Setting an environment variable in Cygwin - shell

I have been trying to setup a environment variable in Cygwin using the command export PRIMOSBASE=/directory/for/primosfiles.
And when i check the variable using the command echo $PRIMOSBASE it shows the /directory/for/primosfiles. hopeful this means the environment variable is set.
But when i try to run a shell script(primos) for the /directory/for/primosfiles, it shows
./primos: line 8: / No such file or directory
chmod: failed to get attributes of `': No such file or directory
which means i have not set the PRIMOSBASE environment. could anyone please tell me where i am going wrong...
Thanks ...

echo "export PRIMOSBASE=/directory/for/primosfiles" >> ~/.bashrc
to append the command to the end of your .bashrc file, so that the variable is set each time you use Cygwin. Then run
source ~/.bashrc
to make it take effect immediately.
NOTE: Make sure you use double brackets (>>) to append. It might be a good idea to make a backup of .bashrc just in case. If you're not comfortable with I/O redirection, an alternative is to edit .bashrc with an editor. I think vim is among the default tools in Cygwin.

I had a similar issue trying to get ANDROID_HOME to work in a Cygwin window. When I used the linux path separators, as follows
ANDROID_HOME=/cygdrive/c/Users/User/AppData/Local/Android/sdk my gradlew build script complained it couldn't find the sdk in ANDROID_HOME.
I eventually discovered that I had to set my environment variable in the Windows format, including Windows path separators '\', as follows
Note: the PATH and several other environment variables set in Windows are converted into Linux format. I hope this helps others who want/need to use Cygwin + Windows + essentially Windows programs that need environment variables.


Force reload PATH in bash

I'm developing PHP on Windows machine and due to various old project I need to switch PHP version frequently. I wrote a script that edits $PATH environment variable and it works without a problem.
I'm using Git Bash as a CLI tools. All I need to refresh $PATH is to close the app and load it again. Simple enough, works well, php -v starts reporting correct version.
Problem is, I'm also using Git Bash integrated in Git Extensions and PhpStorm. Turning Bash off inside them doesn't work. Neither does restarting the applications themselves. I'm forced to restart the PC, which is of course annoying.
Is there a way to force Bash to reload environment variables via code?
Answers I found suggest running
source ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bash_profile
But none of those work.
In PowerShell working solution is this:
$env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User")
so I need something similar but suited for bash.
Here is the way
# Temporary environment variables
$ export PATH=/you/can/set/git/path/here
on windows it will be something like C:\Users\your\path
#Confrm if its set
$ echo $PATH
Also in Bash you can check what variables are there with $ env
Writing it out jumpstarted my mind and I figured what I had to do.
Since I already have a script that changes PATH in Windows, I can use the same script to edit files bash_profile and bashrc.
In the end this is enough to make it work, first line is changed dynamically:
export PATH
alias reload='source ~/.bash_profile'

The keyword export in command line?

What does 'export' do when used in a command line.
For example, and this is only one example, I build a number of C++ libraries and for a library such as zlib-1.2.8 I need to specify the install directories.
To do this I need to do the following in MSYS command line interface. This is just one example
export LIBRARY_PATH="c/libraries/libs;$LIBRARY_PATH"
Would anyone know what the command 'export' actually does in this instance?
Does it permanently install a record for MSYS to user later on when looking for dependencies such as ZLIB . My using make install the zlib library file is placed in this directory.
OR, when I close MSYS is this LIBRARY_PATH lost from MSYS memory?
This is the bash syntax to set an environment variable. Using export allows the variable to be seen outside the script in which it's defined.
Environment variables only affect the msys process and any child processes started from that shell. If you want it to persist after you close the command line and start a new one, you will need to put it into a script such as .bashrc

