Show user specific form range in outlook 2010 - visual-studio-2010

I want to use my own form region, design via VSTO 2010 and Outlook 2010. The type of the form region is "separate". I've a button in my ribbon bar automatically added by the form region. Also I've a own tab in ribbon bar, with a button to show the form region. The included code of the button click event is here:
Outlook.Inspector inspector = this.Context as Outlook.Inspector;
Now my problem is to hide the button, which is created automatically by the form region. I've also tried to use the type of "replace" or "replace-all" of the form regions. But the code bellows get me an exchaption, that the page does not exist.
I only want to have a own ribbon bar tab with a button, to show my form region in Outlook 2010.
Thanks for help!

I've searching one time more and found some information to replace the different form region types. First of all, there is no way to show only the form region without any button on the show region in ribbon bar.
Here are the different results to show "seperate", "adjoining", "replace" and "replace all" from a button click of your own button.
Outlook.Inspector inspector = this.Context as Outlook.Inspector;
Only to add an form region of type adjoining to your project.
Select the right MessageClass!
Replace and Replace all:
Outlook.NameSpace ns = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.GetNamespace("MAPI");
Outlook.MAPIFolder mapi = ns.GetDefaultFolder(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderNotes);
Outlook.MailItem miItem = (Outlook.MailItem)mapi.Items.Add("IPM.Note.YourName");


mark complete from another context

I have an Account form.
In the interactions tab I have the sub grid for meetings.
I have added the new button to this Sub-grid, 'Complete the Meeting'.
I want to trigger the 'Mark Complete' button of the Meeting form from here.
How can I do it ?
My first choice would be using Activities subgrid instead of Appointments. I just verfied as below.
If that wont work for you for any reasons, then custom ribbon button is a good choice. You have to customize the command of your custom button to use javascript command, then pass the selected IDs from subgrid to ribbon button command and iterate the IDs for updating Appointment records using Xrm.Webapi in javascript function.

Custom drop-down as an item in a kendo tree

I am trying to create an item that is a button "show more" and when you press on it you can show a kind of context menu / drop down that all of the items in that drop down are with checkboxes and there is a search component in it too, so you can search some items in the dropdown by their name. For example: (instead of "c++,c#,Object c" it's should show "show more", i.e. static text)
I tried to use kendoContextMenu. But I don't know if it's could work because the problem with context menu is that when I will click on a checkbox the menu will close. Please advise me of a way to do that or if you have an example of code. Thanks!
The MultiSelect component might be a good starting point
My understanding is that MultiSelect does not have a "select more than one at a time in dropdown" feature.
You might consider using a pop up window and within that implement your own custom ui that features everything you want
search term box
scrolling list of selected and selectable items
accept or cancel changes in selection
Regarding your dojo that extends drop down list, I can't code the extension for you. However, changing the dataSource assignment to a setDataSource call will populate the extension component according to the template.
// kendo.ui.DropDownList.fn.dataSource = options.testItemSource;

Visual Foxpro 9.0

I have a programming problem in Visual FoxPro, create a form that contains PageFrame with 2 Page.
1. On Page 1, Create a program to display data in the grid and give the sorting facilities, navigation and search.
2. On Page 2, create a program to calculate volumeTabung and spacious blanket.
Can anyone provide a solution? thank you
Although this is not DOING the answer, but a simple guide.
In the VFP command window,
Create Form [whatever form name you want]
Once form is up, look at the toolbar for "Form Controls". Click on the "PageFrame" control and then click on the form... There, you have a default pageframe with 2 pages as a default.
The "Properties" window should be visible by default. Click on the combobox on at the top which shows all controls. Open the drop-down and you will see "Page1" and "Page2" of the page frame control. Click on either page, and that will bring focus to that respective page.
Now, click on the Forms Controls toolbar again, such as to grab textbox, label, combobox, whatever and then click on the page and your controls are there. Then get focus to the second page and do the same for whatever you want.
Save and run the form. This just gets you to see the controls and how simple to put them on. Actual pulling your data and populating is really more your "to do" list.

CRM - 2015 - CheckBoxes

IS this possible to have check boxes in crm 2015 page (not through web resource) , I tried to implement couples of solution with js but did not work out. Any comments would be useful.
You can add checkboxes by creating fields of type two options. Then, add them to an entity form and in the field properties window, change the format to "checkbox".
Check this out:
Possible data types for a field
Two options
After creating this field, configure it in the form to which it was added. In the form, select whether the field is displayed as option buttons (also known as radio buttons), a check box, or a list.
In the Dynamics CRM entity form editor:
Click New Field button on the extreme down-right corner
Provide Name to the field
Set data type as Two options
Save the record
Drag this newly added field into the form from the right side field list
Click Change Properties in the menu bar
In the pop-up click the Formatting tab
Select Two radio buttons / Check box / List in the Control formatting section
Click OK

How to make a check-box in a dynamic MFC dialog?

I have to create a dynamic dialog and used therefor the procedure described in the article Creating a Template in Memory. I already created buttons and edits but I don't know how I can make check-box. Do you know how?
In the DLGITEMTEMPLATE article there are only following types defined:
0x0080 Button
0x0081 Edit
0x0082 Static
0x0083 List box
0x0084 Scroll bar
0x0085 Combo box
A checkbox is a Button with the BS_CHECKBOX or BS_AUTOCHECKBOX style
for more information, see
A checkbox is a button with the BS_CHECKBOX style.
