Get syscall.Handle from a Go *net.UDPConn on Windows? - windows

How do I obtain the underlying syscall.Handle for a *net.UDPConn on Windows? I want this handle to set the IP_MULTICAST_TTL via syscall.SetsockoptInt. On Linux I do the following:
func setTTL(conn *net.UDPConn, ttl int) error {
f, err := conn.File()
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
fd := int(f.Fd())
return syscall.SetsockoptInt(fd, syscall.SOL_IP, syscall.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, ttl)
But on Windows, the implicit dup inside *net.UDPConn's File() fails with:
04:24:49 main.go:150: dup: not supported by windows
And in the source code is marked as a to-do. How can I get this handle? Is there some other way to set the TTL if not?
I've submitted the shortcomings to the Go issue tracker:
SetTTL for *net.UDPConn
Implement dup for netFD on Windows

The short answer is impossible. But since that isn't an answer you want to hear, I will give you the right way and wrong way to solve the problem.
The right way:
implement dup() for Windows.
submit to Go as a changeset
wait for it to be released to use it
Obviously the right way has some issues... but I highly recommend doing it. Go needs windows developers to fix up these types of serious problems. The only reason this can't be done in Windows is no one implemented the function
The wrong way:
Until the patch you write gets accepted and released, you can fake it through unsafe. The way the following code works by mirroring the exact structure of a net.UDPConn. This included copying over all structs from net that make up a UDPConn. Then unsafe is used to assert that the local UDPConn is the same as net's UDPConn. The compiler can not check this and takes your word for it. Were the internals of net to ever change, it would compile but god knows what it would do.
All code is untested.
package reallyunsafenet
import (
// copied from go/src/pkg/net/fd_windows.go
type ioResult struct {
qty uint32
err error
// copied from go/src/pkg/net/fd_windows.go
type netFD struct {
// locking/lifetime of sysfd
sysmu sync.Mutex
sysref int
closing bool
// immutable until Close
sysfd syscall.Handle
family int
sotype int
isConnected bool
net string
laddr net.Addr
raddr net.Addr
resultc [2]chan ioResult
errnoc [2]chan error
// owned by client
rdeadline int64
rio sync.Mutex
wdeadline int64
wio sync.Mutex
// copied from go/src/pkg/net/udpsock_posix.go
type UDPConn struct {
fd *netFD
// function to get fd
func GetFD(conn *net.UDPConn) syscall.Handle {
c := (*UDPConn)(unsafe.Pointer(conn))
return c.fd.sysfd


When to store pointers to structs in variables instead of the struct itself

I'm currently learning Go and am following a tutorial about how to use Go with Stripe. There is this example code:
package main
import (
func main() {
sc := &client.API{}
c, _ := sc.Customers.Get("customerid", nil)
// ...
What is/could be the reason that sc stores the pointer to the struct and not the struct itself?
[To supplement the comment you received]
While in this case with the small code sample it's hard to say, in most scenarios you'll see non-trivial types passed around by pointer to enable modification. As an anti-example, consider this code which uses a variable of a struct type by value:
type S struct {
ID int
func (s S) UpdateID(i int) {
s.ID = i
func main() {
s := S{}
What do you think this will print? It will print 0, because methods with value receivers cannot modify the underlying type.
There's much information about this in Go - read about pointers, and about how methods should be written. This is a good reference:, and also
Back to your example: typically non-trivial types such as those representing a "client" for some services will be using pointers because method calls on such types should be able to modify the types themselves.

Calling Functions Inside a "LockOSThread" GoRoutine

I'm writing a package to control a Canon DSLR using their EDSDK DLL from Go.
This is a personal project for a photo booth to use at our wedding at my partners request, which I'll be happy to post on GitHub when complete :).
Looking at the examples of using the SDK elsewhere, it isn't threadsafe and uses thread-local resources, so I'll need to make sure I'm calling it from a single thread during usage. While not ideal, it looks like Go provides a "runtime.LockOSThread" function for doing just that, although this does get called by the core DLL interop code itself, so I'll have to wait and find out if that interferes or not.
I want the rest of the application to be able to call the SDK using a higher level interface without worrying about the threading, so I need a way to pass function call requests to the locked thread/Goroutine to execute there, then pass the results back to the calling function outside of that Goroutine.
So far, I've come up with this working example of using very broad function definitions using []interface{} arrays and passing back and forward via channels. This would take a lot of mangling of input/output data on every call to do type assertions back out of the interface{} array, even if we know what we should expect for each function ahead of time, but it looks like it'll work.
Before I invest a lot of time doing it this way for possibly the worst way to do it - does anyone have any better options?
package edsdk
import (
type CanonSDK struct {
FChan chan functionCall
type functionCall struct {
Function func([]interface{}) []interface{}
Arguments []interface{}
Return chan []interface{}
func NewCanonSDK() (*CanonSDK, error) {
c := &CanonSDK {
FChan: make(chan functionCall),
go c.BackgroundThread(c.FChan)
return c, nil
func (c *CanonSDK) BackgroundThread(fcalls <-chan functionCall) {
for f := range fcalls {
f.Return <- f.Function(f.Arguments)
func (c *CanonSDK) TestCall() {
ret := make(chan []interface{})
f := functionCall {
Function: c.DoTestCall,
Arguments: []interface{}{},
Return: ret,
c.FChan <- f
results := <- ret
fmt.Printf("%#v", results)
func (c *CanonSDK) DoTestCall([]interface{}) []interface{} {
return []interface{}{ "Test", nil }
For similar embedded projects I've played with, I tend to create a single goroutine worker that listens on a channel to perform all the work over that USB device. And any results sent back out on another channel.
Talk to the device with channels only in Go in a one-way exchange. LIsten for responses from the other channel.
Since USB is serial and polling, I had to setup a dedicated channel with another goroutine that justs picks items off the channel when they were pushed into it from the worker goroutine that just looped.

