how to get the admin login page by inserting /ci-admin like /wp-admin in wordpress - codeigniter

I am wondering if that is possible to view the admin login page just by typing /CI_ADMIN after the domain name just like we do in wordpress.
and I want to do
for my codeigniter website. is that possible ? the url thing

you can do this with routes just define route in you routes.php file
$route['ci-admin'] = 'ci_admin/login';
for more how to create admin panel please read this article specially third method
CI Admin panel


how to make sub folder for login page and rest of the pages in codeigniter

I am working in a codeigniter project in wamp server.
My current login page is http://localhost/flowers/login and its working correctly (no issue). The rest of the urls are like this
http://localhost/handycheck/admin/dashboard etc
My issue is i need to change the login url like this
Its because I have to maintain login form for multiple users.
How can i make this.
Please help me and thanks in advance who helps me alot..
You can do this by adding custom roue in codeigniter routing configuration as follows go to config/routes and add the following entry in this file
$route['flowers/providers/login'] = 'flowers/login';
$route['flowers/admin/login'] = 'flowers/login';
this will redirect the request to the login in flowers controller and if you need to do custom handling for admins and provider you can get the url segments and do custom handling according to user type
I hope my answer would be useful

How to redirect the user to another page after they have logged in with Ion Auth CodeIgniter

I have been working on admin panel of my project. I use Ion_Auth. I have a problem about redirecting after I have logged in on the system.
If I change default_controller as "auth", everything is okey and after I logged in, I have been redirecting to the user lists. But I have already a default_controller as "Home" and I don't want to change it as "Auth". If I change it as "Auth", login screen is shown first. If I use home as default_controller, when I have logged in on the system, Home page is shown instead of the page of user lists.
So I guess I need two default controllers one of them for my home page and also the other one for ion auth.
Any idea about the solution?
In auth.php change the redirection route if user log in. That would be line 67 I guess. You need to play with ion_auth to set it fits your (application) needs.
I like to make parent controller in application/core that has checking function in constructor. All controllers that requires login part should extend that sort of controller. Google for phil sturgeon extending of MY_Controller.php to see what am I talking about.

Changed admin url, and now cannot access Magento login page

I tried to change the admin url of magento. As per the basic settings, it was located on
I tried to change that and now I can't even access the login page. When I enter the new word that I replaced with "admin", I am taken to a login page which just appears like a basic html page with a box for username and password, and when I login I'm taken to the homepage of the website.
I also noticed that the word has started to appear twice in the url of backend such as if the correct address is to be:
but when I login by that basic html page, the url becomes:
I removed the first 'newadminword' from the url and then I'm being led to the magento admin area, but here as well, the page is again basic html. The following link is a pic of how my magento dashboard looks now.
Can anybody help me with this? I'm not so good at programming so please try to keep the instructions as simple as possible. Thanks.

magento admin url redirect to home page automatically

I faced a strang problem: When I want to login admin page, but it automatically redirect to home page.
our shop url is, the admin page is
could some give me some advice?
Play with to
You need to make changes in the core_config_data table in your database.

Controller Url removing

i am trying to remove magento controller url in browser address bar.
for example my site have URL - this page is a home page for my site.
But but i have redirected to login page for customer login. once user type site will be redirect to display login page.
So for Seo purpose i am trying to set "" as a login content with parent URL ( . I tried all the ways using ht access. but not reflect.
Can any one able to give me better solution for this problem
(Sorry for bad English)
Thanks all
The easiest approach is to insert login form HTML into your CMS page.
