How does adding a random number to the end of an AJAX server request prevent caching? - ajax

How exactly does adding a random number to the end of an AJAX server call prevent the database server or browser (not entirely sure which one is intended) from caching? why does this work?

It is intended to prevent client-side (or reverse proxy) caching.
Since the cache will be keyed on the exact request, by adding a random element to the request, the exact request URL should never be seen twice; so it won't be used more than once, and an intelligent cache won't bother keeping around something that's never been seen more than once, at least, not for long.

It's to prevent your browser (and to a reasonable amount, a web proxy) from caching requests. Typically, a query parameter - like ?rand2024= tells the browser/proxy to send the onward request with a parameter telling your application to behave differently. That's why such requests are useful to bust caches.

Your browser caches the web page keyed by the exact text of the URL, so adding a random-number parameter ensures that the URL is different every time - thus no real caching. Your browser doesn't know that the server is (hopefully) ignoring this parameter.


REST API for main page - one JSON or many?

I'm providing RESTful API to my (JS) client from (Java Spring) server.
Main site page contains a number of logical blocks (news, last comments, some trending stuff), each of them has a corresponding entity on server. Which way is a right one to go, handle one request like
/api/main_page/ ->
news: {...}
comments: {...}
or let the client do a few requests like
I know in general it's better to have one large request/response, but is this an answer to this situation as well?
Ideally, you should have different API calls for fetching individual configurable content blocks of the page from the same API.
This way your content blocks are loosely bounded to each other.
can extend, port(to a new framework) and modify them independently at
anytime you want.
This comes extremely useful when application grows.
Switching off a feature is fairly easy in this
A/B testing is also easy in this case.
Writing automation is
also very easy.
Overall it helps in reducing the testing efforts.
But if you really want to fetch this in one call. Then you should add additional params in request and when the server sees that additional param it adds the additional independent JSON in the response by calling it's own method from BL layer.
And, if speed is your concern then try caching these calls on server for some time(depends on the type of application).
I think in general multiple requests can be justified, when the requested resources reflect parts of the system state. (my personal rule of thumb, still WIP).
i.e. if a news gets displayed in your client application a lot, I would request it once and reuse it wherever I can. If you aggregate here, you would need to request for it later, maybe some of them never get actually displayed, and you have some magic to do if the representation of a news differs in the aggregation and /news/{id}-resource.
This approach would increase communication if the page gets loaded for the first time, but decrease communication throughout your client application the longer it runs.
The state on the server gets copied request by request to your client or updated when needed (Etags, last-modified, etc.).
In your example it looks like /news and /comments are some sort of latest or since last visit, but not all.
If this is true, I would design them to be a resurce as well, like /comments/latest or similar.
But in any case I would them only have self-links to the /news/{id} or /comments/{id} respectively. Then you would have a request to /comments/latest, what results in a list of news-self-links, for what I would start a request only if I don't already have that news (maybe I want to check if the cached copy is still up to date).
It is also possible to trigger the request to a /news/{id} only if it gets actually displayed (scrolling, swiping).
Probably the lifespan of a news or a comment is a criterion to answer this question. Meaning the caching in the client it is not that vital to the system, in opposite of a book in an Book store app.

