Why won't the transaction start in my junit test cases? - spring

I have a Spring 3.1 MVC + Hibernate 3.6 project with its junit4 test suit. My problem is that there is no transaction starting in my test cases, even thought I added a #Transactional.
My test case calls a controller and a dao. In the controller, a transaction is started anyway, so it does not complain. In the dao, I added a #Transactional(propagation = Propagation.MANDATORY) to be sure it will take the test's transaction. And currently it raises an IllegalTransactionStateException, which I guess it means there is no current transaction.
I tried to create programmaticaly an transaction and it does work, which means the AOP proxy to get the dao service is not the cause of the problem. However I want to create a transaction with the #Transactional annotation.
here's my dao:
// ...imports...
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.MANDATORY)
public class TaskHome implements TaskDao {
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TaskHome.class);
private SessionFactory sessionFactory;
public TaskHome(SessionFactory sessionFactory) {
this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory;
public Task findById(int id) {
log.debug("getting Task instance with id: " + id);
try {
Task instance = (Task) this.sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().get(
Task.class, id); // exception raised here!
if (instance == null) {
log.debug("get successful, no instance found");
} else {
log.debug("get successful, instance found");
return instance;
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
log.error("get failed", re);
throw re;
Here's my test case:
// ...imports...
#ContextConfiguration({ "/test-config.xml", "/applicationContext.xml" })
#TransactionConfiguration(defaultRollback = true)
public class TestTaskController {
private static ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context;
private static TaskDao taskDao;
public static void initHibernate() throws Exception {
context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml");
taskDao = context.getBean("taskDao", TaskDao.class);
public void testOnSubmit() {
// expects an existing default transaction here
Task task = taskDao.findById(1); // fails already here
// ... calls the controller and does some tests.
I searched in all Spring's documentation and googled it in any way I could imagine, but I don't see why the transaction is not started.
Any help is very welcome.

When using #RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) you should obtain beans from the application context created by SpringJUnit4ClassRunner rather than from your own one.
In your case things go wrong because #Transactional on the unit test creates a transaction in the application context managed by SpringJUnit4ClassRunner, but you call methods on the beans obtained from the application context created manually.
So, remove your #BeforeClass method and obtain TaskDao via autowiring:
#ContextConfiguration({ "/test-config.xml", "/applicationContext.xml" })
#TransactionConfiguration(defaultRollback = true)
public class TestTaskController {
private TaskDao taskDao;
See also:
9.3.5 Spring TestContext Framework


Mockito Spy quartz MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean target job bean failed

Spring 6, Quartz, and a SimpleTrigger based scheduled task.
public class Greeting {
public void sayHello() {
log.debug("Hello at {}:", LocalDateTime.now());
Quartz config:
class QuartzConfig{
MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean greetingJobDetailFactoryBean() {
var jobFactory = new MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean();
return jobFactory;
public SimpleTriggerFactoryBean simpleTriggerFactoryBean() {
SimpleTriggerFactoryBean simpleTrigger = new SimpleTriggerFactoryBean();
return simpleTrigger;
public SchedulerFactoryBean schedulerFactoryBean() {
var factory = new SchedulerFactoryBean();
return factory;
And I tried to use awaitility to check the invocations.
#SpringJUnitConfig(value = {
public class GreetingTest {
Greeting greeting;
Greeting greetingSpy;
public void setUp() {
this.greetingSpy = spy(greeting);
public void whenWaitTenSecond_thenScheduledIsCalledAtLeastTenTimes() {
.untilAsserted(() -> verify(greetingSpy, atLeast(1)).sayHello());
Running the tests, it is failed.
org.awaitility.core.ConditionTimeoutException: Assertion condition defined as a com.example.demo.GreetingTest
Wanted but not invoked:
-> at com.example.demo.GreetingTest.lambda$whenWaitTenSecond_thenScheduledIsCalledAtLeastTenTimes$0(GreetingTest.java:36)
Actually, there were zero interactions with this mock.
within 10 seconds.
In the jobDetailFactorBean, I used jobFactory.setTargetBeanName("greeting"); to setup the target beans here, it should pass the Greeting bean directly.
Updated: resolved myself, check here.
You're creating a spy that in no way interacts with the actual code:
public void setUp() {
this.greetingSpy = spy(greeting);
This would have to be injected into the Spring context as a bean and used everywhere, where greeting is used. Spring actually provides such functionality: #SpyBean.
Instead of autowiring a greeting and wrapping it with a spy that does not interact with anything in the context, replace the #Autowired with #SpyBean annotation. Thanks to that a spy bean will be created and injected within the Spring context:
Greeting greeting;
I created a commit in GitHub repository, where you can see the whole code - the test passes. I had to add the cronTriggerFactoryBean() method to the configuration as it is omitted in your question.
If you cannot use Spring Boot, you can create the spy within Spring context yourself using configuration:
static class Config {
Greeting greeting() {
return spy(new Greeting());
Thanks to that when you inject the bean, it will be possible to act on it with Mockito (remember to include the Config class in the #SpringJUnitConfig annotation).
I created another commit in the GitHub repository - the test passes. You can see the whole code there.

