Windows 8 Metro Style Horizontal design - controls

I would like to ask which controls can be used to create a design similar to the built-in Weather app - that means different sets of data (tables, lists, etc.) that stretch horizontally and can be scrolled and can use the semantic zoom (which just shows the names of individual sections). I was trying to find some ways, but I have always found only examples using a list of same-type items, that are grouped somehow and shown in a GridView, but nothing similar to those built-in apps.
Thank you very, very much

You can achieve your goal using ItemTemplateSelector.
See here for more information:


Jetpack Compose: most performant way to show a grid of many icons to select from

I'm allowing users to select an icon from the full list of FontAwesome icons (using a List<ImageVector>). I'm going to open a dialog, and show the icons as IconButtons arranged in the list. There are ~1600 icons.
I implemented it using a LazyVerticalGrid, with a fixed number of columns. It works, but there's some lag loading the icons, and lag when scrolling the icons.
I'm converting this from a React Native project where I did the same thing (with a larger set of icons, actually) and scrolling that was pretty snappy, so I'm assuming it's possible to do performantly on native. Perhaps ImageVectors are heavier than the SVGs I was using in React Native?
I'm planning to provide a search box in the dialog where users can filter the list down by doing a fuzzy search on icon names, so the grid will change over time.
What sort of patterns should I be looking at here? Is LazyVerticalGrid the way to go, or should I be using a different approach entirely?
On Laziness
For an overview of use cases and appliable patterns you might be interested in the Android Dev Docs' page on Lists and Grids, încluding the topics Large data-sets (Paging) and the Tips on using Lazy layout.
This might wake your interest on the Android Jetpack Paging Library androidx.paging, which is designed for loading and displaying pages from large datasets, basically uniting the concepts of Laziness and Caching.
Currently you're only using Laziness. As Bartek Lipinski commented, that should usually be fine when the graphics to display are static. However, when they have to be loaded asynchronously, Paging will probably improve your performance.
Some Rules of Thumb
Column or Row will be enough
Column or Row with modifiers verticalScroll and horizontalScroll
More, static content
LazyColumn or LazyRow, resp. for gridding LazyVerticalGrid or LazyHorizontalGrid
More to mass, dynamic content
LazyColumn or one of its relatives with LazyPagingItems, so using the Paging Library androidx.paging
Also, as the docs say, consider adding contentType
. However, as Bartek Lipinski remarked, one usually benefits of contentType when there are scrollable elements of various types -- not only SVGs as maybe in your case. Still, giving hints to the system doesn't hurt, at least.
On Vector Graphics
As discussed in the comments, esp. by Subfly and Bartek Lipinski, though Laziness should be the main thing here, another bottleneck could be the loading of vector graphics during runtime.
If the graphics used are of static nature, then consider the usage of vector graphic assets. Those are supported for SVG and PSD since Android 5.0 (API level 21). Take also a look on the recommendations and some aspects of support and restrictions on SVG.
The basic formula is Laziness + Vector Assets with focus on the first. One might spice that with contentType and Paging.

Optimize UI layers in a listview (+screenshots)