Why does the method of a struct that does not read/write its contents still cause a race case?

From the Dave Cheney Blog, the following code apparently causes a race case that can be resolved merely by changing func (RPC) version() int to func (*RPC) version() int :
package main
import (
type RPC struct {
result int
done chan struct{}
func (rpc *RPC) compute() {
time.Sleep(time.Second) // strenuous computation intensifies
rpc.result = 42
func (RPC) version() int {
return 1 // never going to need to change this
func main() {
rpc := &RPC{done: make(chan struct{})}
go rpc.compute() // kick off computation in the background
version := rpc.version() // grab some other information while we're waiting
<-rpc.done // wait for computation to finish
result := rpc.result
fmt.Printf("RPC computation complete, result: %d, version: %d\n", result, version)
After looking over the code a few times, I was having a hard time believing that the code had a race case. However, when running with --race, it claims that there was a write at rpc.result=42 and a previous read at version := rpc.version(). I understand the write, since the goroutine changes the value of rpc.result, but what about the read? Where in the version() method does the read occur? It does not touch any of the values of rpc, just returning 1.
I would like to understand the following:
1) Why is that particular line considered a read on the rpc struct?
2) Why would changing RPC to *RPC resolve the race case?
When you have a method with value receiver like this:
func (RPC) version() int {
return 1 // never going to need to change this
And you call this method:
version := rpc.version() // grab some other information while we're waiting
A copy has to be made from the value rpc, which will be passed to the method (used as the receiver value).
So while one goroutine go rpc.compute() is running and is modifying the rpc struct value (rpc.result = 42), the main goroutine is making a copy of the whole rpc struct value. There! It's a race.
When you modify the receiver type to pointer:
func (*RPC) version() int {
return 1 // never going to need to change this
And you call this method:
version := rpc.version() // grab some other information while we're waiting
This is a shorthand for
version := (&rpc).version()
This passes the address of the rpc value to RPC.version(), it uses only the pointer as the receiver, so no copy is made of the rpc struct value. And since nothing from the struct is used / read in RPC.version(), there is no race.
Note that if RPC.version() would read the RPC.result field, it would also be a race, as one goroutine modifies it while the main goroutine would read it:
func (rpc *RPC) version() int {
return rpc.result // RACE!
Note #2:
Also note that if RPC.version() would read another field of RPC which is not modified in RPC.compute(), that would not be a race, e.g.:
type RPC struct {
result int
done chan struct{}
dummy int
func (rpc *RPC) version() int {
return rpc.dummy // Not a race