Running a .bat script under Cygwin bash

I would like to use an existing DOS/Windows .bat script under a Cygwin bash shell. The .bat script creates a number of variables which need to exist after the .bat script ends.
This works, but the variables are not retained.
$ ./.phs_project_setup.bat .
It appears that this does not extend to sourcing a .bat script so that the variables it creates still exist in the environment.
$ . ./.phs_project_setup.bat .
-bash: #ECHO: command not found
-bash: SET: command not found
-bash: $'\r': command not found
-bash: REM: command not found
Any ideas on overcoming this obstacle?
What I have done is written the environment to a file, then iterated over the file using 'cygpath -u' on each value. Perhaps I have missed some, but it appears that cygpath will only change something that actually looks like a path. It does not change Oracle connect string for example; "user/pass#DB". I added 'export ' to the beginning of each line so that it can be sourced into a bash shell. It is not one step yet, but better.
Remember that Unix systems are generally case sensitive. cygwin's bash can run windows executables directly, but it's STILL case senstive. SET is not a valid bash command, while set is.
You can force it to source the file and try and run it, but it'll only be able to run shell built-in commands which have a 1:1 name correspondence to cmd commands. So set works, but #echo won't, because # means nothing to bash. Same goes for rem.
I would suggest trying to run the batch script using the batch interpreter (aka the COMSPEC environment variable, which is simply CMD) and then echoing out the environment it has set up as presented in this question: How I can use PowerShell with the Visual Studio Command Prompt?
You can then try and set up the environment in a similar fashion. Note that you may have a problem with the direction of slashes, drive names and other stuff like that
Sounds like you need to run the batch file and then start cygwin. If so, call the batch file from whatever file you use (cygwin.bat for example) to start cygwin. Then the variables should be available.
Alternatively, I've also moved the required bits into the proper unix configuration files to achieve the same results.

Reading cmd.exe variables inside a MinGW Makefile

I am writing installation in a Makefile in which I need to set the PATH env. variable.
In the windows part of it, I found the following:
set: With set PATH="%PATH%;%CD%" I can change the PATH inside the running environment. There are two problems with this:
The environment is a spawned cmd.exe by make which gets its variable affected and the effect removed as soon as it closes
Even if the previous problem could be solved, still the cmd.exe that calls make would close one day and the modified PATH lost.
setx: A microsoft tool that can permanently change env. variables. According to microsoft itself, this is the only command-line option to do this. Using setx PATH "%PATH%;%CD%" -m however, turns path into the literal %PATH%;%CD% and doesn't replace the variables by their contents!
Note that I am calling make from cmd.exe not cygwin or other modified windows shells that act more like linux. What I'm saying is that, although I can use $(PATH) in my makefile (instead of %PATH%), I can't use pwd (instead of %CD%)
Also note that if in cmd itself I run:
setx PATH "%PATH%;%CD%" -m
it works perfectly. Somehow I need to make make execute this command.
Do you have any idea how to fix this, or what workaround do I have?
P.S. Just for the record, echo "%PATH%;%CD%" in the Makefile also echoes the literal "%PATH%;%CD%" rather than let cmd.exe handle it
Back in the day i Borland C++ Free Command Line tools included a version of make which played well with the dos/windows command line. Probably still floating around somewhere.
Create a .bat file, put the command there, and invoke it from the Makefile.
I still am interested in a direct fix in the Makefile though.

Can I use cygwin to script a hudson build step?

I've tried executing the following:
But that doesn't find ls (even if it's on the windows path). Is there any way to set this up?
UPDATE: In other words, I want to be able to set up a build step that uses cygwin bash instead of windows cmd like this page shows you how to do with Python.
So put your cygwin's bin directory in your PATH.
In case you don't know how to do it (Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables), see:
That shell-script has two errors: the hash-bang line should be "#!/bin/bash", and ${WORKSPACE} is not a shell-variable. Hudson has a bunch of variables of its own which are expanded in the commands you specify to be run (i.e. when you add commands in the web gui).
If you want to run Hudson build step on the Cygwin command line, you need to figure out what command Hudson runs and in which directory.
To give a more specific answer, you need to show us how your project is configured and what steps you want to run separately.
Provided cygwin's bin folder is in your path, the following works for me:
I find Hudson does not pick up environment variable changes unless you restart the server.
you might want to try to give a full path to ls
One other thing that seems to work is to use this:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin
But it would be nice not to have to modify the path for every script.
Have you thought about power shell? as much as I like cygwin, it's always been a little flaky, powershell is a solid fully functional shell on windows, another option is Windows Services for UNIX it gives you korn shell or c shell not quite as nice as bash but it gets the job done
You will need to pass the --login (aka -l) option to bash so that it will source Cygwin's /etc/profile and set up the PATH variable correctly. This will cause the current directory to get changed to the default "home" but you can set the environment variable CHERE_INVOKING to 1 before running bash -l and it will stay in the current directory if you need to preserve that.
