command prompt
I don't think those are what I'm looking for. I have Visual Studio so I should have it installed. How can I find it?
For VS 2013, all the Developer Command Prompts are in a "Visual Studio Tools" subfolder in the start menu created by VS 2013. Typically you'll find them in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\Shortcuts. For whatever reason, those don't show up in desktop search.
For VS 2015, they put them back where desktop search can find them.

Visual studio 2008 Shell be installed in a terminal which is already having Visual Studio 2010 Shell

Can Visual studio 2008 Shell be installed in a terminal which is already having Visual Studio 2010 Shell.VS 2010 Shell is essential to the Project. So I want VS 2008 in my terminal, without disturbing the existing VS 2010)
Question 1: If so, what do we exactly need to get it installed in my terminal.
Sorry the question might sound stupid, but I am a Java developer and I have no idea of Visual studio. Thanks in advance for your help.
Question 2: Also what does it mean by Visual Studio 2010 Shell Version? What does Shell means
If by "terminal", you mean a PC running Windows, then yes, you can have two different versions of Visual Studio installed simultaneously. I'm assuming you have the requisite licences from Microsoft. Just run the install from the downloaded executable or the installation CD as usual.

Is the "xsd" command not supported in Visual Studio 2012 command window?

I've read that it is possible to run xsd commands right in visual studio (2010). I have VS 2012 on my machine and when I run
xsd XMLFile.xml
I get
Command "xsd" is not valid.
So, is the "xsd" command not supposted in VS 2012 and is there any other way to execute "xsd" in VS 2012?
xsd.exe is available from the 'Developer Command Prompt for VS2012, not the command window that is part of the VS2012 IDE.
The 'Developer Command Prompt for VS2012' itself can be started from Start Menu -> All Programs -> Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 -> Visual Studio Tools -> Visual Studio Command Prompt For VS2012
Under Visual Studio 2012, there is a feature called Past Special
which generate the class from an xml file.
See here: Paste XML or JSON as classes in Visual Studio.
Note that this feature requires at least .NET 4.5.
How to bring up the Visual Studio Command Prompt:
They say a picture is worth a thousand words (Works for Visual Studio 2017 - Community Edition / Windows 10):
Bring up the Visual Studio Command prompt.
Now run the XSD command against the relevant XML file.
It's as easy as that!

how to add visual c++ template to visual studio 2010 ultimate

i recently installed visual studio 2010 ultimate with visual c#. Now i want to program in visual c++, how can i install the visual c++ template?
Start the Visual Studio installer again and change the selected set of features.
Try to search in online templates section under New->Project and then in the left side of the window.
TO restore all templates,Close all instance of Visual Studio. Open visual studio command prompt and traverse to ../Microsoftvisualstudioxxxx/common7/IDE and then type
**devenv /installvstemplates**
in command prompt. Wait for sometime until all templates are restored.