io.MultiWriter vs. golang's pass-by-value

I'd like to create a situation where everything set to a particular log.Logger is also appended to a particular variable's array of strings.
The variable's type implements the io.Writer interface so it should be easy to add that via io.MultiWriter to log.New(), but I seem to have run into an intractable problem: the io.Writer interface is fixed and it's impossible for the variable to reference itself given golang's pass-by-value.
Maybe it will make more sense with an example:
package main
import "fmt"
import "io"
import "log"
import "os"
import "strings"
var Log *log.Logger
type Job_Result struct {
Job_ID int64
// other stuff
Log_Lines []string
// satisfies io.Writer interface
func (jr Job_Result) Write (p []byte) (n int, err error) {
s := strings.TrimRight(string(p),"\n ")
jr.Log_Lines= append(jr.Log_Lines,s)
return len(s), nil
func (jr Job_Result) Dump() {
fmt.Println("\nHere is a dump of the job result log lines:")
for n, s := range jr.Log_Lines{
fmt.Printf("\tline %d: %s\n",n,s)
func main() {
// make a Job_Result
var jr Job_Result
jr.Job_ID = 123
jr.Log_Lines = make([]string,0)
// create an io.MultiWriter that points to both stdout
// and that Job_Result var
var writers io.Writer
writers = io.MultiWriter(os.Stdout,jr)
Log = log.New(writers,
// send some stuff to the log
Log.Println("program starting")
Log.Println("something happened")
Log.Printf("last thing that happened, should be %drd line\n",3)
This is the output, which is not surprising:
2016/07/28 07:20:07 testjob.go:43: program starting
2016/07/28 07:20:07 testjob.go:44: something happened
2016/07/28 07:20:07 testjob.go:45: last thing that happened, should be 3rd line
Here is a dump of the job result log lines:
I understand the problem - Write() is getting a copy of the Job_Result variable, so it's dutifully appending and then the copy vanishes as it's local. I should pass it a pointer to the Job_Result...but I'm not the one calling Write(), it's done by the Logger, and I can't change that.
I thought this was a simple solution to capturing log output into an array (and there is other subscribe/unsubscribe stuff I didn't show), but it all comes down to this problematic io.Write() interface.
Pilot error? Bad design? Something I'm not grokking? Thanks for any advice.
redefine the write function (is now pointer receiver)
// satisfies io.Writer interface
func (jr *Job_Result) Write (p []byte) (n int, err error) {
s := strings.TrimRight(string(p),"\n ")
jr.Log_Lines= append(jr.Log_Lines,s)
return len(s), nil
jr := new(Job_Result) // makes a pointer.
rest stays as is. This way, *Job_Result still implements io.Writer, but doesn't lose state.
The go tutorial already said, when a method modifies the receiver, you should probably use a pointer receiver, or the changes may be lost. Working with a pointer instead of the actual object has little downside, when you want to make sure, there is exactly one object. (And yes, it technically isn't an object).

Using Golang to get Windows idle time (GetLastInputInfo or similar)

Is there an example or method of getting a Windows system's idle time using Go?
I've been looking at the documentation at the Golang site but I think I'm missing how to access (and use) the API to get system information including the idle time.
Go's website is hardcoded to show the documentation for the standard library packages on Linux. You will need to get godoc and run it yourself:
go get
godoc --http=:6060
then open in your web browser.
Of note is package syscall, which provides facilities for accessing functions in DLLs, including UTF-16 helpers and callback generation functions.
Doing a quick recursive search of the Go tree says it doesn't have an API for GetLastInputInfo() in particular, so unless I'm missing something, you should be able to call that function from the DLL directly:
user32 := syscall.MustLoadDLL("user32.dll") // or NewLazyDLL() to defer loading
getLastInputInfo := user32.MustFindProc("GetLastInputInfo") // or NewProc() if you used NewLazyDLL()
// or you can handle the errors in the above if you want to provide some alternative
r1, _, err := getLastInputInfo.Call(uintptr(arg))
// err will always be non-nil; you need to check r1 (the return value)
if r1 == 0 { // in this case
panic("error getting last input info: " + err.Error())
Your case involves a structure. As far as I know, you can just recreate the structure flat (keeping fields in the same order), but you must convert any int fields in the original to int32, otherwise things will break on 64-bit Windows. Consult the Windows Data Types page on MSDN for the appropriate type equivalents. In your case, this would be
var lastInputInfo struct {
cbSize uint32
dwTime uint32
Because this (like so many structs in the Windows API) has a cbSize field that requires you to initialize it with the size of the struct, we must do so too:
lastInputInfo.cbSize = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(lastInputInfo))
Now we just need to pass a pointer to that lastInputInfo variable to the function:
r1, _, err := getLastInputInfo.Call(
and just remember to import syscall and unsafe.
All args to DLL/LazyDLL.Call() are uintptr, as is the r1 return. The _ return is never used on Windows (it has to do with the ABI used).
Since I went over most of what you need to know to use the Windows API in Go that you can't gather from reading the syscall docs, I will also say (and this is irrelevant to the above question) that if a function has both ANSI and Unicode versions, you should use the Unicode versions (W suffix) and the UTF-16 conversion functions in package syscall for best results.
I think that's all the info you (or anyone, for that matter) will need to use the Windows API in Go programs.
Regarding for answer from andlabs. This is ready for use example:
import (
var (
user32 = syscall.MustLoadDLL("user32.dll")
kernel32 = syscall.MustLoadDLL("kernel32.dll")
getLastInputInfo = user32.MustFindProc("GetLastInputInfo")
getTickCount = kernel32.MustFindProc("GetTickCount")
lastInputInfo struct {
cbSize uint32
dwTime uint32
func IdleTime() time.Duration {
lastInputInfo.cbSize = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(lastInputInfo))
currentTickCount, _, _ := getTickCount.Call()
r1, _, err := getLastInputInfo.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&lastInputInfo)))
if r1 == 0 {
panic("error getting last input info: " + err.Error())
return time.Duration((uint32(currentTickCount) - lastInputInfo.dwTime)) * time.Millisecond
func main() {
t := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second)
for range t.C {
This is code print idle time every second. Try run and don't touch mouse/keyboard
