What languages support "dynamic" metaprogramming? - ruby

In Metaprogramming Ruby, the author states that only a few languages, including Ruby, can manipulate themselves at runtime. What other languages besides Ruby can support this type of metaprogramming?
The specific quote I'm referring to is in the introduction on page xix:
In this book, I'll stick to a different meaning of metaprogramming,
focusing on code that manipulates itself at runtime. Only a few
languages can do that effectively, and Ruby is one of them. You can
think of this as dynamic metaprogramming to distinguish it from the
static metaprogramming of code generators and compilers.

Most languages now days are moving towards providing that kind of functionality, but it's generally not as "clean" as it's in ruby.
All these languages have a lot of those capabilities (reference):
Common Lisp and most other Lisps
E programming language
MATLAB / Octave
Other languages such as Java and C# (reference) have ways of inspecting and creating code at run time, but it's not so "natural" as in those languages, and it feels a lot like a hack.


CL/Scheme DSELs with non-lisp syntax

I have been curious lately about DSLs, specifically, how to implement them in Lisp,
since it looks like a piece of cake compare to the alternatives.
Looking for information I cannot find any evidence of a non-lisp DSEL in Lisp in internet.
So my question is:
Is it possible to implement a DSL with non-lisp syntax in lisp with the use of macros?
How is this achieved?
Can the reader of lisp be replaced by a custom reader that translates code to lisp structure?
If the former is true: is this a common way to implement "non-lispy" DSELs?
Short version: Racket does this.
In more detail: Racket, a descendant of Scheme, has a really well-thought-out story here. A Racket module/file can begin with a language declaration, e.g.
#lang algol60
... and then the rest of the file can be written in the given language. (Yes, algol60 is built in.)
In order to develop your own language, you need to write a package that is a language specification, that shows how to expand the syntax of this language into the syntax of the underlying language (in this case, Racket). Anyone can write such packages, and then distribute them to allow others to write programs in this language. There are examples of such language specifications included with Racket, e.g. the algol 60 example mentioned earlier.
I think this is exactly what you're asking for?
ObDisclaimer: Yes, I am a Racket developer.
How do you implement the surface language of a programming language? You write a parser or use a parser generator. You can do that in Lisp, too.
There are many examples of general purpose and domain specific languages written in Lisp - not using s-expression syntax.
Historically the first ML (an extension language for a theorem prover) was written in Lisp. Macsyma (a language for computer algebra) is written in Lisp. In many cases there is some kind of 'end user', for which a non-s-expression language needs to be written/supported. Sometimes there are languages which exist and need to be supported.
Using macros and read macros you can implement some languages or extend the Lisp language. For example it is easy to add JSON syntax to Lisp using a read macro. Also some kind of infix syntax. XML (example: XMLisp).
There's no problem in supporing non-Lisp syntax DSLs in Lisp. You'll need to use some parser/parser generator library as Rainer has mentioned. A good example is esrap that is used to parse markdown (see 3bmd) and also for the pgloader command language which is just an example of an external DSL you're asking about.
From Let Over Lambda, there is an implementation of Perl style regular expressions: http://letoverlambda.com/index.cl/guest/chap4.html#sec_4.
Also there are several attempts at making a "non-lispy" version of Lisp, the main one being the Readable Lisp S-expression Project: http://readable.sourceforge.net/.
One implementation-specific solution that sticks out (if you want to use Scheme rather than CL) is Gambit Scheme's built-in support for infix syntax via its SIX-script extension.
This provides a rich set of loosely C-like operators and syntax forms, which can either be used out-of-the-box to write code in a C-like style, or redefined to mean whatever you want (you can easily redefine e.g. the function definition format, if you aren't a fan of type name(args) {}). for, case, := and so on (even goto) are all already present and ready to mean whatever you need.
The actual core of the syntax (operator precedence, expressions vs. statements) is fixed, but you can assign things like a Scheme binding construct to the s-expression produced by an operator for a reasonably large amount of freedom.
a = b * c;
is translated by the reader into
(six.x=y (six.identifier a) (six.x*y (six.identifier b) (six.identifier c)))
You can then override the definitions of those macros with your own to make the syntax do whatever you want. Turning the C-style base into a Haskell-looking functional language isn't too hard (strategically redefine = and -> and you're halfway there...).

Lazarus coding style guide

Style Guide?
Other than http://wiki.freepascal.org/Coding_style is there a style guide that represents the style followed by a notable and large body of work in Lazarus ( and/or FPC and/or Delphi) or some sort of widespread concensus.
I'm looking for things that say something such as
Names of literal constants should be in all uppercase.
Names of variables should use camelCase with initial lowercase
Indent a begin on the line after an if
The above is just an example. I'm aware of well-supported conventions in languages like Java and Perl but not of a predominant convention for programs written using Lazarus or Delphi.
My intent is
Try to adopt a common style for all the code I write
Have this style not be too much of a surprise for the majority of programmers who might one day read it.
I'm not working in a business that has established standards.
As a good detailed style guide I'm considering the Object Pascal Style Guide by Charles Calvert. It's for Object Pascal which the Free Pascal is a child of. In fact, most of the FPC units respect the rules mentioned there.
This article documents a standard style for formatting Delphi code. It is based on the conventions developed by the Delphi team.
You will probably yield the most info on this subject with the search term "delphi coding conventions" or something. These are very loose standards that are not enforced but can be very helpful to keep your code readable. Delphi and Lazarus are very interchangeable. Same would apply with Delphi as Lazarus in this regard. Much more info on Delphi.Old Delphi books are a great resource even.

