JQGrid: Dependency Dropdown in dataEvents Change - events

I am developing a grid that contains a list of permits per module.
What I want is to validate every 2 events when a change is made in a combobox in a column. I'm using 1 and 0 for activating / deactivating
The first case: If I active "write", "modify", "delete" or "print" means that self-select "read"
The second case is the opposite: If you disable "Read" will turn off automatically "write", "modify", "delete" and "print"
Researching I found the option to use functions of input events:
if($(e.target).val() == '0')
// actions here...
You can change the elements of the other columns ... by row?
my solution:
$('tr.jqgrow select[name*="read"]').live("change",function()
if($(this).val() === '0') $(this).closest('tr.jqgrow').find('select.editable').not(this).find('option:first-child').attr("selected", "selected");
$('tr.jqgrow select[name!="read"]').live("change",function()
$(this).closest('tr.jqgrow').find('select[name*="read"]').find('option:last-child').attr("selected", "selected");

In the answer you will find an example how to implement dependent selects in jqGrid. By the way you can use the same idea with formatter: "checkbox". In the case the implementation will be much easier. It's important that you have to modify the <select> elements or chachboxes manually.
One more answer can you show another implementation option which you can use.


Is it possible (and if so how) to add an item to the column menu of a kendo UI grid?

So I have a grid and the columns have the good ol' column menu on them with the filtering/sorting/excluding of columns and it all works fine.
The fly in the ointment is that I would like to allow the user to rename a column heading and the obvious place in the UI to allow this is in said column menu.
Something like this:
(where the red bit is just another option that I click on and popup a little window to let me type in a new heading)
Is this possible and how would I do it?
I see that menus can be customized and the grid demo shows how to adjust the stuff in the filter popup but I am not sure how I would add this item (I can see how I would programmatically do the rename but just this getting an option onto the menu has me stumped).
You can use the columnMenuInit event. Two possibilities:
dataSource: dataSource,
columnMenu: true,
columnMenuInit: function (e) {
var menu = e.container.find(".k-menu").data("kendoMenu");
var field = e.field;
// Option 1: use the kendoMenu API ...
text: "Rename"
// Option 2: or create custom html and append manually ..
var itemHtml = '<li id="my-id" class="k-item k-state-default" role="menuitem">' +
'<span class="k-link"><b>Manual entry</b></span></li>';
// add an event handler
menu.bind("select", function (e) {
var menuText = $(e.item).text();
if (menuText == "Rename") {
console.log("Rename for", field);
} else if (menuText === "Manual entry") {
console.log("Manual entry for", field);
See fiddle with two alternatives:
I guess that the point of a filter is to filter, not to make changes on the grid.
But anyways i found this Kendo Post that may help you to achieve what you need.
You can also take a look a this one too.

YUI datatable conditional dropdown editor

I'm currently editing an application which uses YUI 2.5. I haven't used it before and could use some help.
I want to be able to add a dropdown editor for a particular column's rows using datatable, but I only want it to appear if specific values appear in another column in the corresponding row.
Is it possible to add some kind of If statement in the column definitions? Would I have to use a custom formatter?
var eventColumnDefs = [
{key:"event_id", sortable:false},
{key:"event_name", sortable:true},
{key:"extended", sortable:true, formatter: function (o) {
if (event_name=type1||event_name=type4||event_name=type5) {
editor:"dropdown", editorOptions:{dropdownOptions:eventData.extendedList}
I know this code wouldn't work, by the way, I would just appreciate a bit of guidance.
You are close. In the column definition you add the information about the dropdown editor as if you always wanted it to show up. Now, going to the code sample here: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/datatable/#cellediting
See the last line that attaches onEventShowCellEditor to whatever event you want to make the editor pop up? That is where you put the conditional. Instead of just asking to show the cell editor under any circumstance, you put some code there, like:
myDataTable.subscribe("cellClickEvent", function (ev) {
if ( ** whatever ** ) {
this.myDataTable.onEventShowCellEditor.apply(this, arguments);
I haven't been doing YUI2 for quite some time now so I don't remember the details on the arguments received by the event listener. I believe that you might also use showCellEditor() instead of onEventShowCellEditor, the later only massages the arguments as received from the event listener and ends up calling showCellEditor so you might as well skip it.
Found a hacky solution as follows
In Column Definitions:
var eventColumnDefs = [
{key:"player_name", sortable:true, editor:"dropdown", editorOptions:{dropdownOptions:currenteam}}
Then later on in initialiseTables:
eventDataTable.subscribe("cellClickEvent", function(ev) {
var target, column, field;
target = ev.target;
column = this.getColumn(target);
if (column.key === "player_name") {
field= this.getRecord(target).getData("team_id");
if (hometeamlistID == field) {
} else if (awayteamlistID == field) {
eventDataTable._oColumnSet._aDefinitions[8].editorOptions.dropdownOptions = currenteam;
hometeamlist, awayteamlist, hometeamlistID and awayteamlistID are pulled from an XML string. I haven't included that code above, but some of it is included in my question here:
YUI 2.5. Populating a dropdown from XML

