Controller Url removing - magento

i am trying to remove magento controller url in browser address bar.
for example my site have URL - this page is a home page for my site.
But but i have redirected to login page for customer login. once user type site will be redirect to display login page.
So for Seo purpose i am trying to set "" as a login content with parent URL ( . I tried all the ways using ht access. but not reflect.
Can any one able to give me better solution for this problem
(Sorry for bad English)
Thanks all

The easiest approach is to insert login form HTML into your CMS page.


Changed admin url, and now cannot access Magento login page

I tried to change the admin url of magento. As per the basic settings, it was located on
I tried to change that and now I can't even access the login page. When I enter the new word that I replaced with "admin", I am taken to a login page which just appears like a basic html page with a box for username and password, and when I login I'm taken to the homepage of the website.
I also noticed that the word has started to appear twice in the url of backend such as if the correct address is to be:
but when I login by that basic html page, the url becomes:
I removed the first 'newadminword' from the url and then I'm being led to the magento admin area, but here as well, the page is again basic html. The following link is a pic of how my magento dashboard looks now.
Can anybody help me with this? I'm not so good at programming so please try to keep the instructions as simple as possible. Thanks.

Magento site redirects to home page when ssl is enabled

I am using magento and i have enabled SSL. SSL is purcahsed from Godady and is installed and configured at the server.
I have also set the Base URL in secure section to https://..... . Now when i enable it for front end, and then when i try to go to customer login page (which is served by https), i am always redirected to home page.
I have applied a few fixes, but no one worked.
The fix described on the below link starts a redirect loop and the site never loads.
Magento HTTPS on all website: urls redirect to homepage
Also i have read the following:
And no fix is working for me.
Now i am offering a 50 points bounty for the correct answer.
Can someone give me some idea how to fix this issue?
Thank you
I saw this problem while on a login form submitted via ajax, the login form was loaded as part of a http page as opposed to https, which is not good, and then the login form data submitted by ajax to a https controller url. on success some javascript would try to load a https landing page into the main window.
The problem was magento would redirect the landing page which is what you're experiencing.
To solve hte issues, we loaded the login form by https and dynamically put it into the dom. We used the form action to a https link, and a form submit rather than an ajax post. Then the magento controller would use a redirect in the response to the landing page or an error page.
Go to Your system->confi->web->Session Validation Settings
this two fields are enable so only disable it ! :)

wordpress: how to force a form fill before going to a page?

I am building a wordpress site with this requirement: when the user attempts to navigate to certain pages, they will be forced to fill out a small form (enter their email address) before they can get to the desired page.
On a standalone site, I'd do it like this: on each "protected" page, I'd look for a cookie named "email". If this cookie doesn't exist, redirect to an email capture page, along with a url parameter indicating the page to go to after they enter their email. The email form would call a PHP script that would set the "email" cookie, then redirect to the desired page
How to do this in wordpress? Would I create my cookie testing code in a template and assign that to the protected pages?
Create a template and page for your php code and when user try to navigate to protected pages check for cookie if doesnt exist go to email page (instead it would be fine if the form appears in a pop up window).There when you get the email onsubmit use ajax to go create cookie from php page and once the cookie is set the navigation should take place .you should create a template for the php page ,and give the page id in ajax code
I hope this is what u r looking for.

how to get the admin login page by inserting /ci-admin like /wp-admin in wordpress

I am wondering if that is possible to view the admin login page just by typing /CI_ADMIN after the domain name just like we do in wordpress.
and I want to do
for my codeigniter website. is that possible ? the url thing
you can do this with routes just define route in you routes.php file
$route['ci-admin'] = 'ci_admin/login';
for more how to create admin panel please read this article specially third method
CI Admin panel

MVC link text from address bar

I have made a website with MVC and I have a little problem on routing: the link addresses from address bar appears with some strange paramaters like:
instead of
What should I do to have customized addresses.
I don't use any parameters.
The ?ReturnUrl=%2f portion of the Url is added by ASP.NET when a user is automatically redirected to the login page. Its added so that after the user logs in, they can then be redirected to their original page.
In this case, %2f represents the / meaning that the user tried to access the landing page and was subsequently redirected to the logon page. After they login successfully, they will then be redirected to the landing page.
You can still use the http://localhost:1413/Account/LogOn