Incremental updates using browser cache

The client (an AngularJS application) gets rather big lists from the server. The lists may have hundreds or thousands of elements, which can mean a few megabytes uncompressed (and some users (admins) get much more data).
I'm not planning to let the client get partial results as sorting and filtering should not bother the server.
Compression works fine (factor of about 10) and as the lists don't change often, 304 NOT MODIFIED helps a lot, too. But another important optimization is missing:
As a typical change of the lists are rather small (e.g., modifying two elements and adding a new one), transferring the changes only sounds like a good idea. I wonder how to do it properly.
Something like GET /offer/123/items should always return all the items in the offer number 123, right? Compression and 304 can be used here, but no incremental update. A request like GET /offer/123/items?since=1495765733 sounds like the way to go, but then browser caching does not get used:
either nothing has changed and the answer is empty (and caching it makes no sense)
or something has changed, the client updates its state and does never ask for changes since 1495765733 anymore (and caching it makes even less sense)
Obviously, when using the "since" query, nothing will be cached for the "resource" (the original query gets used just once or not at all).
So I can't rely on the browser cache and I can only use localStorage or sessionStorage, which have a few downsides:
it's limited to a few megabytes (the browser HTTP cache may be much bigger and gets handled automatically)
I have to implement some replacement strategy when I hit the limit
the browser cache stores already compressed data which I don't get (I'd have to re-compress them)
it doesn't work for the users (admins) getting bigger lists as even a single list may already be over limit
it gets emptied on logout (a customer's requirement)
Given that there's HTML 5 and HTTP 2.0, that's pretty unsatisfactory. What am I missing?
Is it possible to use the browser HTTP cache together with incremental updates?
I think there is one thing you are missing: in short, headers. What I'm thinking you could do and that would match (most) of your requirements, would be to:
First GET /offer/123/items is done normally, nothing special.
Subsequents GET /offer/123/items will be sent with a Fetched-At: 1495765733 header, indicating your server when the initial request has been sent.
From this point on, two scenarios are possible.
Either there is no change, and you can send the 304.
If there is a change however, return the new items since the time stamp previously sent has headers, but set a Cache-Control: no-cache from your response.
This leaves you to the point where you can have incremental updates, with caching of the initial megabytes-sized elements.
There is still one drawback though, that the caching is only done once, it won't cache updates. You said that your lists are not updated often so it might already work for you, but if you really want to push this further, I could think of one more thing.
Upon receiving an incremental update, you could trigger in the background another request without the Fetched-At header that won't be used at all by your application, but will just be there to update your http cache. It should not be as bad as it sounds performance-wise since your framework won't update its data with the new one (and potentially trigger re-renders), the only notable drawback would be in term of network and memory consumption. On mobile it might be problematic, but it doesn't sounds like an app intended to be displayed on them anyway.
I absolutely don't know your use-case and will just throw that out there, but are you really sure that doing some sort of pagination won't work? Megabytes of data sounds a lot to display and process for normal humans ;)
I would ditch the request/response cycle entirely and move to a push model.
Specifically, WebSockets.
This is the standard technology used on financial trading websites serving tables of real-time ticker data. Here is one such production application demonstrating the power of WebSockets:
WebSocket applications have two types of state: global and user. The above link will show three tables of global data. When you're logged in, two aditional tables of user data are displayed at the bottom.
This is not HTTP; you won't be able to just slap this into a Java Servlet. You'll need to run a separate process on your server which communicates over TCP. The good news is, there are mature solutions readily available. A Java-based solution with a very decent free licensing option, which includes both client and server APIs (and does integrate with Angular2) is Lightstreamer. They have a well-organized demo page too. There are also adapters available to integrate with your data sources.
You may be hesitant to ditch your existing servlet approach, but this will be less headaches in the long run, and scales marvelously. HTTP polling, even with well-designed header-only requests, do not scale well with large lists which update frequently.
---------- EDIT ----------
Since the list updates are infrequent, WebSockets are probably overkill. Based on the further details provided by comments on this answer, I would recommend a DOM-based, AJAX-updated sorter and filterer such as DataTables, which has some built-in options for caching. In order to reuse client data across sessions, ajax requests in the previous link should be modified to save the current data in the table to localStorage after every ajax request, and when the client starts a new session, populate the table with this data. This will allow the plugin to manage the filtering, sorting, caching and browser-based persistence.
I'm thinking about something similar to Aperçu's idea, but using two requests. The idea is yet incomplete, so bear with me...
The client asks for GET /offer/123/items, possibly with the ETag and Fetched-At headers.
The server answers with
200 and a full list if either header is missing, or when there are too many changes since the Fetched-At timestamp
304 if nothing has changed since then
304 and a special Fetch-More header telling the client that more data is to be fetched otherwise
The last case is violating how HTTP should work, but AFAIK it's the only way letting the browser cache everything what I want it to cache. Since the whole communication is encrypted, proxies can't punish me for violating the spec.
The client reacts to Fetch-Errata by requesting GET /offer/123/items/errata. This way, the resource has got split into two requests. The split is ugly, but an angular $http interceptor can hide the ugliness from the application.
The second request is cacheable, too, and there can be also a Fetched-At header. The details are unclear, but some strong handwavium makes me believe that it can work. Actually, the errata could itself be inaccurate but still useful and get an errata itself.... etc.
With HTTP/1.1, more requests may mean more latency, but having a couple of them should still be profitable because of the saved bandwidth. The server can decide when to stop.
With HTTP/2, multiple requests could be send at once. The server could be make to handle them efficiently as it knows that they belong together. Some more handwavium...
I find the idea strange, but interesting and I'm looking forward to comments. Feel free to downvote me, but please leave an explanation.

