Mockito Spy quartz MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean target job bean failed - spring

Spring 6, Quartz, and a SimpleTrigger based scheduled task.
public class Greeting {
public void sayHello() {
log.debug("Hello at {}:",;
Quartz config:
class QuartzConfig{
MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean greetingJobDetailFactoryBean() {
var jobFactory = new MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean();
return jobFactory;
public SimpleTriggerFactoryBean simpleTriggerFactoryBean() {
SimpleTriggerFactoryBean simpleTrigger = new SimpleTriggerFactoryBean();
return simpleTrigger;
public SchedulerFactoryBean schedulerFactoryBean() {
var factory = new SchedulerFactoryBean();
return factory;
And I tried to use awaitility to check the invocations.
#SpringJUnitConfig(value = {
public class GreetingTest {
Greeting greeting;
Greeting greetingSpy;
public void setUp() {
this.greetingSpy = spy(greeting);
public void whenWaitTenSecond_thenScheduledIsCalledAtLeastTenTimes() {
.untilAsserted(() -> verify(greetingSpy, atLeast(1)).sayHello());
Running the tests, it is failed.
org.awaitility.core.ConditionTimeoutException: Assertion condition defined as a com.example.demo.GreetingTest
Wanted but not invoked:
-> at com.example.demo.GreetingTest.lambda$whenWaitTenSecond_thenScheduledIsCalledAtLeastTenTimes$0(
Actually, there were zero interactions with this mock.
within 10 seconds.
In the jobDetailFactorBean, I used jobFactory.setTargetBeanName("greeting"); to setup the target beans here, it should pass the Greeting bean directly.
Updated: resolved myself, check here.

You're creating a spy that in no way interacts with the actual code:
public void setUp() {
this.greetingSpy = spy(greeting);
This would have to be injected into the Spring context as a bean and used everywhere, where greeting is used. Spring actually provides such functionality: #SpyBean.
Instead of autowiring a greeting and wrapping it with a spy that does not interact with anything in the context, replace the #Autowired with #SpyBean annotation. Thanks to that a spy bean will be created and injected within the Spring context:
Greeting greeting;
I created a commit in GitHub repository, where you can see the whole code - the test passes. I had to add the cronTriggerFactoryBean() method to the configuration as it is omitted in your question.
If you cannot use Spring Boot, you can create the spy within Spring context yourself using configuration:
static class Config {
Greeting greeting() {
return spy(new Greeting());
Thanks to that when you inject the bean, it will be possible to act on it with Mockito (remember to include the Config class in the #SpringJUnitConfig annotation).
I created another commit in the GitHub repository - the test passes. You can see the whole code there.


Spring AOP with prototype beans

I am using Spring AOP to fire metrics in our application. I have created an annotation #CaptureMetrics which has an #around advice associated with it. The advice is invoked fine from all the methods tagged with #CaptureMetrics except for a case when a method is invoked on a prototype bean.
The annotation has #Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
PointCut expression:
#Around(value = "execution(* *.*(..)) && #annotation(captureMetrics)",
argNames = "joinPoint,captureMetrics")
Prototype bean creation
public DummyService getDummyServicePrototypeBean(int a, String b) {
return new DummyService(a, b);
DummyService has a method called dummyMethod(String dummyString)
#CaptureMetrics(type = MetricType.SOME_TYPE, name = "XYZ")
public Response dummyMethod(id) throws Exception {
// Do some work here
When dummyService.dummyMethod("123") is invoked from some other service, the #Around advice is not called.
Config class
public class DummyServiceConfig {
public DummyServiceRegistry dummyServiceRegistry(
#Value("${timeout}") Integer timeout,
#Value("${dummy.secrets.path}") Resource dummySecretsPath) throws IOException {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Map<String, String> transactionSourceToTokens = mapper.readValue(
dummySecretsPath.getFile(), new TypeReference<Map<String, String>>() {
DummyServiceRegistry registry = new DummyServiceRegistry();
transactionSourceToTokens.forEach((transactionSource, token) ->
getDummyServicePrototypeBean(timeout, token)));
return registry;
public DummyService getDummyServicePrototypeBean(int a, String b) {
return new DummyService(a, b);
Singleton Registry class
public class DummyServiceRegistry {
private final Map<String, DummyService> transactionSourceToService = new HashMap<>();
public void register(String transactionSource, DummyService dummyService) {
this.transactionSourceToService.put(transactionSource, dummyService);
public Optional<DummyService> lookup(String transactionSource) {
return Optional.ofNullable(transactionSourceToService.get(transactionSource));
Any advice on this please?
The prototype Dummy service is used to call a third party client. It is a prototype bean as it has a state that varies based on whose behalf it is going to call the third party.
A singleton registry bean during initialization builds a map of {source_of_request, dummyService_prototype}. To get the dummyService prototype it calls getDummyServicePrototypeBean()
The configuration, registry and prototype dummy bean were correct.
I was testing the flow using an existing integration test and there instead of supplying a prototype Bean, new objects of DummyService were instantiated using the new keyword. It wasn't a spring managed bean.
Spring AOP works only with Spring managed beans.

Dependency injection in custom evaluator in logback in spring boot

I am writing a custom evaluator in which I want to autowire another bean. I am unable to do so as evaluator gets initialized by logger where as beans are initialized by spring context. Below is the sample of my code:
In logback-spring.xml:
<appender name="myAppender" class="">
<evaluator class="com.package.CustomEvaluator">
My custom evaluator:
public class CustomEvaluator extends OnMarkerEvaluator {
private MyService myService;
public boolean evaluate(ILoggingEvent event) throws EvaluationException {
\\logic goes here
I am getting object of MyService always as null(which is expected). Is there any work around for this?
It don't think its possible because the Evaluator being an internal logback abstraction is not managed / initialized by spring, so obviously spring can't autowire anything into the evaluator.
In addition note, that logback gets initialized even before application context starts.
Of course you could provide some global holder class for the application context and set the context to it in the main method, and then get the reference to it in this evaluator, something like this:
public class ApplicationContextHolder {
private static ApplicationContext context;
// call it in main() method
public static void setContext(ApplicationContext ctx) {context = ctx;}
public static ApplicationContext getContext() {return context;}
class CustomEvaluator extends OnMarkerEvaluator {
public boolean evaluate(ILoggingEvent event) throws EvaluationException {
ApplicationContext ctx = ApplicationContextHolder.getContext();
if(ctx == null) {return false;} // not yet initialized / accessible
MyService myService = ctx.getBean(MyService.class);
But all-in-all I believe its a very ugly solution.
As a suggestion, I think you should consider refactoring of the logic so that the decision of whether to send an email based on logging event will be taken in the application (which is, I assume, spring boot driven so you have an access to the MyService)
Given the current implementation:
public foo() {"This should be sent by email");
I suggest a part of application:
public class MyLogic {
#Autowired MyService myService;
public void foo() {
if(myService.shouldSend()) {"This should be sent by email");

Invocation of Spring Cloud AWS Messaging package causes dependent beans to be null

I have a Spring Boot project that I'm using to receive events from an Amazon SQS queue. I've been using the Spring Cloud AWS project to make this easier.
The problem is this: the Spring Boot application starts up just fine, and appears to instantiate all the necessary beans just fine. However, when the method that is annotated with SqsListener is invoked, all the event handler's dependent beans are null.
Another thing that's important to note: I have two methods of propagating the event: 1) thru a POST web service call, and 2) thru the Amazon SQS. If I choose to run the event as a POST call with the same data in the POST body, it works just fine. The injected dependencies are only ever null whenever the SQSListener method is invoked by the SimpleMessageListenerContainer.
public class SystemEventsHandler {
// A service that this handler depends on
private CustomService customService;
private ObjectMapper objectMapper;
public SystemEventsHandler(CustomService customService, ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
this.matchStatusSvc = matchStatusSvc;
this.objectMapper = objectMapper;
public void handleEventFromHttpCall(CustomEventObject event) {
// Whenever this method is called, the customService is
// present and the method call completes just fine.
Assert.notNull(objectMapper, "The objectMapper that was injected was null");
#SqsListener(value = "sqsName", deletionPolicy = SqsMessageDeletionPolicy.ON_SUCCESS)
private void handleEventFromSQSQueue(#NotificationMessage String body) throws IOException {
// Whenever this method is called, both the objectMapper and
// the customService are null, causing the invocation to
// fail with a NullPointerException
CustomEventObject event = objectMapper.readValue(body, CustomEventObject.class);
The controller (for when I choose to run the event as a POST). As stated above, it works just fine whenever I run it as a POST call.
public class SystemEventsController {
private final SystemEventsHandler sysEventSvc;
public SystemEventsController(SystemEventsHandler sysEventSvc) {
this.sysEventSvc = sysEventSvc;
#RequestMapping(value = "", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public void handleCustomEvent(#RequestBody CustomEventObject event) {
Pertinent config:
public class AWSSQSConfig {
public SimpleMessageListenerContainer simpleMessageListenerContainer(AmazonSQSAsync amazonSQS) {
SimpleMessageListenerContainer msgListenerContainer = simpleMessageListenerContainerFactory(amazonSQS).createSimpleMessageListenerContainer();
return msgListenerContainer;
public SimpleMessageListenerContainerFactory simpleMessageListenerContainerFactory(AmazonSQSAsync amazonSQS) {
SimpleMessageListenerContainerFactory msgListenerContainerFactory = new SimpleMessageListenerContainerFactory();
return msgListenerContainerFactory;
public QueueMessageHandler queueMessageHandler(AmazonSQSAsync amazonSQS) {
QueueMessageHandlerFactory queueMsgHandlerFactory = new QueueMessageHandlerFactory();
QueueMessageHandler queueMessageHandler = queueMsgHandlerFactory.createQueueMessageHandler();
return queueMessageHandler;
#Bean(name = "amazonSQS", destroyMethod = "shutdown")
public AmazonSQSAsync amazonSQSClient() {
AmazonSQSAsyncClient awsSQSAsyncClient = new AmazonSQSAsyncClient(new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain());
return awsSQSAsyncClient;
Other info:
Spring boot version: Dalston.RELEASE
Spring cloud AWS version:
Both the spring-cloud-aws-autoconfigure and spring-cloud-aws-messaging packages are on the classpath
Any thoughts?
As spencergibb suggested in his comment above, changing the method's visibility from private to public worked.

