Restore a Redis To Go DB on Heroku - heroku

Has anyone been able to restore a Redis DB on Heroku? They have instructions for regular accounts, but the "Edit" option is not available through the Heroku dashboard.

I beleive we worked on this through the Redis To Go support site I will still answer for others. This feature is only for Direct accounts, Redis To Go is working on releasing the same options for heroku add-on accounts, but for now switching to a direct account is fastest. If you are hooked on heroku, making a support request to have your back-up uploaded by the support staff is also an option for you!


Using Parse after Installing Parse Server

If I follow the directions and install the Parse server via Heroku and MongoDB, will I then be able to continue to use Parse commands in my code for current and new apps?
That is, will following these instructions allow me to continue using Parse for in-app purchases, data storage, and push notifications, or will I still have to learn the ins and outs of a different backend service?
After you set up the Parse Server via Heroku and MongoDB, you will be able to use most of your current code, with some slight modifications. In your client apps, you will have to point to the new server location in the Parse initialization.
As of right now, Parse server does not support in-app purchase verification, as far as I know. Right now it supports:
CRUD operations
Schema validation
Users, including Facebook login and anonymous users
Push Notifications
Class-level Permissions
More information is available at the Official GitHub for Parse-Server including setup instructions and a quick setup button for Heroku

Same add-on for multiple Heroku apps

What are the best practices with Heroku add-ons? I manage multiple Heroku apps. I want them to share a common add-on. how to do that?
For example, first I signed up for Mandrill on their website. When I added Mandrill add-on on Heroku, they created a new Mandril account for me. I wanted to merge them but Mandril support said that they can't merge accounts!
Another example, I added Logentries add-on to one Heroku app. A Logentries account was created. Then I added another Logentries add-on to another Heroku app, then another Logentries account was created.
It's getting messy. Am I doing it right? How to make several Heroku apps share one add-on account?
Sharing add-ons between apps is possible.
Once the add-on is added to one of the apps, an environment variable will be created containing the account information. You can copy the variable to other apps and they will start sharing the same 3rd party resource.
The add-on will remain listed only under the first app, where it was initially added, but this will not prevent the other apps to use it.
In the general case it isn't possible to share add-ons between Heroku apps. However with some specific add-ons this is possible, depending on the add-on.
For example with Logentries you can have one Logentries account and then configure each Heroku app to send its logs to Logentries via a syslog drain. (See the "Alternatively: Point your syslog drain to Logentries" section)
To set up syslog drain, you have to create a new log in Logentries UI
with the source type “Syslog TCP, UDP” (select Hosts, then click on a
button in right top corner). Logentries will assign you a port number
PORT and set the log in discovery mode to match your log with source.
Then, let Heroku know where to send you log entries. Add a Heroku
syslog drain and point it at
heroku drains:add syslog://
Yes, you're doing it right. Each Heroku app is a separate instance and will get its own add-ons. There is no way to share add-ons across multiple Heroku apps, as far as I know.

how to use the memcache add-on in heroku cedar?

I am in the process of (finally) migrating a small heroku app from the bamboo stack to cedar, following the migration guide.
All works well, except I am unable to reinstate the heroku memcache add-on.
Apparently this has been abandoned, or removed, but I cannot find any information about it, is my only option to switch to a different memcache-y add-on? Why did heroku discontinue this add-on?
the day after I submitted this question, heroku notified me and a bunch of other people:
In the mail, they themselves suggest switching to memcachier, so that's about it.

How can we change ownership of a Heroku add-on

Is it possible to change ownership of a Heroku add-on? If so, how can we do that? In fact, I want to move an add-on from one Heroku account to another.
Let me elaborate my scenario a bit more to be clear.
I created an add-on with my test provider acount. Is there any way that I can delete the add-on from my test account and create the add-on with the same name with my official provider account? As a matter of fact, there is nothing about deleting the add-on or moving it under a different account in the Provider's documentation.
A Google search lead me to this support page, which says
This currently depends on whether or not the app has any paid resources associated with it.
For an app with no paid resources, you can use "heroku sharing:transfer" from the command line to transfer the app to a new owner.
For an app with paid resources, you have two options.
1) Remove all paid resources, transfer the app like a free app, then have the new owner re-add the paid resources.
2) Both the old and new owners should file a support tickets at authorizing the transfer and with the new owner accepting charges for the app.
Also check out the Transferring apps and Collaborating with Others articles on Heroku's Dev Centre.
Since you're talking about ownership of add-ons as an add-on provider and not just ownership of your heroku app, I would say you should probably contact the heroku add-on support team via email. See this page here for an email address. Hopefully as an add-on provider if you submit a help ticket they'll be able to help you as well.

With Heroku's recent collaborator privilege change: How can a collaborator scale an app?

I went to scale my Heroku rails app, like I normally do, but WHAM! Heroku changed the privileges on me:
Scaling worker processes... done, now running 1
! Scaling an app as a collaborator is not supported; it’ll be removed soon. Please see:
According to Heroku's collaborators privileges page:
Collaborator privileges
All actions are supported for collaborators as they are for app owners
Scaling dynos
Adding or removing paid add-ons
Deleting or renaming the app
Viewing invoices
These actions are only supported for app owners.
Okay, so what now? Everyone on my team needs to scale the app and I'm not excited about everyone sharing the owner credentials.
Is there a way --Heroku feature, 3rd party tool, total hack, etc.-- that collaborators can scale Heroku apps since the recent privilege change?
Solved! Heroku's response to my question:
Based on feedback from you and other users we've decided to avoid
making any changes to the collaborator semantics until we're able to
offer a stronger alternative path for managing access control. The
deprecation notice will be removed shortly.
They were super helpful and apologized for the inconvenience too.