jqGrid inline editing - addRow keys not working for the first time

I want to use inline editing with Esc and Enter keys and I'm using inlineNav method. I already set keys: true for editRow method and keys are working. While I'm usig "add row" button, keys are not forking for the first time. I must cancel this operation by mouse and when I tried to add row again, keys are working normally. I have no clue how to debug this. It's jqGrid v. 4.4.4
.navGrid(gridToolbar).inlineNav(gridToolbar, {
editParams: { keys: true }
If you want to define some common settings for inline editing I would recommend you to use $.jgrid.inlineEdit. For example
$.extend($.jgrid.inlineEdit, { keys: true });
In the case you will have Enter key working in any form of usage of inline editing. In the case inline editing activated per formatter: "actions" will works in the same way like Add and Edit buttons added by inlineNav.
Alternatively you have to specify special for inlineNav the option for "add row" button in the following way
$("#myGrid").jqGrid("inlineNav", "#pager", {
editParams: { keys: true },
addParams: { addRowParams: { keys: true } }
Typically one defines all inline editing options in one object and uses the same options object twice:
var editingOptions = { keys: true };
$("#myGrid").jqGrid("inlineNav", "#pager", {
editParams: editingOptions,
addParams: { addRowParams: editingOptions }
See the answer for more code examples.
UPDATED: I think I found the reason why you had keys: false used during Add operation at the beginning, but had later keys: false working. The reason is the bug which I described in the bug report which I just posted. You can try to use fixed version of jquery.jqGrid.src.js (you can get it here). The reason was that
inlineNav has one bug: it uses always editParams inside of "Cancel" event handler (see the line) even if we cancel "Add" operation. So the method restoreRow was called with editParams as parameter.
The next bug is that the line of restoreRow changes $.jgrid.inlineEdit instead of just usage it. To fix the bug one have to change the line
o = $.extend(true, $.jgrid.inlineEdit, o );
o = $.extend(true, {}, $.jgrid.inlineEdit, o);

JQGrid - toggling multiselect

Is there a way to toggle the multiselect option of a grid?
Changing the multiselect parameter of the grid and calling for a reload has the side-effect of leaving the header behind when disabling or not creating the header column if multiselect was not TRUE upon the grid creation.
The closest I have come is setting multiselect to TRUE upon grid creation and using showCol and hideCol to toggle: $('#grid').showCol("cb").trigger('reloadGrid');
This has a side effect of changing the grid width when toggled. It appears the cb column width is reserved when it is not hidden.
Basically I'm attempting to create a grid with an "edit/cancel" button to toggle the multiselect -- very similar to how the iPhone/iPad handles deleting multiple mail or text messages.
Thank you in advance.
I full agree with Justin that jqGrid don't support toggling of multiselect parameter dynamically. So +1 to his answer in any way. I agree, that the simplest and the only supported way to toggle multiselect parameter will be connected with re-initialize (re-creating) the grid.
So if you need to change the value of multiselect parameter of jqGrid you need first change multiselect parameter with respect of respect setGridParam and then re-creating the grid with respect of GridUnload method for example. See the demo from the answer.
Nevertheless I find your question very interesting (+1 for you too). It's a little sport task at least to try to implement the behavior.
Some remarks for the understanding the complexity of the problem. During filling of the body of the grid jqGrid code calculate positions of the cells based on the value of multiselect parameter (see setting of gi value here and usage it later, here for example). So if you will hide the column 'cb', which hold the checkboxes, the cell position will be calculated wrong. The grid will be filled correctly only if either the column 'cb' not exists at all or if you have multiselect: true. So you have to set multiselect: true before paging or sorting of the grid if the column 'cb' exist in the grid. Even for hidden column 'cb' you have to set multiselect to true. On the other side you have to set multiselect to the value which corresponds the real behavior which you need directly after filling of the grid (for example in the loadComplete).
I hope I express me clear inspite of my bad English. To be sure that all understand me correctly I repeat the same one more time. If you want try to toggle multiselect dynamically you have to do the following steps:
create grid in any way with multiselect: true to have 'cb' column
set multiselect: false and hide 'cb' column in the loadComplete if you want to have single select behavior
set multiselect: true always before refreshing the grid: before paging, sorting, filtering, reloading and so on.
I created the demo which seems to work. It has the button which can be used to toggle multiselect parameter:
In the demo I used the trick with subclassing (overwriting of the original event handle) of reloadGrid event which I described the old answer.
The most important parts of the code from the demo you will find below:
var events, originalReloadGrid, $grid = $("#list"), multiselect = false,
enableMultiselect = function (isEnable) {
$(this).jqGrid('setGridParam', {multiselect: (isEnable ? true : false)});
// ... some parameters
multiselect: true,
onPaging: function () {
enableMultiselect.call(this, true);
onSortCol: function () {
enableMultiselect.call(this, true);
loadComplete: function () {
if (!multiselect) {
$(this).jqGrid('hideCol', 'cb');
} else {
$(this).jqGrid('showCol', 'cb');
enableMultiselect.call(this, multiselect);
$grid.jqGrid('navGrid', '#pager', {add: false, edit: false, del: false}, {}, {}, {},
{multipleSearch: true, multipleGroup: true, closeOnEscape: true, showQuery: true, closeAfterSearch: true});
events = $grid.data("events"); // read all events bound to
// Verify that one reloadGrid event hanler is set. It should be set
if (events && events.reloadGrid && events.reloadGrid.length === 1) {
originalReloadGrid = events.reloadGrid[0].handler; // save old
$grid.bind('reloadGrid', function (e, opts) {
enableMultiselect.call(this, true);
originalReloadGrid.call(this, e, opts);
$("#multi").button().click(function () {
var $this = $(this);
multiselect = $this.is(":checked");
$this.button("option", "label", multiselect ?
"To use single select click here" :
"To use multiselect click here");
enableMultiselect.call($grid[0], true);
UPDATED: In case of usage jQuery in version 1.8 or higher one have to change the line events = $grid.data("events"); to events = $._data($grid[0], "events");. One can find the modified demo here.
I really like what you are trying to do here, and think it would be a great enhancement for jqGrid, but unfortunately this is not officially supported. In the jqGrid documentation under Documentation | Options | multiselect you can see the Can be changed? column for multiselect reads:
No. see HOWTO
It would be nice if there was a link or more information about that HOWTO. Anyway, this is probably why you are running into all of the weird behavior. You may be able to work around it if you try hard enough - if so, please consider posting your solution here.
Alternatively, perhaps you could re-initialize the grid in place and change it from/to a multi-select grid? Not an ideal solution because the user will have to wait longer for the grid to be set up, but this is probably the quickest solution.
A simpler answer:
<input type="button" value="Multiselect" onclick="toggle_multiselect()">
function toggle_multiselect()
if ($('#list1 .cbox:visible').length > 0)
$('#list1').jqGrid('hideCol', 'cb');
jQuery('.jqgrow').click(function(){ jQuery('#list1').jqGrid('resetSelection'); this.checked = true; });
$('#list1').jqGrid('showCol', 'cb');
Where list1 is from <table id="list1"></table>.

How to capture jqGrid column changing events?

In our application we are using a jqGrid which supports hiding and reordering of columns. When the columns are hidden or reordered we want to store the new settings into our database. But to do this we somehow need to capture the hiding or reordering event. Or possibly to capture when the colModel changes.
Is there any way to capture and handle these events?
You can use 'done' event of the columnChooser. Here is an example:
var grid = $("list");
{caption:"", buttonicon:"ui-icon-calculator", title:"Column choose",
onClickButton: function() {
"done": function(perm) {
if (perm) {
this.jqGrid("remapColumns", perm, true);
// here you can do some additional actions
UPDATED: If you define sortable option as
sortable: {
update: function (permutation) {
and not as sortable:true you will receive the notification about the new order of columns. See the source code of jqGrid for details. The array permutation with integers has the same meaning as in remapColumns functions (see my old answer for details).
You can capture column changes via the sortable parameter as mentinoed in Oleg's "update" above, or as discussed on jqGrid's message board.
However, please note that the array passed to your callback will be relative to the current column order. In other words, saving the array as is after moving multiple columns will not produce the desired results. See my answer on this other stackoverflow question.