Why does adding an arbitrary GET variable speeds up a long-time-taking request?

Sometimes, I request a page and it takes too long to receive a response for the request and then load the page (sometimes the request times out and I never get a response).
However, if I open a new tab, copy the exact URL, and then append it with an arbitrary GET variable (with an arbitrary value), the request gets a response very fast (as the normal state is) and the page then loads, although the request wasn't getting a response without that arbitrary GET variable.
For a fake example, if I request:
It might take a long time just loading, not receiving any response yet, but if I just open a new tab (at the same time), and request:
It loads like magic!
Why is that happening to me? what could be the reason along the road between my browser and the page's server? does that have any relevance to ISP servers caching?
Any explanation is much, much appreciated, as I really am eager to know the reason!
P.S: I'm in Syria (where anything crazy is possible in Internet network), and this doesn't happen only to me, but to all people I know.
Note that it happens even if a URL has a GET variable already, for a real example I have a blog, and sometimes requesting this page (I changed the domain):
Takes too long time (and sometimes it times out), but if I open a new tab and request:
It loads fast (as normal).
It's likely that there is a caching proxy and/or firewall between you and the rest of the internet. There is probably a rule in the proxy that says URLs with GET parameters can pass through since they are likely to return unique content, but URL's without parameters must be fetched through a cache. The cache is likely overloaded or broken.
You probably have a proxy that needs to do some lengthy process (content check, DNS lookup, etc) once per domain.
When you open the second tab, that length process would have already started (for the first tab), so it wouldn't take as long.
If this is the case, opening the first tab with a querystring and the second tab without would still result in the second tab loading faster.
1-form a web developer perspective :
to get more details about what is taking this time , i could the network tab of my best friend (firebug )
as you may see above , i can see how much time spent on each step on the page .
2-even though i think this question should be moved to to get answers form networks geeks

GET vs. POST ajax requests: When and how to use either?

What are the strengths of GET over POST and vice versa when creating an ajax request? How do I know which I should use at any given time? Is it a security-minded decision?
Also, what is the difference in how they are actually sent?
GETs should be used for idempotent operations, that is operations that can be safely repeated more than once without changing anything. Browsers will cache GET requests (for normal and AJAX requests)
POSTs should be generally be used for non-idenpotent operations, like saving something. Although you can use them for other operations if you want.
Data for GETs is sent over the URL query string. Data for POSTs is sent separately. Some browsers have a maximum URL length (I think Internet Explorer is 2048 characters), and if the query string becomes too long you'll get an error.
You should use GET and POST requests in AJAX calls just as you would use GET and POST requests in normal calls. Basic rule of thumb:
Will the request modify anything in your Model?
YES: The request will modify (add/update/delete) data from your data store,
or in some other way change the state of the server (cause creation of
a file, for example). Use POST.
NO: The request will not affect the state of anything (database, file system,
sessions, ...) on the server, but merely retrieve information. Use GET.
POST requests are requests that you do not want to accidentally happen. GET requests are requests you are OK with happening by a user pointing a browser to via a URL.
GET requests can be repeated quite simply since their data is based in the URL itself.
You should think about AJAX requests like you think about regular form requests (and their GET and POST)
The Yahoo! Mail team found that when using XMLHttpRequest, POST is implemented in the browsers as a two-step process: sending the headers first, then sending data. So it's best to use GET, which only takes one TCP packet to send (unless you have a lot of cookies). The maximum URL length in IE is 2K, so if you send more than 2K data you might not be able to use GET.

What are the advantages of using a GET request over a POST request?