Spring 2 + JUnit 5, share #MockBean for entire test suite

I create a Spring 2.3 application using Spring Data REST, Hibernate, Mysql.
I created my tests, I've around 450 tests splitted in about 70 files. Because the persistence layer leans on a multi tenant approach (single db per tenant) using a Hikari connection pool, I've the need to avoid the pool is initializated for each test file but at the same time I need to use #MockBean because I need to mock up some repositories in the entire Spring test contest.
I create a custom annotation for all test in my suite:
#TestExecutionListeners(value = TestExecutionListener.class, mergeMode = TestExecutionListeners.MergeMode.MERGE_WITH_DEFAULTS)
public #interface TestConfig {
Reading many posts and the doc, I know if I use #MockBean inside a test, the Spring context is reloaded and therefore a new pool connection is created in my case.
My idea is to create a #MockBean and share it with all tests in my suite so the context is not reloaded every time.
I tried several approaches:
public class TestExecutionListener extends AbstractTestExecutionListener implements Ordered {
public void beforeTestMethod(TestContext testContext) throws Exception {
try {
TestDbUtils testDbUtils = (TestDbUtils) testContext.getApplicationContext().getBean(TestDbUtils.class);
TenantRepository tenantRepository = mock(TenantRepository.class);
testContext.setAttribute("tenantRepository", tenantRepository);
} catch (Exception e) {
public int getOrder() {
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
All my tests are annotated like this:
public class InvoiceTests {
public void test1(){
Unfortunately my tenantRepository.findByTenantId() is not mocked up. I also tried to create an abstract superclass:
#TestPropertySource(locations = "classpath:application-test.properties")
#TestExecutionListeners(value = TestExecutionListener.class, mergeMode = TestExecutionListeners.MergeMode.MERGE_WITH_DEFAULTS)
public abstract class AbstractIntegrationTest {
protected TenantRepository tenantRepository;
protected SubscriptionRepository subscriptionRepository;
protected TestDbUtils testDbUtils;
public void beforeAll() {
public void setup() {
Even if my tests extended this superclass, during the run all of them were skipped (not sure why).
Is there any way to accomplish what I described?

How I can use transactions in TestNG #BeforeClass?

I use TestNG + Spring + hibernate.
When I use transaction in #BeforeClass, I get:
org.hibernate.HibernateException: Could not obtain transaction-synchronized Session for current thread
Code example:
#Transactional(transactionManager = "transactionManager")
#ContextConfiguration(locations = "/WEB-INF/testing/applicationTestContext.xml")
#TestExecutionListeners(listeners = {
public abstract class ExampleOfTest extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests{
private SessionFactory sessionFactory;
public void setUpClass() {
sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().beginTransaction(); // get HibernateException
How I can use transaction in #BeforeClass?
I want to use this for one-time data entry used in all class tests.
Problem would be #EnableTransactionManagement should be in your spring context
Try something like
// BMT idiom with getCurrentSession()
try {
UserTransaction tx = (UserTransaction)new InitialContext()
// Do some work on Session bound to transaction
catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw e; // or display error message
getCurrentSession is like restricted, it should run in a active transaction.
I think this may help.

Precedence of #DatabaseSetup and #BeforeTransaction Spring DBUnit and Spring Transaction

I have a JUnit test where I am using Spring Test DBUnit and Spring declarative transaction management. If I tag a test method with #Transactional (which will utilize the #BeforeTransactional to verify database state) and also with #DatabaseSetup (to set the database state to what I want), which will have precedence? Will the database first be set up and then #BeforeTransactional will check it, or will the check happen after setup? Here's some code:
#SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = PersonServiceConfiguration.class)
#TestExecutionListeners({ DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener.class,
TransactionalTestExecutionListener.class })
public class PersonServiceTransactionalIT {
private PersonManagementService pms;
public void beforeTransaction() {
public void afterTransaction() {
public void testCreateValid() {
Person expected = new Person(6l, "six", "created");
Person actual = pms.save(expected);
assertEquals("Person objects not equal", expected, actual);
private void checkDatabaseState() {
List<Person> pl = pms.findAll();
assertEquals("Size of database not as expected", 5, pl.size());

How to have DBUnit #DatabaseSetup to happen before spring autowiring?

Consider the typical DBUnit Spring Test (see https://github.com/springtestdbunit/spring-test-dbunit) :
#ContextConfiguration(locations = {
#TestExecutionListeners({ DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener.class,
DbUnitTestExecutionListener.class })
public class UnitTest {
private UnitUnderTest uut;
public void shouldInitDB() {
What I have verified is that, and has expected, Autowiring will happen before DatabaseSetup.
This must happen because DBUnit depends on the application context to provide the configured data source.
The problem is that the UnitUnderTest bean has a #PostConstruct where it loads some data from the DB but, since the Autowiring happens before the DBunit setup, the data will not be available at this stage.
Any ideas on how to solve this issue in a clean way?
You can you Spring's ResourceDatabasePopulator.
I think you can use something like this
public void myInMemryPopulator() {
final ResourceDatabasePopulator databasePopulator = new ResourceDatabasePopulator();
try {
Resource[] array = resourceResolver.getResources("classpath:/*.sql");
for (Resource resource : array) {
} catch (IOException | SQLException e) {
LOGGER.error("Error in databasePopulator {} ", e);
You can have a setup method in your test class and call the post construct method manually. That will work.
Lazy initialization helped me, I added #Lazy over the #Component* and over the #Autowired in injection points
public class UnitUnderTestImpl {
private UnitUnderTest uut;