how to avoid using context.getbean in spring

There have been several arguments around not using ApplicationContext.getBean() to get a bean reference, of which most are based on logic that it violates the principles of Inversion of control.
Is there a way to get reference to prototype scoped bean without calling context.getBean() ?
Consider to use Spring Boot!
Than you can do something like this...
public class Runner{
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Some Controller:
public class MyController {
// Spring Boot injecting beans through #Autowired annotation
#Qualifier("CoolFeature") // Use Qualifier annotation to mark a class, if for example
// you have more than one concreate class with differant implementations of some interface.
private CoolFeature myFeature;
public void testFeature(){
Some cool feature:
#Component("CoolFeature") // To identify with Qualifier
public class CoolFeature{
private SomeOtherBean utilityBean;
public void doStuff(){
// use utilityBean in some way
No XML files to handle.
We can still access context for manual configurations if needed.
Suggested reading:
Spring Boot Reference
Pro Spring Boot
This type of problem can be solved using method injection, which is described in more detail here:
This is the most common approach to create prototype bean:
abstract class MyService {
void doSome() {
OtherService otherService = getOtherService();
abstract OtherService getOtherService();
class Config {
public MyService myService() {
return new MyService() {
OtherService getOtherService() {
return otherService();
public OtherService otherService() {
return new OtherService();

Testing Mock Bean in Spring with Spock

I'm being hit with the issue that spock doesn't allow Mocks to be created outside of the specification - How to create Spock mocks outside of a specification class?
This seems to be still outstanding so am asking is that giving that i've got a complex and nested DI graph what is the most efficient way to 'inject' a mock representation deep in the graph?
Ideally, I have one bean definition set for normal deployment and another when running unit tests and it is this definition set being the applicable Mocks
public class MyBeansForDeployment {
public MyInterface myBean() {
return new MyConcreateImplmentation();
public class MyBeansForUnitTests {
public MyInterface myBean() {
return new MyMockImplementation();
Since Spock 1.1, you can create mocks outside of a specification class (detached mocks). One of the options is DetachedMockFactory. Take a look at the documentation or my answer to the question you linked.
You could try to implement a BeanPostProcessor that will replace the beans that you want with test doubles, such as shown below:
public class TestDoubleInjector implements BeanPostProcessor {
private static Map<String, Object[]> testDoubleBeanReplacements = new HashMap<>();
public void replaceBeanWithTestDouble(String beanName, Object testDouble, Class testDoubleType) {
testDoubleBeanReplacements.put(beanName, new Object[]{testDouble, testDoubleType});
public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
if (testDoubleBeanReplacements.containsKey(beanName)) {
return testDoubleBeanReplacements.get(beanName)[TEST_DOUBLE_OBJ];
return bean;
In your test, setup your mocks like shown below before initializing the application context. Make sure to include the TestDoubleInjector as a bean in your test context.
TestDoubleInjector testDoubleInjector = new TestDoubleInjector()
testDoubleInjector.replaceBeanWithTestDouble('beanToReplace', mock(MyBean.class), MyBean.class)
It could be done using HotSwappableTargetSource
class HelloSpec extends Specification {
HotSwappableTargetSource swappableHelloService
def "test mocked"() {
given: 'hello service is mocked'
def mockedHelloService = Mock(HelloService)
//hit endpoint
and: 'check interactions'
interaction {
1 * mockedHelloService.hello(postfix) >> { ""Mocked, $postfix"" as String }
postfix | _
randomAlphabetic(10) | _
And this is TestApp (override the bean you want to mock with proxy)
class TestApp extends App {
//override hello service bean
#Bean(name = HelloService.HELLO_SERVICE_BEAN_NAME)
public ProxyFactoryBean helloService(#Qualifier("swappableHelloService") HotSwappableTargetSource targetSource) {
def proxyFactoryBean = new ProxyFactoryBean()
public HotSwappableTargetSource swappableHelloService() {
new HotSwappableTargetSource(new HelloService());
Have a look at this example
