Report viewer 2010 not displays all the rows from dataset - visual-studio-2010

I have a reportviewer 2010 and I want to display some rows from my dataset.
In mydataset I have 5 rows, but after reportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(ds);
I see in DataSource only 1 row which is displayed.
Has anyone some ideas why?
Below is my code, if you need more information please tell me.
ReportDataSource ds = new ReportDataSource("DataSet1", mydataSet);

I remade my rdlc file and it works fine now.
I supose something I did wrong first time my rdlc...


adding row manualy into DataGrid using VB6

i want to display the data into DataGrid manually in VB6, source of data is not from database or other source. I have created the column, like this:
For i = 2 To 4
DataGrid1.Columns.Add i
Next i
DataGrid1.Columns(0).Caption = "No"
DataGrid1.Columns(1).Caption = "Subdataset"
DataGrid1.Columns(2).Caption = "Dimension"
DataGrid1.Columns(3).Caption = "Check"
DataGrid1.Columns(3).Caption = "Detail"
but i can't add row and add value into it, i have tried like this:
Me.DataGrid1.AllowUserToAddRows = True
DataGrid1.Row = DataGrid1.Row + 1
then i got error
Please tell me if anybody can help me, thank you
Not only is DataGrid designed to be a bound control, it doesn't support unbound use. Says so right in the doc. So, the short answer is that you can't do what you are trying to do, because it's designed to display values from a database.
Instead, you'll want to use the MSFlexGrid control (Not the MSHFlexGrid control, although some of the doc confuses them), which you can read about here. Suppose you play around with that (the AddItem method is the fundamental piece you need to work with) and post back with specifics if you have problems.
Once you have added the table (DataGrid) right click select edit then you can insert columns:

Visual Basic Chart Bind Specific Rows of DataTable

I am struggling to find an answer or if this is something that can be done.
I have a datatable "SFTable" and a chart "GPSChart" and I add series "SFLine" to it.
I would like to specify beginning and end rows of the datatable that I want plotted. So if I only want to plot rows 45-234 out of the datatable, how would I go about that?
Not sure that databind is the best thing for this, but I don't really know any other options, I'm new to this. Thanks
If Not SFDrawn Then GPSChart.Series.Add("SFLine")
With GPSChart.Series("SFLine")
.ChartType = DataVisualization.Charting.SeriesChartType.Line
.Points.DataBind(TestDatabaseDataSet3.Tables("SFTable"), "Latitude", "Longitude", Nothing)
End With

What component can i use for displaying tabular data fastly

We already used jqgrid for displaying data.But it took more time to dispaly data(we have more than 5000 data).
We tried with slick grid.But faced the same issue there.So slick grid is more faster than jqgrid .If so then why slickgrid also taking time.
Please help me to proceed my research.
Latest Comments
var columns = [{name:'Personnel',field:'accommodationId',id:'orientation'},
{name:'Employer', field:'itemSystemID', id:'itemSystemID', width:110} ]
var gridData=somVO;
grid = new Slick.Grid("#testGrid",gridData, columns);
- Query took 28 sec
- action class takes 32 sec or more

change flexigrid row color dynamically in codeigniter ajax page

I'm working in Codeigniter and using Flexigrid. It's working fine. For one of my new module I have below requirement:-
highlight rows of unread messages.
My Codeigniter-Ajax page code below:-
$record_items[] = array(base64_encode($row->msg_id),
$date_post->format('d-m-Y H:i:s'),
The above code is populating rows. So I'm not able to figure it out , how will I change the row color.
Any help please? Forgive me for bad english.

JavaFX TableView content disappears on scrolling

I managed to create a TableView with specific columns assigned to a datamodel-class. The program can parse a csv file into it and shows everything correctly in the table. Scrolling isnt a problem at this stage.
Then I want to select specific rows and send them to another table. Which works as well. But when I start scrolling in table1 again the content outside the visual area is disappeared.
I dont really understand what happened here because I didn't changed anything for table1. Both lists are using Order as datamodel... perhaps this is a problem? Here is the code which sends the rows to table2:
if(init) { //init is true
ObservableList<TableColumn<Order, ?>> header = table1.getColumns();
init = false;
if order is your bean class then override the hashcode() and equals() method properly. This is occurring because of the duplicate object. It worked for me.
