I tried force layout in d3. For representing direction on links, I use markers.In Chrome and FF everything is working fine.But for IE dragging nodes works but links remains constant.If I remove markers from links then links can be drag or move according to nodes.So, how to resolve this issue?
Thanks in advance.
Seeing a weird issue where opening one page will load our network graph with filled circles of images, but jumping to another page will not display the circles. MOF two observations have been made:
Issue does not exist with Safari but only Chrome
Removing the image fill results in the circle being drawn
I've tried old and new versions of d3 v5, v6, v7. It's hard to test on jsfiddle because this is related to page changes inside Salesforce
The issue is not cache related as I've turned off cache and can see the images being downloaded in Chrome Dev Tools. Generally a refresh will fix the issue.
Good Render
Bad Render
D3 sankey chart nodes click event not working in updated google chrome (58.0.3029.110) version. Before update it was working fine. Please help me with this issue.
from the dragstart event listener. It works. Not sure what's the purpose of this line.
Update 1:
The purpose of the line is to bring the element (that is getting dragged currently) to the top of the other elements inside the same parent.
I am working on this site and deiced to created a slider (using some source code I found form the internet) which can be seen here http://gpsfac.co.uk/
It seems to work fine in chrome, safari etc but in firefox it seems to hide all the links at the bottom and enlarge the images? Anyone know why this may be and a quick fix?...
Thank you
I found out the answer all I Need to do was state the width % at 100% in the style css...
I have a problem with SVG renderring in Firefox. Whilst it works in Safari, Chrome or even in IE, it doesn't work in Firefox. Inspecting the element it seems that the layers are there, but only background is visible as if it's z-index is higher than the z-index of the others.
Rendered in Firefox:
SVG logo in Firefox
Link to the original source file: SVG File
Thanks for your help.
PS: I used Sketch 3 to export the svg. If it helps somehow.
You're experiencing bug 995813.
I fixed this bug some time ago but that change is still making its way through the release process so your example will display correctly from Firefox 31 onwards which will be released on 22 July 2014.
In the meantime if you move the fill="white" from the <mask> element to the child <use> element this will work around the Firefox bug.
Opera is the only browser I've tested that doesn't recognize the links on my home page. I can click on a few of the images and go to the linked page, but most don't do anything when I click. The cursor even remains an arrow. Works in every other browser.
They are images wrapped in anchor tags and the grid is created with css columns.
Any ideas?
The same links that are not clickable also aren't inspect-able in opera's web inspector.
Please note that some of the images are click-able on the left hand side. Which images are click-able varies with the browser width. If you view the website > 1300px browser width then most of the images are not click-able on the right side.
This seems to be a known bug in Opera 11.6x which is fixed in the most recent previews of Opera 12. I don't know of any workaround right now, but given that a fix is coming in the not too distant future I would simply wait for it.