Visual Studio 2010 - Service Pack 1 Beta rollback? - visual-studio-2010

I recently installed Visual Studio 2010 Premium at my work computer. I'm evaluating the installation of the VS2010 SP1 Beta to adjust many little problems that I've noted in using VS2010.
But I don't know if the SP1 Beta is rollbackable or if If'll have to reinstall all the VS2010 when the final SP1 will arrive to us.
Could anyone advise me about the opportunity to do this?
thanks a lot

From Scott Hanselman's blog:
•If you install VS2010 SP1 beta, don't
uninstall it if you can avoid it.
Rather, wait for SP1 final which will
upgrade your beta cleanly and leave
you in the best state.

This is a copy from the readme file at :
2.2. Uninstalling
2.2.1. On computers that have earlier versions of Visual Studio Uninstalling Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Beta removes features in
Visual Studio Tools for Office and
Visual Studio Tools for SharePoint
Uninstalling Visual Studio 2010 SP1
Beta removes the Visual Studio Tools
for Office (VSTO) Design Time and some
features of Visual Studio Tools for
SharePoint. The Office and Sharepoint
features in Visual Studio 2010 SP1
Beta are major upgrades and have
different product guids than those in
the Visual Studio 2010 original
release. Therefore, when SP1 Beta is
removed, the features are removed, and
the Visual Studio 2010
original-release versions must be
To resolve this issue:
In Windows Control Panel, click
Uninstall a program. In the list of
programs, right-click Microsoft Visual
Studio 2010 and then click
Uninstall/Change. In the Maintenance
Mode dialog box, click Next and then
click Add or Remove Features. Select
the following features. Microsoft
Office Developer Tools (x86) or (x64)
for Office development. Microsoft
SharePoint Developer Tools for
SharePoint development. Click Update. Uninstalling Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Beta may not donwload all
required packages
When Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Beta is
uninstalled by using Add/Remove
Programs in the Control Panel, a
prompt for source may be displayed.
To avoid this, run setup.exe from the
original location, and uninstall by
using Setup Maintenence Mode.
To resolve this issue:
Navigate to the original installation
location for Visual Studio 2010 SP1
Beta . Run setup.exe. Select Remove.
Regarding your comment below, yes, I installed VS 2010 SP1 Beta, here are the problems I got:
I couldn't install Visual Studio SDK - Fixed - I found there was newer version for VS2010SP1Beta that I didn't realize at first.
I could not install Phone Developer SDK - Fixed as unrelated - I contacted #ScottGU and they said this is test scenario, I downloaded again and it worked as a charm
Few issues about Resharper or so (can't remember exactly, but minor for sure) - Fixed - I just got a recent build of Resharper.
If this leads to the question "Should I install it?", I'd say, if you need any of the new features in it (see for listing), then just install it. It's OK. If not, wait for RTM.
If you want to discuss your specific SP1 issues instead of uninstall, no problem in that as well :)


Is it ok to install visual studio 2008 over visual studio 2015?

My system is having VS 2015 and windows 7 Enterprise.
I have some solution file, which was created in vs 2008.
After opening in vs 2008, there are some upgraded log from vs 2015.
a lot of errors needs to be resolved to make build successed.
Is it ok to install visual studio 2008 over visual studio 2015 ?
this link Can I install two different versions of Visual Studio on the same computer? does not tell if it is ok to install lower version over higher version.
It's possible, but with a bit of risk that some features of the newer VS will break. I have no experience with these two combined, but in the past things got broken for me after installing vs2005 after vs2008 or vs2010. A re-install of the newer version would be needed if this happens.
Generally, it is ok. You can have many different visual studios installed on your machine.

How to allow Visual Studio to upgrade the project automatically?

