Is it right to host my application in windows azure? - windows

Friends. I am new to windows azure concept. Just i want to knw whether we can host my application developed in visual studio 2010 with sql server 2008 or i need to develop my application in windows azure environment?
ii). Whether they provide both hosting and storage?
if it so what are the steps to implement it as a beginner?
Please can any one suggest a clear idea about it.

This is a pretty generic question. To get started, I strongly suggest downloading the Windows Azure Training Kit which will guide you through all the basics through advanced topics.
You can absolutely run apps and SQL Server apps in Windows Azure. You'll need to think about things like statelessness, scaling, and other things that might be different from an on-premises solution. You should see these topics discussed in the training kit.
Last week, Windows Azure Web Sites was introduced - this is an extremely simple way to deploy an site to Windows Azure.
As far as "is it right to host my application in windows Azure" - that type of question doesn't fit here, as it will simply open the floor for debate.


Should I use a windows service?

Hi I have a console app which I need to start up when Windows Server 2012 starts and without needing to login. I've done a bit of research and people advise a windows service is the correct approach, however the links are quite old and I wanted to confirm this is still the case, or indeed correct at all. Cheers.
Yes, Windows Service is still the most popular way to write and run servers and or a 'daemon' in Windows OS.
Depending on what your application is doing, you might have other options though, e.g. hosting an application in IIS (Microsoft's Web server application in Windows Server).
More recently, Microsoft has been working with Docker to also allow the use of containerized application deployments, which is available in new versions of Windows Server (Windows Server 2016).
Here are a few resources for more reading:
For .NET developers: Walkthrough: Creating a Windows Service Application in the Component Designer
Not just for .NET developers: Quick Start: Windows Containers on Windows Server

devops workflow for C# windows desktop based apps

What are the steps to implement DevOPs for a C# windows desktop based application.
What are the tools should be used to automate the manual process like testing, code review, code analysis, performance, build & release, deployment and change requests deployment
That is a very general question. It relies on specific needs, budget considerations, technologies, company size, and more.
You can try all sort of free offering out there, just to experiment. Since you're working on Windows with C#, so you're already have strong connection to Microsoft, I would say check out Visual Studio Team Services, it's a cloud-based ALM/DevOps tool, free for up to 5-users team.

What's the best workflow for an Azure virtual machine (Windows)?

I'm developing a Socket.IO application with a MongoDB database. For various reasons I am developing the application to run on a Windows virtual machine within Azure. Setting everything up was fairly painless and I now have a basic application within the cloud. However, I am unable to find a comfortable workflow. I want to be able to push changes to the virtual machine (as if I was on *nix system using git) and I'm not sure how best to do this.
So you can use Visual Studio to develop along with Github for Windows.
For something familiar to Linux, you may want to try Cloud9 IDE, which is an IDE in a browser that also makes it easy to connect to your github or bitbucket accounts. It actually supports the basic git commands along with some basic debugging.
The Cloud9 IDE is not quite as advanced as Visual Studio. But it's very focused for node.js and I have been enjoying it quite a bit for my personal projects.

How to set up Windows Web Server 2008 R2 for MVC Applications

What I am looking for and seem unable to find, it's late and I'm tired, is a step by step guide on how to set up windows 2008 server to run mvc applications.
I am a web applications developer, amongst other things, and can do that bit fine. Normally I let someone else, like the hosting company, worry about the setup and just publish using 1-Click with web deploy or ftp.
However, for this projects I have a local Windows Web Server 2008 R2 installed but I don't know how to set it up to run the application. the deploy works, all the files arrive in the correct folder on the server, but can I get it to work?
Hence the question.
For your information the app is built using Sharp Architecture, MVC3 and Razor and targeted at .NET 4 which is installed on both my development PC and the server.
Any suggestions?
Best thing would be to download Windows Web Platform installer and select the options you want, for example, .NET 4, MVC3 etc etc ...
Then, remember to enable ASP.NET in your IIS (under Roles or something...).

Is it a good idea to develop a SharePoint 2010 solution under Win 7?

SharePoint 2010 is supported on Win 7 x64, but is it really a good idea to develop under this kind of standalone environment, when the developed solution is expected to be deployed on a Win 2K8 R2 farm?
Officially it is not supported on Windows 7 but it's allowed / ok for development purposes (which is already a good candidate to say officially "no")
The biggest reasons why I usually say no to that kind of environment if one asks for my opinions :
can only be installed as “stand alone”, which is the worst kind of installation (completely automated but also completely unrealistic). No SharePoint expert will ever suggest a standalone installation on production. Why the hell should we develop on a “stand alone mode” single server farm that is completely unrelated to the target environment ?
cannot know if it’s environment related when something is / seems broken (eg : taxonomy service provisioning, broken due to environment or code issue ? -> no time to do Windows 7 + SharePoint 2010 cohabitation issues debugging on corporate projects
when Arpan Shah, Director of SharePoint tools & technlogie says that there are limitations, I guess he knows them better than anyone else : Since theses limitations have not been fully listed (outside of the user profile service), I better not waste my time wondering if the issue I am facing is related to a limitation / environment gotcha.
The reason why I say "might be ok"
Prototyping / Client OM development / Middle Tier developments / not so complex solution developments are the kind of configuration / development on which a Windows 7 installation might be pretty handy.
I'm developing for SharePoint 2010 on a Windows 7 box for about 10 months. I have not encountered any issues by now.
The only issue I know of is that the "User Profile Service" is not supported under Windows 7.
There is an official installation guide by Microsoft:
Setting Up the Development Environment for SharePoint 2010 on Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008
What kind of issues do you expect?
Substitute ASP.NET for SharePoint 2010 and ask the question:
[ASP.NET] is supported on Win 7 x64, but is it really a good idea to develop under this kind of standalone environment, when the developed solution is expected to be deployed on a Win 2K8 R2 farm?
I can't imagine anyone answering "no" when the question is phrased that way. It is the same with SharePoint (after all, SharePoint is just a framework library built on top of ASP.NET).
A SharePoint solution package contains different types of files: XML files, ASPX pages, DLLs, images, CSS files, etc. Other than the DLLs, these files are text and binary files that are portable to any Windows environment. And just like the DLLs compiled in a ASP.NET project, the DLLs from your SharePoint project will work perfectly fine on the server even when compiled on Windows 7.