Several of my ajax applications in the past have used GET request but now I'm starting to use POST request instead. POST requests seem to be slightly more secure and definitely more url friendly/pretty. Thus, i'm wondering if there is any reason why I should use GET request at all.
I generally set up the question as thus: Does anything important change after the request? (Logging and the like notwithstanding). If it does, it should be a POST request, if it doesn't, it should be a GET request.
I'm glad that you call POST requests "slightly" more secure, because that's pretty much what they are; it's trivial to fake a POST request by a user to a page. Making it a POST request, however, prevents web accelerators or reloads from re-triggering the action accidentally.
As AJAX, there is one more consideration: if you are returning JSON with callback support, be very careful not to put any sensitive data that you don't want other websites to be able to see in there. Wikipedia had a vulnerability along these lines where the user anti-CSRF token was revealed via their JSON API.
All good points, however, in answer to the question, GET requests are more useful in certain scenarios over POST requests:
They can be bookmarked
They can be cached
They're faster
They have known consequences (assuming they don't change data), so visiting them multiple
times is not a problem.
For the sake of posterity, updating this comment with the blog notes re: point #3 here, all credit to Omar AL Zabir (the author of the referenced blog post):
"Atlas by default makes HTTP POST for all AJAX calls. Http POST is
more expensive than Http GET. It transmits more bytes over the wire,
thus taking precious network time and it also makes ASP.NET do extra
processing on the server end. So, you should use Http Get as much as
possible. However, Http Get does not allow you to pass objects as
parameters. You can pass numeric, string and date only. When you make
a Http Get call, Atlas builds an encoded url and makes a hit to that
url. So, you must not pass too much content which makes the url become
larger than 2048 chars. As far as I know, that’s what is the max
length of any url.
Another evil thing about http post is, it’s actually 2 calls. First
browser sends the http post headers and server replies with “HTTP 100
Continue”. When browser receives this, it sends the actual body."
You should use GET where you're doing a request which has no side effects, e.g. just fetching some info. This request can:
Be repeated without any problem - if the browser detects an error it can silently retry
Have its result cached by the browser
Be cached by a proxy
These things are all good. Anything which is only retrieving data (particularly public data) should really be a GET. The server should send sensible Last-Modified: and Expires: headers to allow caching if required.
There is one other difference not mentioned by anyone.
GET requests are passed in the URL string and are therefore subject to a length limit usually dependent on the browser. It seems that most are around 2000 chars.
POST requests can be much much larger - in fact not limited really. So if you're needing to request data from a web server and you're passing in lots of parameter information then a POST request might be the only option.
So, as mentioned before really a GET request is for requesting data (no side effects) while a POST request is generally used for transmitting data back to the server to be stored (with side effects). e.g. Use POST to upload a file. GET to retrieve a file.
There was a time when IE I believe had a very short GET URL string. Some applications like Lotus notes use large numbers of random characters to represent document id's. I had the displeasure of using another product that generated random strings so the page URL was unique each time. The random string was HUGE... and it didn't always work with IE6 from memory.
This might help you to decide where to use GET and where to use POST:
URIs, Addressability, and the use of HTTP GET and POST.
POST requests are just as insecure as GETs. The main difference is that POST is used to modify the state of the server application, while GET only requests data from it.
The difference matters when you use clean, "restful" URLs, where the URL itself specifies the resource, and the different methods trigger different actions on the server side.
Perhaps most importantly, GET is book-markable / viewable in url history, and searchable with Google.
POST is important where you don't want the event to be bookmarkable or able to be typed in as a URL - otherwise you (or Google crawling your URLS) could end up accidentally doing things like deleting users from your system, for example.
In GET method, values are visible in the URL
In POST method, values are not visible in the URL.
GET has a limitation on the length of the values, generally 255 characters.
POST has no limitation on the length of the values since they are submitted via the body of HTTP.
GET performs are better compared to POST because of the simple nature of appending the values in the URL.
It has lower performance as compared to GET method because of time spent in including POST values in the HTTP body
This method supports only string data types.
This method supports different data types, such as string, numeric, binary, etc.
GET results can be bookmarked.
POST results cannot be bookmarked.
GET request is often cacheable.
The POST request is hardly cacheable.
GET Parameters remain in web browser history.
Parameters are not saved in web browser history.
Source and more in depth analysis:
