JQGrid - toggling multiselect - jqgrid

Is there a way to toggle the multiselect option of a grid?
Changing the multiselect parameter of the grid and calling for a reload has the side-effect of leaving the header behind when disabling or not creating the header column if multiselect was not TRUE upon the grid creation.
The closest I have come is setting multiselect to TRUE upon grid creation and using showCol and hideCol to toggle: $('#grid').showCol("cb").trigger('reloadGrid');
This has a side effect of changing the grid width when toggled. It appears the cb column width is reserved when it is not hidden.
Basically I'm attempting to create a grid with an "edit/cancel" button to toggle the multiselect -- very similar to how the iPhone/iPad handles deleting multiple mail or text messages.
Thank you in advance.

I full agree with Justin that jqGrid don't support toggling of multiselect parameter dynamically. So +1 to his answer in any way. I agree, that the simplest and the only supported way to toggle multiselect parameter will be connected with re-initialize (re-creating) the grid.
So if you need to change the value of multiselect parameter of jqGrid you need first change multiselect parameter with respect of respect setGridParam and then re-creating the grid with respect of GridUnload method for example. See the demo from the answer.
Nevertheless I find your question very interesting (+1 for you too). It's a little sport task at least to try to implement the behavior.
Some remarks for the understanding the complexity of the problem. During filling of the body of the grid jqGrid code calculate positions of the cells based on the value of multiselect parameter (see setting of gi value here and usage it later, here for example). So if you will hide the column 'cb', which hold the checkboxes, the cell position will be calculated wrong. The grid will be filled correctly only if either the column 'cb' not exists at all or if you have multiselect: true. So you have to set multiselect: true before paging or sorting of the grid if the column 'cb' exist in the grid. Even for hidden column 'cb' you have to set multiselect to true. On the other side you have to set multiselect to the value which corresponds the real behavior which you need directly after filling of the grid (for example in the loadComplete).
I hope I express me clear inspite of my bad English. To be sure that all understand me correctly I repeat the same one more time. If you want try to toggle multiselect dynamically you have to do the following steps:
create grid in any way with multiselect: true to have 'cb' column
set multiselect: false and hide 'cb' column in the loadComplete if you want to have single select behavior
set multiselect: true always before refreshing the grid: before paging, sorting, filtering, reloading and so on.
I created the demo which seems to work. It has the button which can be used to toggle multiselect parameter:
In the demo I used the trick with subclassing (overwriting of the original event handle) of reloadGrid event which I described the old answer.
The most important parts of the code from the demo you will find below:
var events, originalReloadGrid, $grid = $("#list"), multiselect = false,
enableMultiselect = function (isEnable) {
$(this).jqGrid('setGridParam', {multiselect: (isEnable ? true : false)});
// ... some parameters
multiselect: true,
onPaging: function () {
enableMultiselect.call(this, true);
onSortCol: function () {
enableMultiselect.call(this, true);
loadComplete: function () {
if (!multiselect) {
$(this).jqGrid('hideCol', 'cb');
} else {
$(this).jqGrid('showCol', 'cb');
enableMultiselect.call(this, multiselect);
$grid.jqGrid('navGrid', '#pager', {add: false, edit: false, del: false}, {}, {}, {},
{multipleSearch: true, multipleGroup: true, closeOnEscape: true, showQuery: true, closeAfterSearch: true});
events = $grid.data("events"); // read all events bound to
// Verify that one reloadGrid event hanler is set. It should be set
if (events && events.reloadGrid && events.reloadGrid.length === 1) {
originalReloadGrid = events.reloadGrid[0].handler; // save old
$grid.bind('reloadGrid', function (e, opts) {
enableMultiselect.call(this, true);
originalReloadGrid.call(this, e, opts);
$("#multi").button().click(function () {
var $this = $(this);
multiselect = $this.is(":checked");
$this.button("option", "label", multiselect ?
"To use single select click here" :
"To use multiselect click here");
enableMultiselect.call($grid[0], true);
UPDATED: In case of usage jQuery in version 1.8 or higher one have to change the line events = $grid.data("events"); to events = $._data($grid[0], "events");. One can find the modified demo here.

I really like what you are trying to do here, and think it would be a great enhancement for jqGrid, but unfortunately this is not officially supported. In the jqGrid documentation under Documentation | Options | multiselect you can see the Can be changed? column for multiselect reads:
No. see HOWTO
It would be nice if there was a link or more information about that HOWTO. Anyway, this is probably why you are running into all of the weird behavior. You may be able to work around it if you try hard enough - if so, please consider posting your solution here.
Alternatively, perhaps you could re-initialize the grid in place and change it from/to a multi-select grid? Not an ideal solution because the user will have to wait longer for the grid to be set up, but this is probably the quickest solution.

A simpler answer:
<input type="button" value="Multiselect" onclick="toggle_multiselect()">
function toggle_multiselect()
if ($('#list1 .cbox:visible').length > 0)
$('#list1').jqGrid('hideCol', 'cb');
jQuery('.jqgrow').click(function(){ jQuery('#list1').jqGrid('resetSelection'); this.checked = true; });
$('#list1').jqGrid('showCol', 'cb');
Where list1 is from <table id="list1"></table>.


Kendo grid enable editing during insert, disable during edit(applicable to only one column)

I have a scenario where I have a Kendo dropdown, Kendo Datepicker as couple of columns in the grid.
On Add new record, the dropdown should be editable, on Edit mode, this drop down should be non Editable.
I have declared Grid to be Editable in declaration using
model.Field(p => p.CountryName).Editable(true); // where CountryName is kendo dropdown
I am trying to do on Edit this way,
function OnEdit(e) {
if (e.model.isNew() == false) {
e.model.fields["CountryName"].editable = false
THe behaviour I observe is Initially on load, Editable is set to true (due to cshtml declaration). When I click on Edit too, the drop down is Editable because of the page load flag that is set.
Even though OnEditmethod is executed and editable is set to false, the grid seems to have loaded before this code execution, hence editable =false is not reflected.
If I click on Edit second time, now the editable is set to false due to the previous call, Hence the dropdown is non editable as expected.
In Summary, the flag setting is not effective for the current action, but for the immediate next action. I am not sure if I have made it clear. Can you guys help?
Update - The other option I tried, during databind to the grid, I tried explicitly settign editable to false to all the grid data. My assumption here was only the loaded rows will have this field set to false. But in this case even the add new record takes Editable false.
var grid2 = $("#Gridprepayment").data("kendoGrid").dataSource.data(requiredData);
$.each(requiredData, function (i, row) {
var model = $("#Gridprepayment").data("kendoGrid").dataSource.at(i);
if (model) {
model.fields["CountryName"].editable = false;
The best way is to make the column editable .
model.Field(d => d.CountryName).Editable(true);
and Onedit function, replace the inner html like mentioned below, for just to display it as label.
function OnEdit(e) {
e.container[0].childNodes['0'].innerHTML = e.model.CountryName;
Try disabling the kendo dropdown in the following manner:
function OnEdit(e) {
if (e.model.isNew() == false) {
You can try this if you want to show the dropdownList as label in edit mode
function OnEdit(e) {
if(e.container.find("input").attr("id") === 'CountryName') {
Note: The above code was written considering "CountryName" as the id of the dropdown. Please change if the id is different.
I tried this which worked.
It's only a work around :
function OnEdit(e) {
if (e.model.isNew() == false) {
if (e.container.find("input").attr("id") === 'CountryName') {

Kendo UI - Drop down list Setting Value autoBind = false setting

I am evaluating kendo ui right now to use in our big application. We have a situation where we have much values in dropdowns (like 200+) and there are more than 1 drop down with that size. So if we have a complex form. The Page Load takes time to render the form. (Due to that each box needs to be loaded from service and filled up).
We avoided this by writing our own asp.net web control with on demand support (like autoBind property) in the drop down list in kendo ui.
Now, DropDownList from KendoUI serves the purpose with autobind = false, BUT when setting value it fetches data from remote binding first and then selects appropriate value. (this is cool and really good for small lists) but Potentially this will mean that when we load the page and set the value it will issue remote binding calls for each of the drop downs.
Can we set value/ text to appear without issuing the remote binding. We want remote binding to be done ONLY when the user clicks on the drop down itself. (not when we are filling form). This will save extra calls to system and help quickly render the form to user.
Here is JS Bin
If somebody from kendo ui would like me to help out - let me know, but this idea will allow us to use kendo ui drop downs with good use.
<input type="button" id="btnSet" value="Set Value (Click without clicking on DropDown" />
<select id="products"></select>
$(document).ready(function () {
dataTextField: "ProductName",
dataValueField: "ProductID",
autoBind: false,
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: {
dataType: "jsonp",
url: "http://demos.kendoui.com/service/Products",
var combobox = $("#products").data("kendoDropDownList"),
setValue = function (e) {
if (e.type != "keypress" || kendo.keys.ENTER == e.keyCode)
1) Set text instead of value : http://docs.kendoui.com/api/web/dropdownlist#configuration-text
text String(default: "")
Define the text of the widget, when the autoBind is set to false.
autoBind: false,
text: "Chai"
dirty alternative - Try to hijack ddl "optional label" for your needs. Load your data for the page inclusive of the value you want to show at the ddl, then initialize ddl's with optional values equal to the value you want to show. Once user opens the ddl, remote data will load, once data loaded you will ovewrite/remove the optional label and happy days.
(Consider splitting the list, 200 long drop down us far from user friendly.)
optionLabel: "My value" });
Also consider using Kendo ComboBox, afterall auto complete after 3 chars or so sounds as quite sensible solution in case of your 200 items. We use same solution to 500 + combobox.

jqGrid filter row is out of sync with grid columns

Please look at my jsFiddle posted:
I have a fixed width jqGrid with scroll enabled and shrinktofit: false. Now when I tab through the 4th field in the jqGrid filter textbox, the filter textboxes are misalinged with the jqGrid columns. How can this be fixed?
jqGrid has very restricted support of keyboard navigation. I agree that the problem which you describe exist in the current (v. 4.3.1) implementation of jqGrid. So +1 from me for the question.
To fix the problem I suggest the following
.find('.ui-jqgrid-htable .ui-search-toolbar .ui-th-column')
.find('input, select')
.focus(function (e) {
var $header = $(e.target).closest('.ui-jqgrid-hdiv'),
$body = $header.siblings('.ui-jqgrid-bdiv');
setTimeout(function () {
// we syncronize the scroll in the separate thread
// to be sure that the new scrolling value
// already set in the grid header
$body[0].scrollLeft = $header[0].scrollLeft;
}, 0);
The usage of setTimeout is required in the Google Chrome web browser for example.
See the demo here.

while the select editoption posts the value (or id) of the selected list item, autocomplete posts the label - i need id posted

While both autocomplete and select in jqgrid editform place the selected label into the cell, select will place the value (id) in the postdata array where autocomplete will place the label into the postdata array.
is there a way to get the editoption's autocomplete to post the item value (id) instead of the label?
here is the jqgrid code segment i'm using autocomplete in...
colNames:['Workorder', 'wo.CUID',.....],
{name:'wo.CUID', index:'cu.LastName', width:120, fixed:true, align:'center', sortable:true, editable:true, edittype:'text',
editoptions:{dataInit:function(el){$(el).autocomplete({ source: 'php/customer-ac-script.php'
, minLength: 1
formoptions:{rowpos: 1, label:'Customer', elmprefix:'* '},
$('#tab3-grid').jqGrid('navGrid', '#tab3-pager',
{view:true, closeOnEscape:true, cloneToTop:true}, // general parameters that apply to all navigation options below.
{jqModal:true, navkeys:[true,38,40], savekey:[true,13]}, // edit options.
{jqModal:true, navkeys:[true,38,40], savekey:[true,13], reloadAfterSubmit:false, afterSubmit: addRecordID}, // add options.
{jqModal:true, afterSubmit: serverMessage}, // del options.
{jqModal:true}, // search options.
{jqModal:true, navkeys:[true,38,40]} // view options.
The php code segment:
// construct autocomplete select.
$i = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$output[$i][$crudConfig['id']] = $row['CUID'];
$output[$i][$crudConfig['value']] = $row['LastName'];
logMsg(__LINE__,'I','cu.CUID: '.$row['CUID'].', cu.LastName: '.$row['LastName']);
// encode to json format and send output back to jqGrid table.
echo json_encode($output);
logMsg(__LINE__,'I','Send json output back to jqGrid table: '.json_encode($output));
Would it be as simple as calling a function under the autocomplete select event or the grid before or after editform submit?
Also, i noticed this note in the jqgrid doc's for datainit: that says...
Note: Some plugins require the position of the element in the DOM and
since this event is raised before inserting the element into the DOM
you can use a setTimeout function to accomplish the desired action.
Would the lack of including the settimeout function be causing the problem?
The server code which provide the JSON response on the autocomplete request has id and value properties. On the other side the standard behavior of jQuery UI Autocomplete is to use label and value properties (see "Datamodel" in the documentation). The value of label property (if any exist) will be used to display in the contextmenu. The value of value property will be placed in the <input> field after the user choose the item from the contextmenu. The value of label property can has HTML markup, but the value of value property must be the text.
So I see the problem as pure problem of the usage of jQuery UI Autocomplete independent on jqGrid. If I understand correct your question you can solve your problem by modification your server side code.
Oleg's answer clarifying the data model for jquery UI's autocomplete, has allowed me to move forward and understand that autocomplete has nothing to do with constructing and sending the postdata array to the server, jqgrid's editform handles it. With that knowledge, i was able to answer my original question and successfully integrate autocomplete into jqgrid. So, in the interest of sharing, i'd like to show you all my motivation and solution.
By default, selecting a label from the autocomplete list put's the value of the selected label/value pair into the text box. All the editform cares about when you submit is what's in the edit fields. So when you submit the editform, the cell's postdata element value will again contain the value of the autocomplete text box. But what if while wanting to post the value of the label/value pair, you want the label of the label/value pair displayed in the text box? You have a problem! How do you get the value of the label/value pair posted to the server?
Well, after spending a few days on it, it turns out to be quite simply. While i'm sure there is more than one solution, here is mine:
add a hidden id column in the grid
define the select: and focus: events in the autocomplete function
in the select: function; insert the selected label into the text box (optional), disable the default behavior of autocomplete, then set the cell of the hidden column to the value of the selected label/value pair
in the focus: function; insert the selected label into the text box(optional), disable the default behavior of autocomplete
add an "onclickSubmit:" event to the navgrid edit options with function name something like "fixpostdata"
in the "fixpostdata" function; get the cell value of the hidden column and insert it into the postdata element associated with the cell.
The following are the grid and javascript code segments i used…
grid segments
{name:'wo_CUID', index:'wo_CUID', width: 70, hidden: true},
{name:'wo.CUID', index:'cu.LastName', width:120, sortable:true, editable:true, edittype:'text',
dataInit:function(el){ // el contains the id of the edit form input text box.
source: 'php/customer-ac-script.php',
minLength: 1,
select: function(event, ui){event.preventDefault();
var rowid = $('#tab3-grid').getGridParam('selrow');
// set the hidden wo_CUID cell with selected value of the selected label.
$('#tab3-grid').jqGrid('setCell', rowid,'wo_CUID',ui.item.value);},
focus: function(event, ui) {event.preventDefault();
formoptions:{rowpos: 1, label:'Customer', elmprefix:'* '},
$('#tab3-grid').jqGrid('navGrid', '#tab3-pager',
{view:true, closeOnEscape:true, cloneToTop:true},
{jqModal:true, navkeys:[false,38,40], onclickSubmit: fixpostdata}, // edit options.
javascript function
// define handler function for 'onclickSubmit' event.
var fixpostdata = function(params, postdata){
var rowid = $('#tab3-grid').getGridParam('selrow');
var value = $('#tab3-grid').jqGrid('getCell', rowid,'wo_CUID');
postdata['wo.CUID'] = value;
The fixpostdata function fires when you submit the editform but befor the postdata array is sent to the server. At this point you replace the cell's postdata element value with whatever you want. In this case, the value of the label/value pair stored in the hidden column cell. When the function returns, the modified postdata array is sent to the server.

jqGrid multiselect - limit the selection of the row only using the checkbox

Good morning, I'm working on a jqGrid that have the multiselection active.
I need to limit the selection of the row only using the multisel box, not by clicking everywhere on the row.
Thats's because I need to do some action by clicking links on some cells and I won't alter the active multiselection.
I tried to set the multiboxonly property, but it's not what I need.
I didn't find anything else to customize this function of the grid.
You can control on which click the row will be selected with respect of your custom beforeSelectRow event handler. If the handler return true, the row will be selected. If you return false the row will be not selected.
The second parameter of beforeSelectRow is event object, e.target is the DOM element which was clicked. You can get the cell (<td>) in which the click done with $(e.target).closest('td'). Then you can use $.jgrid.getCellIndex to get the index of the cell insido of the row. The index in the colModel should point to the 'cb' column which contain the checkboxes. So the code could be the following:
beforeSelectRow: function (rowid, e) {
var $myGrid = $(this),
i = $.jgrid.getCellIndex($(e.target).closest('td')[0]),
cm = $myGrid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'colModel');
return (cm[i].name === 'cb');
The corresponding demo you can see here.
I would like to suggest easier solution:
beforeSelectRow: function(rowid, e) {
return $(e.target).is('input[type=checkbox]');
When multiselect is set to true, clicking anywhere on a row selects that row; when multiboxonly is also set to true, the multiselection is done only when the checkbox is clicked.
So the answer would be:
multiboxonly: true
