What component can i use for displaying tabular data fastly - slickgrid

We already used jqgrid for displaying data.But it took more time to dispaly data(we have more than 5000 data).
We tried with slick grid.But faced the same issue there.So slick grid is more faster than jqgrid .If so then why slickgrid also taking time.
Please help me to proceed my research.
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var columns = [{name:'Personnel',field:'accommodationId',id:'orientation'},
{name:'Employer', field:'itemSystemID', id:'itemSystemID', width:110} ]
var gridData=somVO;
grid = new Slick.Grid("#testGrid",gridData, columns);
- Query took 28 sec
- action class takes 32 sec or more


ExtJS6 Sencha: Slowly hiding multiple columns

I have a table (Ext.panel.Grid): 21 columns(Ext.grid.column.Column), 50 rows. Hiding with my button 20 columns takes about 2 seconds. I am using column.setVisible(true) method in a loop.
In the browser debugger - ext-all-debug.js, you can see that when you hide each column, a lot of time is spent on:
It's in the method hide() in Ext.grid.column.Column.
Is it possible to somehow speed up this process?
Thanks for the advice.
This post solved my problem.
Additionally used Ext.suspendLayouts() before multiple hiding/showing and Ext.resumeLayouts() after.
// hide columns

Multiple <telerik:RadListBox> are being rendered too slow due to huge amount of rows

I have an ascx-control is being placed 7 times at the aspx-page.
All controls render the same huge amount of rows: 2400.
The 1st control takes ~1 sec to render.
The 2nd - ~3 sec.
The 3rd - ~15 sec.
The 4th - ~25 sec.
The 5th - ~40 sec.
The 6th - ~65 sec.
The 7th - ~105 sec.
To render all controls on client it takes about 6 min, regardless the first 2 controls is being rendered almost immediately.
This is reproduced only on the Google Chrome the latest version (83.0.4103.97).
I did a try on the Chrome v.81, and there is no performance issue.
Also, there is no performance issue on the following browsers: Mozilla Firefox, IE 11, Edge.
Please see below usage of the RadListBox:
<telerik:RadListBox ID="RadListBox1"
Width="100%" Height="200px"
EmptyMessage="No Rows"
And set items at the ascx.cs:
DataTable list = GetList();
RadListBox1.DataSource = list;
Actually I have tried the Load On Demand feature, the controls have been loaded even immediately, but all custom js were failed.
Please advice.

Reloading data with chart.dataSource.reloadFrequency adds the data to the chart in stead of replacing it

I've added this code
chart.dataSource.reloadFrequency = 60000;
to live reload the chart data.
It works, the network tab is showing that, and the data is loaded, but it looks like it's added and not replaced.
The docs say:
In case your data changes dynamically, you might want to set up the data loader to reload the data at preset intervals, so that your chart is always up-to-date.
To do that, use dataSource.reloadFrequency setting.
It's a number of milliseconds you want your chart data to be reloaded at.
For example if I want my chart to reload its data every 5 seconds, i'll set this to 5000:
I had same problem and changing these line to false helped:
chart.dataSource.incremental = false;

HighChart / HighStock chart.refresh seems to fail to reload the chart

Hia guys,
I'm currently learning to use HighCharts in order to graph some data.
After learning to set up on a local page, it was time to load the data dynamically / though ajax.
The chart loads fine, with series defined like:
var series1=[];
var series2=[];
var series3=[];
I then have a button, which fires an ajax request, and these arrays are filled with data, pulled from an sql database, formatted, and sent back to the webpage :D
(this has taken a while)
Now - with these arrays filled, I'm looking to get HighCharts to draw this data.
I've tried to use chart.refresh(); on the end of my ajax but this seems to give the error:
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'refresh'
I'm a little stumped and struggling to make progress - a nudge in the right direction would be very much appreciated!
Is what needs firing after the arrays have been filled up.
Without seeing the rest of your code here is a wild guess:
You have set up your chart with these 3 series already "created" in the HighCharts options. You are loading the page, defining your HighCharts options (including the 3 series - as empty series), then firing the ajax call to populate the three series of data.
You are not actually pushing the new data in each series to the chart, however. You are just setting the vars to new values after they have been sent to HighCharts - refreshing (if even a valid HighCharts call) HighCharts does "nothing" because it is not re-reading the 3 var values.
Also, note that chart.refresh does not appear to be a valid HighCharts call. There is chart.redraw that you can try - but I do not think this will help in your case because of how you are defining your data series elements (again, no idea because the important part - telling HighCharts there is new data in code was not presented). Have a look at the API as well for pointers on dynamically assigning data.
How are you updating the series values? How are you telling the chart there is new data? It would be helpful to see the rest of the code because 3 lines of var x=[] is not really useful.
Here is a basic way to set the data of a series using setData:
$('#button').click(function() {
chart.series[0].setData([129.2, 144.0, 176.0, 135.6, 148.5, 216.4, 194.1, 95.6, 54.4, 29.9, 71.5, 106.4] );

Report viewer 2010 not displays all the rows from dataset

I have a reportviewer 2010 and I want to display some rows from my dataset.
In mydataset I have 5 rows, but after reportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(ds);
I see in DataSource only 1 row which is displayed.
Has anyone some ideas why?
Below is my code, if you need more information please tell me.
ReportDataSource ds = new ReportDataSource("DataSet1", mydataSet);
I remade my rdlc file and it works fine now.
I supose something I did wrong first time my rdlc...