I have some compatibility problems with vs 2010 file opened in vs 2013, i have read that maybe i can solve it activating the option "upgrade project automaticcaly" but i can't find it. Where i can find this option in Visual Studio 2013 Express?
I can't launch the project ,i have tried in VS2010 Express , VS2012 Express , VS2013 Express... It seems so strange, it's an official demo of kinect sdk.
Suddenly it starts work on visual studio 2010
It's not a project upgrade issue but the sounds of that error message - VS2013 Express doesn't support the project type you are trying to open.
The following page describes the s/w requirements for use that project
Kinect or Windows SDK
Specifically the s/w dev requirements are:
Visual Studio 2010, or Visual Studio 2012. The free Express editions can be downloaded from Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express or Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Express.
.NET Framework 4 (installed with Visual Studio 2010), or .NET Framework 4.5 (installed with Visual Studio 2012).
There are a lot of other requirements also listed on that page.
I would suggest you download VS2012 Express (its free) and work from there.

Can you install VS2013 alongside VS2012 without issues?

I cam across this question here on SE:
Can Visual Studio 2012 be installed side-by-side w/ Visual Studio 2010?
According to one comment with a good amount of upvotes, having 2010 and 2012 installed at the same time can present issues. I then came across this MSDN page about 2013:
If you use Visual Studio 2013 together with Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2010 SP1, you can [blah blah]
That suggests that 2013 can be safely installed along with VS2012. Can anyone confirm?
Take a look at Brian Harry´s Blog post announcing Visual Studio 2013.
VS 2013 can be installed side by side with previous versions of Visual Studio or, if you have a VS 2013 pre-release, it can be installed straight over top of the pre-release. TFS 2013 cannot be installed side by side but can also be installed over top of either a previous version (TFS 2012 or TFS 2010) or a pre-release.
Looks like you can, yes.
You can install this version of Visual Studio on a computer that
already has an earlier version installed.
Only issue I can see is during uninstallation, where the file associations may get lost.
I was having two installation on my computer. Really no problems.
From personal experience, I've come across multiple issues with using Visual Studio 2012 and prior, while a VS2013 installation exists on a machine.
Some of the issues include built executables failing to launch (double clicking .exe does nothing, but debugging them in VS launches them), and inability to compile solutions that mix C# and C++ projects.
I would avoid 2013 until these issues are resolved, as just having it installed on a machine breaks older code, even if you don't use VS2013.
There are some minor (compatibility) issues between using both VS2010 and VS2012 on the same Solution, but simply having VS2012 installed on your machine won't effect anything in VS2010.
There may be compatibility issues with 2013 Community edition. I had VS 2012 Ultimate and VS 2013 Express installed and working without any issue, but as soon as I installed VS 2013 Community, my VS 2012 Ultimate install has been behaving unusually. When I first open VS 2012 U, there is a really long load time. When I perform some action (open a file, select a menu option, anything actually) I have to minimize and maximize VS 2012 U for the screen to refresh. I am still trying to figure it out myself - so if anyone has a solution, please share.

Windows Phone 7 SDK

I just installed VS 2010 Professional Edition, then the Service Pack 1. So now I wanted to install the 7.1 RC for WP7. The first thing it tries to do is download VS 2010 Express. Is this normal? Do I really have to install 2 versions of VS to develop for WP7?
If you already have a valid and applicable edition of Visual Studio 2010 installed, then the installer installs the SDK, Expression Blend, emulator, etc. and adds the necessary project templates into your existing edition. It will not install Visual Studio 2010 Express if you have already have an existing edition, so there are no issues around multiple installs of Visual Studio.

Upgrading Visual Studio 2010 Professional to Premium, just install over?

I just discovered that our MSDN licensing covers Premium, and I installed Professional.
Can I just install Premium over Professional, or do I have to uninstall and reinstall everything? I'd rather not if installing on top of Professional is safe since I have addins and configuration already set up.
I came across the some issue and needed to upgrade from Visual Studio 2010 Professional to Visual Studio 2010 Premium.
I simply installed Visual Studio 2010 Premium over the Visual Studio 2010 Professional version. All worked without issue ;0)
I did need to reinstall my VS add-ins and service packs (such as Silverlight 4 Tools) and point to my original settings file but that was all. Looks like most or all of my extensions remained in place.
Just did this, but used the web installer instead of the full iso. Works like a charm. Didn't have to reinstall anything. Resharper, Silverlight and Azure templates, etc.. are working.
The only difference is that you need to insert the product key to activate it, like it says on the MSDN downloads site: "This key converts web installers and trial DVDs to the full product. It is not required for the MSDN DVD."
Hope this helps
