What do the Visual Studio watch window icons represent? - visual-studio

What do the each of the watch window icons and overlays in Visual Studio represent? Is there a legend on an MSDN page somewhere?

The icons identify the kind of the entity being watched; the same icons are also used in IntelliSense, Class View, and the Object Browser (and in Visual Studio 2012, the enhanced Solution Explorer).
There's an overview of the icons on MSDN: Class View and Object Browser Icons (the icons in Visual Studio 2012 are similar, but styled different).
If you google for class and object browser icons then you should see the latest e.g. this one for VS 2019 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/ide/class-view-and-object-browser-icons?view=vs-2019
Some shown in this image from that page

For VS2013 here's the icon reference:

Reference for Visual Studio 2022:


What is this feature name in VS 2019?

In Visual Studio 2019, I can see this icon to adjust the different panes:
What is this feature name in VS 2019 and VS 2017?
This handle can vertically split the editor.
That's the splitter control. It's found in a lot Microsoft apps like Word or Excel. Alternatively click Split on the Window menu. See Customize window layouts in Visual Studio
It's similar to Splitter Control for Windows Forms

Display icons instead of words in Visual Studio tool window tabs

It's trivial, I know, but yesterday, out of nowhere, Visual Studio 2012 Professional started displaying "Solution Explorer", "Team Explorer - Home", etc. in the tabs instead of nice little icons. Does anyone know how to bring back the icons?
There is an extension that does just that. It was written for VS 2015 but works fine in VS 2017.
Visual Studio Iconizer for Visual Studio 2015
Icons are displayed when the widths of the tabs are too narrow. To get the icons back, either make the pane narrower or dock some more tabs in that pane.

WMAppManifest.xml Designer View Missing?

I have Vs 2010 and working on a Wp7 app. I read on an msdn page that WMAppManifest.xml has a designer view but when I click on designer view it just loads up the .xml file.
Did they remove designer view or is something wrong with my Vs?
On a side note in the WMAppManifest.xml there is a title node. What does that refer to? Is that the name that will show up on the device?
The Graphical Manifest Designer was introduce with Visual Studio 2012. It's not available in
Visual Studio 2010.

How Visual Studio displays controls in the toolbox depending on the document open

I wanted to know how Visual Studio Toolbox displays only a sub-set of Controls of all the controls depending on the document open. Document can be any file, for example, when WindowsForms is open, any component that can be dropped appears on the toolbox.
How does Visual Studio does it?
I have Visual Studio SDK installed. How do I know which tabs are hidden and which tabs are displayed. (Of course "Show All.." is unchecked).

Visual Studio windows layout presets

I want to be able to store/load Visual Studio layout presets.
I.e. I have a laptop I work at with 1366x768 resolution. When I put it into the dock station I have a 1600x1200 display attached. I want to have a Visual Studio layout preset for each resolution.
I want to be able to switch Visual Studio windows layouts easily. Is there any addin available to fulfill my needs?
See also
Can I save the window layout in Visual Studio 2010?
Actually I was able to find the answer here at StackOverflow. The addin name is Perspectives and it can be found in Visual Studio online gallery.
Can I save the window layout in Visual Studio 2010?
