am practicing on web design, so am working on this template
i cant get the transition animation to work in chrome but instead its working fine in FF
am using transition ease-in-out, anyone can help me?
Make sure you add the -webkit- prefix to the transition property.
I am using animations from the animate.css library.
Everything looks good until I check the site on my iPhone. It works fine when I use the chrome developer tool device toolbar iPhone setting.
The background while the animation is going on gets distorted, it seems like it is zooming in really far.
I am using the fadeInDown and bounceInUp animations which I read might increase the document height?
Any suggestions or help is greatly appreciated!!
You can set Overflow: hidden to Parent container. So that it will not increase the height when animating.
Tested and verified ;)
I tried force layout in d3. For representing direction on links, I use markers.In Chrome and FF everything is working fine.But for IE dragging nodes works but links remains constant.If I remove markers from links then links can be drag or move according to nodes.So, how to resolve this issue?
Thanks in advance.
I have ion-view template which is referenced from main menu of the app.
In second view i have attribute:
<ion-view title="Settings" animation="slide-in-up">
But page is loaded with default animation.
I tried to remove attribute animation from body tag, but without luck, animation is still same (i tried it in several browsers and android devices).
<body ng-app="starter" animation="slide-left-right-ios7">
Could somebody tell me how can i set animation by right way?
Thanks for any help.
I don't know if this is all of what you're looking for, but I was able to find $ionicAnimation documentation. It also sounds like the Ionic team has been doing some major work that effects transitions, which might be why the docs have been down.
I am trying to use this slider
Unfortunately sliding effects doesn't work on my firefox(31). Does anyone know where can be problem?
All the new css3 transforms should firefox support so I don't see problem in this.
Update:also jmpress.js animations doesn't work for me in firefox
I have found a solution if anyone else will have same problem.
I was messing around with Threejs inside of JavaFX webview and I sort of ran into a problem i was wondering if anyone had any idea.
I basically just dropped the canvas_interactive_cubes demo into a javaFX webview component and it works for the most part except for the fact that the ThreeJs scene always just seems to want to render solid black behind itself and not let the underlying web page show through. It works perfectly fine if I run the same demo out of firefox and mess with the page under the scene canvas.
I understand that threejs was never really meant to support FX Webview but I was just wondering if anyone had any idea what could be going on to cause this?