Enable Magento Varien_Profiler in admin area - magento

How do I enable Magento Profiler in the admin area?
I've set the admin option, added Varien_Profiler::enable(); before Mage::run($mageRunCode, $mageRunType); and cleared cache, but the profiler results only show in frontend?
Am I missing something else?

Check that profiler is enabled as well in the default configuration scope in System > Configuration > Developer and that Developer IP Restrictions are empty or configured correctly.
Edit: Based on this being the accepted answer, it's worth nothing that the "default scope" in the system configuration will store values against the store scope ID of 0, which is the store scope which the admin areas uses.


tax section in magento backend disappeared under sales

I'm missing the tax section under sales in my Magento backed menu . can any one let me know what possibly the reason is !!? i tried to go to permissions --> roles and made sure that i have all the admin permission available fro me as a user but still didn't work.refreshed the cache and didn't work as well .
Thanks in advance
I suspect an module that you have installed is blocking the access to the tax section.
Try disabling all the none core modules and enable them one by one to figure out which one is responsible for not giving you access.
Also relogin in the admin every time (disable & refresh cache every time).
If its still missing when you have disabled all the modules, try a reinstall of the core files.

How to enable/view hidden tabs in magento admin panel?

I need to enable the SSL certificate through my magento admin panel. The SSL certificate is already installed on the server. Some of the tabs in configuration menu (web, currency etc) are hidden or disabled by the previous website developer. I cannot see the 'WEB' option under 'GENERAL' tab in the configuration menu. Could anyone help me please how to enable the hidden tabs?
If you have database access, you can change the role of current user in table admin_role in row role_type.
If you are unable to view the web tab inside general it may be due to several reasons
1) you are login not as admin in magento admin section.
2) The tab must be disable programmatically from core.
Hope it helps you

Joomla User Login needs secret key - How to remove?

My Joomla Login Module asks for a "Secret Key". (Joomla Version 3.2.1)
This is confusing, was not necessary before. Can this be removed?
This is my demo website:
It's all about beer. Might be helpfull ;-)
Thanks for the help!
Two factor authentication is a new feature in Joomla 3.2.
If you have not set a 'Secret Key' for a user:
Go to Extensions > Plugin Manager
Set the Select Type filter to twofactorauth
You'll see two plugins enabled - Google and Yobikey - change their status to Disabled. A red X icon will show up
Clear the Joomla Cache
If you have actually set a key to your admin user, then there is no way out of it other than to go back to your last backup file.
Known bugs:
There was a bug Joomla 3.2, and this is fixed in Joomla v3.2.1
There is also a bug in the Gangry-framework with Joomla v3.2.1 (http://www.gantry-framework.org/) Which will be handeled by their development team.
You can now select in the plugin(s) to disable users (FrontEnd) from seeing the Secret Key but keep administrator login Secret Key.
You have "Two factor authentication" enabled. Nicely explained on this video: Joomla 3.2 - Two Factor Authentication
Actually, even if the two factor authentication has been set for admin user, the plugin still can be disabled directly in the database, so you don't have to revert to backups. Nice and easy:
UPDATE jos_extensions SET enabled=0 WHERE name LIKE 'plg_twofactorauth_%';
Refresh the login page, et voila! :)
in the Joomla "Search" type in twofactorauth right click the two that populate and select open in new tab for both.
Each tab will display two difference plugins enabled.
You will have a choice of Site Section for each,
You can choose (site frontend) (Administrator Backend) (both) So if you don't want your users to see it select, Administrator Backend, rather then disable it.
Site front end - Only Users will have a secret key
Administrator back end - Only Administrators will have a secret key
Both - Both users and admins will have a secret key field
If your template is rockettheme
1.- In your template/css folder create a file called rt_yourtemplatename-custom.css
2.- Add the following code:
p#form-login-secretkey {
display: none;
3.- Done!

Magento PayPal Express not showing

I have a pretty standard Magento installation (Magento ver. and I have enabled PayPal Express settings (Including API username. password & Signature all filled in). I have set the default theme to blank so that it doesn't use any of my template files but the button is not showing on any pages (product, basket or checkout - These options are set to show in the admin).
So even with the default Magento theme non of the paypal buttons show up.
Anyone seen this before? Can anyone shed any light on this?
edit p.s. Mage_Paypal & Mage_PaypalUk both enabled in Advanced.
its seems like you have enabled paypal with another configuration scope ..Not in Default configuration scope or may be you have disabled paypal exp in your current configuration scope. It will override Default configuration scope even you enabled in Default configuration scope. Make sure about this..
Just go to your database. open core_config_data table enable to view all datas with one page. Here you can see all your paypal configs. If you see any paypal configs with websites or something not like default in scope field then you have configured paypal for your current configuration scope.
Update :
consider your current config scope is website. In your core_config_data table set value to "1" for this payment/paypal_express/active for only the other config scopes (website) not the default. Just have a look at the following image. Then check again..It should be work now..!

Change Magento CMS Home page

I am using this groupon clone from contus
I am try to change the cms home page .Which as what i have observed can be found in
System > Configuration > Web > Default Pages
I tried changing the CMS Home Page .i chose the template that i made in
CMS > Pages
I am expecting the template to be loaded .and ugh after several tries, clearing the cache and even changing the Default Web URL into the templates URL Key .it didn't work
any suggestions?
Here's a screenshot of the default cms_home_page
I tried editing the config.xml in the
I changed the default > web > default > cms_home_page node into the coming-soon URL key .Still didn't work
I can access the page and the page as well .I just wonder, why the settings i applied in the admin (and can also be seen in the db) doesn't work.
you can simply go to system >> configuration >> and click on the web which is left in your window under general.
than click on Default Pages and set CMS Home Page
Second thing, You have to do "enable" this page and you can do it from
cms >> pages and click on the page which you have selected, than set status >> enable
The unique identifier in the CMS > Manage Content section just needs to be a unique string in the context of a store view. You should NOT use the frontname of a core module there (e.g. "cms"). Change your url key to something unique, and head to System > Configuration. Select Web. As long as the Default Web URL is set to cms, cms/index, or cms/index/index you should be able to simply choose the desired CMS page from the Default Web URL dropdown. Make sure you check other configuration scope settings (dropdown at top left) in case there is a rude setting set at a lower level.
FYI, what you "make" in the Manage Pages section are routes with content as opposed to "templates" (in Magento parlance). Templates are PHTML files under app/design.
Just to answer to those who reach this page;
If you see this behaviour you should check the store switcher in your top left. Choose your store and check the config for it.
Probably it's not using the default settings and overriding the global scope.
