Using Parse after Installing Parse Server - parse-platform

If I follow the directions and install the Parse server via Heroku and MongoDB, will I then be able to continue to use Parse commands in my code for current and new apps?
That is, will following these instructions allow me to continue using Parse for in-app purchases, data storage, and push notifications, or will I still have to learn the ins and outs of a different backend service?

After you set up the Parse Server via Heroku and MongoDB, you will be able to use most of your current code, with some slight modifications. In your client apps, you will have to point to the new server location in the Parse initialization.
As of right now, Parse server does not support in-app purchase verification, as far as I know. Right now it supports:
CRUD operations
Schema validation
Users, including Facebook login and anonymous users
Push Notifications
Class-level Permissions
More information is available at the Official GitHub for Parse-Server including setup instructions and a quick setup button for Heroku


Is there a Heroku webhook for Heroku Postgres credential rotation?

I'm following the instructions in the Heroku Postgres docs for creating an external application that connects to Heroku Postgres for its data layer. The instructions mention that the credentials are automatically rotated and I must handle this myself.
I read more docs to learn about webhooks existing to help notify the rest of your system that changes have happened in your Heroku services. This made sense to me to be an area where the Heroku devs would have implemented this. There must be a webhook that exists that I could use to be notified when the credential rotation happens. I found that there was the api:addon webhook which had the update event. I tested this webhook, expecting this to be what I was looking for, but I found that it was not fired upon credential rotation. It was only fired when I provisioned or deleted more Heroku Postgres add-ons.
Since the webhook I need doesn't exist, I coded a workaround where I expect a PostgreSQL library auth error to be thrown while my AWS Lambda executes. If an error is thrown, I assume it's from the rotation and I have the still running Lambda function fetch new credentials using the Heroku API and try the PostgreSQL query again, at which point it works unless there are other errors. I tested this while manually rotating my credentials and it worked okay, but it's kind of ugly code. See here for a detailed example.
So at this point, I'm wondering if the webhook I'm looking for does exist and I just wasn't able to find it. Or, if it doesn't exist, I would like to request it as a new feature. I understand that the Heroku team may not want people picking their add-ons a la carte, and they want people to use the entire Heroku platform, but I think it would add a lot of value to the Heroku platform. Personally, I've enjoyed getting into more and more cloud services as I learn since I'm usually able to choose them a la carte. For example, AWS doesn't forbid me from only using S3 and nothing else from them. They do as much as they can to make it easy for me to link my applications to it, no matter what other cloud services I use.
I contacted Heroku directly to ask if this type of webhook existed and I received a useful response from them:
There isn't a webhook specifically for credential rotations, although
with a bit of logic you can sort of recreate the same thing. Whenever
you Postgres credentials rotate, it will trigger a new release, which
does trigger a webhook. You can use that to inspect the release via
the API to determine if the values changed.

How to set local database for google safe browsing update API (v4)?

I am building a service for checking for phishing or malware URLs for one of my applications. This service will be running on google app engine. Now, I want to use google safe browsing's Update API (v4) to have local database of URL hashes. But I am having hard time to understand the setup process of the local database they have mentioned.
They do provide a Go source code to do something of this sort but its not descriptive enough to have my own implementation.
I want to setup the db on google cloud itself. Can anyone point me to any good documentation or some ways to do the same if you have tried this before.
you can use:
"" + apiKey;
to download hash version database.
you may need send a post request to get the database according to

Parse to parse server end to end documentation

Here I would like to document the steps involved to migrate from to parse server which includes database migration, password reset, cloud code, push notifications etc.
There were few minor issues which are covered in this step documents. Any different suggestions are welcome
I’ve recently did migration for my apps which were hosted on the, so thought to put all steps together here for different parts of the migrations. Parse itself has great documentation on Github, with some minor changes, you should be able to use that documentation. Here I’m covering the parts which may be questions for newbies who don’t know much about Node.js or overall backend and any issues I came across during migration. I covered below topics, each one of the link will take to detailed step document I've written on the blog.
Migrate from to Parse server on Heroku & mLab
Hosting Parse Dashboard
Password reset & Email verification using Parse Server
Cloud code on Parse server
Push notification using Parse Server

looking for Parse alternative server

I'm a hobby developer that use as my database and website host, as Facebook is going to shutdown, I'm now looking for alternative Parse server.
I use Parse's Cloud Code Hosting to build Dynamic Web App, and Parse itself to store data collected from the website I've build, with custom Cloud Code to help getting and managing data. I've build a Windows Phone app for myself to manage the data I've collected too.
Is there any alternative server that has my requirement?
Dynamic Website
Database host
Custom Cloud Code (with BeforeSave and AfterSave trigger)
with Windows Phone SDK (or REST API if doesn't have)
Very thank you for helping me!
Try out Hasura.
Hasura ( Hasura is a neat PaaS + BaaS solution. It is now competing with Firebase, Kinvey, Heroku et al. There is a full comparison page here: Compare | Hasura ( . The difference majorly lies in infra ownership as well as no tech lock-in due to open-source components(like docker, kubernetes,postgres) building the major chunk of the platform. Check it out. There is also an option to explore ( Hasura by building your own blog web app and a todo app in under 15 mins.
Hasura should fit in perfectly for your needs.
DISCLAIMER : Hasura Engineer here.
I'm using Simbla website application development. It doesn't support all of your requirments but it has great UI builder with a backend parse database.
You can try using the parse open source server it has cloud code and you can use a custom database with it.

What affect on our applications will changing the Heroku API Key have?

Our organization has a number of Rails applications (websites) deployed to Heroku. A former devleoper has left the organization, and as good practice we want to change the Heroku API key associated with our account to prevent any modifications to the apps via the Heroku CLI.
I know that the Heroku API Key is used for Heroku CLI access (it gets cached in ~/.heroku/credentials), but not certain what else it is used for. Specifically, do 3rd-party add-ons in the Heroku platform (e.g. New Relic, Hoptoad/Airbrake, Sendgrid, etc) use this, and therefore require reconfiguring if the API Key is changed? Heroku throws up a fairly generic (and non-informative) error message when you click the "regenerate" button to change it.
Because the term "API Key" is so generic, want to be clear that this is the single API Key associated with each Heroku account accessible via "My Account" link. Image (and warning message) below.
Asked Heroku Support. This is what I got back:
"you can safely change your API key at any time, as we don't give it to any add-on providers. That alert is meant to remind you that if you added your API key to any application or service (ie for auto scaling, manually provision workers, etc) it will stop working until you provide it a new key."
I requested that they update the interface/documentation to make this more clear.
Also remove him from being a collaborator on all your projects so he can't push to them via git.
Out of curiousity (i'd never seen reset key in the admin) I tried it. When I then tried to use the CLI against one of my apps I was asked to reauthenticate - but i can't now get back in - doh! The same username/password works via the site. I'll ping support and report back,
So it appears my problem is entirely due to the Heroku Accounts ( plugin that I'm using which stores a copy of the key in the ~/.heroku/accounts/ file. Support got me to remove the folder and it all works now - just something to be aware of if you reset your API key.