I'm analyzing my approach with Gmail's android developer's team approach in order to optimize drawing times and generally create more efficient apps.
My approach:
Below is the hierarchy inside a listview. It's quite straightforward. ExpandableListContentItem extends a Relative layout which has 3 Views:
Gmail app:
The following screenshot is how the listview in Gmail app works (SwipableListView). It's interesting to see that there is only one View (I guess aY extends ConvertationItemView) which in reality is quite more complicated than mine (I see 3 texts, 1 photo, 1 icon/button).
I would assume that this is a more lightweight approach to get rendered, is it so? Even if it takes me more time to code an optimal single customview per listview item it is worth the performance that it offers?
Finally the only way I know so far is to inflate an existing view inside another which is basically the first approach. I guess now my challenge would be to combine that relativeLayout with the 3 nested views into one. Is that correct?
PS:examples, open source code are welcome.
I would assume that this is a more lightweight approach to get rendered, is it so?
Yes it is. When you consider hierarchy, every parent measures their dimensions and passes it to child views from top to bottom. Reducing layers and having more flat view will save time.
Even if it takes me more time to code an optimal single customview per listview item it is worth the performance that it offers?
Depends on application you are developing. Depends on number of items in a list and how you get them. When you scroll through the list, if you think it is slow you might want to try that approach. I tried it on my previous applications and I could see the difference.
I guess now my challenge would be to combine that relativeLayout with the 3 nested views into one.
I don't know what you mean by combining them but the way Gmail does it that they have their Custom View. You can create your custom view.
Besides that, another thing to consider is overdraw. It is as important as having flat views. If you activate GPU Overdraw from developer tools and look at Gmail app row, you will see 0 overdraw. Make sure your code has no overdraw.
For further reading I would recommend you to check these blogs :
Performance Tuning On Android
Android Performance Case Study

How might I implement a complex ListItem for SWT/JFace?

The more modern UI frameworks offer some kind of support for complex ListItems. For example, a picture and 3 lines of text.
How can I do this in an eclipse RCP application? Are there any open source frameworks for this?
You could use a TableViewer and use an OwnerDrawLabelProvider. This label provider gives you complete control over what is drawn in the table rows. The disadvantage is that you do have to draw the rows yourself using GC based operations (not too hard for images and text).

Set a country background to my Google Geomap

A few days ago I've explored geomaps and, however, it turned out to be easy to change the properties of the elements.
But I have two questions:
I'd like to add rivers and forests on the maps. So Ive considered to set a background image instead of the geomaps figure. But I can't find a way to get this one fixed. Is there a way to set a background picture for a country or region?
How can I change the shape of the "bubbles" when you select a city e.g. "London"? I'd like to change it to a square.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Unfortunately what you're looking for is not available in geocharts in their current implementation.
Using a background image is possible in the sense that you can use CSS to make all shapes in the map transparent, and use a background image in the div to make it appear as if the little circles are being drawn on a map with forest and rivers, but you will run in to two big hurdles:
Your map will need to be identical in size/layout to the Google Maps SVG
If Google ever changes the SVG they use (or the view/projection they use) you will need to edit yours too
This isn't ideal, obviously. You could work around it by creating custom javascript to write rivers and forests on your map, but that is going to be a huge headache (especially if you are using multiple maps/views).
As for the circles, you can't change them to squares without hacking the actual SVG in the background with javascript. While this is definitely possible (if you're really good with SVG/Javascript), it again isn't using any of the fancy features of geocharts, and is more just a custom solution that will have to be updated if/when google updates their API.
Rather than doing it that way, you may want to look in to the same implementation on google maps itself. That will allow you to use custom markers, draw custom shapes, etc. with a lot more flexibility (and a much more stable API).

Any suggestions for best practices to follow when creating UI prototypes using sketchFlow for multiple screen sizes?

am looking to prototype the UI for an windows application. The app will be deployed on several display devices with different (physical) screen sizes and aspect ratios. Would like to be able to generate scenarios optimized on one display and quickly check if the layout is OK on different screen sizes, orientations. That is, I'd like to prototype one set of scenarios and "automatically" generate the same scenarios on different screens. Have superficial knowledge of MS Sketchflow. Have seen some best practices at . Am wondering if folk can advise on best practices to follow in sketchflow.
To quickly be able to check how things will look, I have 2 possible suggestions:
Use the states panel to create a state group/states that change the size of the layout container (such as layoutroot) you are working with. Then in the sketchflow player, you can select the state from the navigation menu and see how it looks.
Use a ChangePropertyAction behavior from the asset panel attached to a button. You can set the height or width to the size you want. If you use 2, you can set both the height and width. This would give you the ability to control the layout size and see how it is rendered.
Hope that helps, let me know if you need more info.
Keep a consistent theme between the pages, kind of goes without saying.
