installation of odtone in ubuntu - boost

Please someone help me in the installation of odtone in ubuntu!
I'm new to ubuntu and know only few commands!
One PDF suggests to install boost libraries and compile them manually!
Please explain what is manual compilation. I'd be grateful if someone suggest me the commands for that compilation also.

Check the documentation at, see the section "Getting Started". The PDF is outdated, the most current documentation is only available in HTML.


How can I modify, compile and install tun.ko?

I've never compiled a single kernel module. I would like to understand how to change the source of a kernel module, compile and install it on Debian SO.
Can someone illustrate the steps or tell me a tutorial about it?
Thank you and everyone.
This question is a bit confusing since a .ko file represents a kernel object. In other words, it has already been compiled.
To edit the module you would need the source code, most likely tun.c and some related files.
StackOverflow is more meant for specific questions to be answered, not a tutorial site. Please do some research about Linux modules and make an attempt to install the module yourself. Some good sites for beginners:
The last of these is the least comprehensive, but quickest to get you up and running. Once you get to the point where you have detailed questions, post them here and you will get better help.

pydev download links don't work

I'm trying to download Pydev and having no luck at all. I'm told to click on the link for updates, ( but I'm then sent to a "dummy" site with other links that are no help at all. I've been at it for a couple of days now with no luck. I have Eclipse Neon so I'm ready to go as far as that's concerned. Anyone know what's happening and how to resolve this? Thanks.
Actually, that's not a link you're supposed to click... you should add it as an update site in Eclipse in Help > Install New Software.
See for a better explanation.
in my eclipse it try to work with file content.xml that not exist on the link.
I try with
and it work to me

Compiling YouCompleteMe on Windows gives "CM libraries found in old YouCompleteMe/python location" error

I've followed these directions exactly.
I was able to compile mingw32-make ycm_support_libs and it produced the necessary ycm_core.pyd, ycm_client_support.pyd, and libclang.dll files. However, I get this message when starting vim:
YCM libraries found in old YouCompleteMe/python location; please RECOMPILE YCM.
I have verified that all the tools I've used are 64bit version. Anything I find on the web about this just says to run ./ --clang-completer, which should be doing exactly what mingw32-make ycm_support_libs does.
I was so close too! Any help?
The file that is produced from the compile doesn't need to be moved. This was an old instruction that is now obsolete. I've managed to get C/C++ auto-complete working on Windows 7.
From the above link: Oh I see... sorry :P Anyway I don't know when was the last time someone modified the wiki page on installing YCM on Windows. The wiki page is community maintained. The error is caused by the fact that before YCM was splitted in two repo (this one for the vim client, and one for the general backend, ycmd) the compiled libraries were putted in YouCompleteMe/python now instead are putted in YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd. Anyway we can continue to discuss this but I have to close this issue since is not a YCM bug and Windows is not supported officially.

How could i install OpenERP without Error?

Please someone tell step by step to install OpenERP on Ubuntu. i have tried it but in results Source Folder not found. Please some one help me out.
Thanks in Advance!!!
I understand your confusion my friend. There's a famous step-by-step guide in this link:
There's much work with this process but you may try following those steps on a virtual machine, and with every successful step you save the state of the virtual machine so that you can go back for a previous state if you make a mistake in the way. Good luck !

Xcode 4.3.3 and LevelHelper Template

I downloaded the Xcode 4 template for LevelHelper and installed it to /Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/cocos2d v2.x/ and tried to run it through Xcode. When I try to create a project using the template, this happens. Can anybody help me?
Templates are no longer needed and they actually never where
Please follow the step by step guide from here
Why do you ask for help on stackoverflow when LevelHelper has a dedicated support forum? Next time you want support please use the levelhelper forum or contact form or you may find yourself waithing for an answer that will never come. You were lucky that i found out about your question