Is ruby a pure object oriented programming language even though it doesn't support multiple inheritance? Please Explain

Is ruby a pure object oriented programming language even though it doesn't support multiple inheritance? If so how?, please explain.
I know that to an extent substitutes the lack of multiple inheritance by allowing one to include multiple modules within a class.
Also, I'm not sure of all of the prerequisites of a pure OOP Language. From this article, they mention
a Ruby class can have only one method with a given name (if you define
a method with the same name twice, the latter method definition
So does it mean that Ruby doesn't support Overloading methods. If so, it still can qualify as a pure OOP Lanaguage ? If so, kindly explain the reason behind this as well.
Thank you.
There are several different families of object-oriented languages. If you're thinking of multiple inheritance and method overloading, you're probably coming from a C++ mindset where these things are taken for granted. These conventions came from earlier languages that C++ is heavily influenced by.
Ruby doesn't concern itself with the type of objects, but rather the methods they're capable of responding to. This is called duck typing and is what separates Smalltalk-inspired languages like Ruby from the more formal Simula or ALGOL influenced languages like C++.
Using modules it's possible to "mix in" methods from various sources and have a sort of multiple inheritance, but strictly speaking it's not possible for a class to have more than one immediate parent class. In practice this is generally not a big deal, as inheritance is not the only way of adding methods.
Method overloading is largely irrelevant in Ruby because of duck-typing. In C++ you might have various methods for handling string, int or float types, but in Ruby you'd have one that calls to_f on whatever comes in and manipulates it accordingly. In this sense, Ruby methods are a lot more like C++ templates.
If multiple inheritance were the only "symptom" of a OOP language, then neither would Java, C#, Python, and many more be OOP languages.
What makes a language object-oriented in the first place are naturally objects. Everything is an object in ruby. The whole language is built on the concept of objects and data. Different objects can "communicate" between each other, you can encapsulate data, etc.
Take a look at this resource: Definitions for ObjectOriented.
In the first place, the problem of multiple inheritance makes sense only for an object oriented language. The very question of asking about multiple inheritance with Ruby itself proves that Ruby is an object oriented language.

Is Automatic Refactoring Possible in Dynamic Languages?

Perhaps I am limited by my experience with dynamic languages (Ruby on Netbeans and Groovy on Eclipse), but it seems to me that the nature of dynamic languages makes it impossible to refactor (renaming methods, classes, pushing-up, pulling-down, etc.) automatically.
Is it possible to refactor AUTOMATICALLY in any dynamic language (with any IDE/tool)? I am especially interested in Ruby, Python and Groovy, and how the refactoring compares to the 100% automatic refactoring available in all Java IDEs.
Given that automatic refactoring was invented in a dynamic language (Smalltalk), I would have to say "Yes".
In particular, John Brant, Don Roberts and Ralph Johnson developed the Refactoring Browser which is one of the core tools in, for instance, Squeak.
My Google-fu is weak today, but you could try find this paper: Don Roberts, John Brant, and Ralph Johnson, A Refactoring Tool for Smalltalk, "The Theory and Practice of Object Systems", (3) 4, 1997.
Smalltalk does not declare any types. The Refactoring Browser has successfully performed correct refactorings in commercial code since 1995 and is incorporated in nearly all current Smalltalk IDE's. - Don Roberts
Automatic Refactoring was invented in Smalltalk, a highly dynamic language.
And it works like a charm ever since.
You can try yourself in a free Smalltalk version (for instance http://pharo-project.org)
In a dynamic language you can also script refactorings yourself or query the
system. Simple example to get the number of Test classes:
TestCase allSubclasses size
I have wondered the same thing. I'm not a compiler/interpreter writer, but I think the answer will be that it is impossible to get it perfect. However, you can get it correct in most cases.
First, I'm going to change the name "dynamic" language to "interpreted" language which is what I think of with Ruby, Javascript, etc. Interpreted languages tend to take advantage of run-time capabilities.
For instance, most scripting languages allow the following
-- pseudo-code but you get the idea
I just "ran" a string! You would have to refactor that string also. And will a be a variable or does this language allow you to print the character a without quotes if there is no variable a?
I want to believe this kind of coding is probably the exception and that you will get good refactoring almost all of the time. Unfortunately it seems that when I look through libraries for scripting languages, they get into such exceptions normally and maybe even base their architecture on them.
Or to up the ante a bit:
def functionThatAssumesInputWillCreateX(input)
def functionWithUnknownParms( ... )
At least when you refactor Java, and change a variable from int to string, you get errors in all the places that were expecting the int still:
String wasInt;
out = 3 + wasInt;
With interpreted languages you will probably not see this until run-time.
Ditto the points about the Refactoring Browser...it is highly effective in Smalltalk. However, I imagine there are certain types of refactoring that would be impossible without type information (whether obtain by explicit type annotation in the language or through some form of type inferencing in a dynamic language is irrelevant). One example: when renaming a method in Smalltalk, it will rename all implementors and senders of that method, which most often is just fine, but is sometimes undesirable. If you had type information on variables, you could scope the rename to just the implementors in the current class hierarchy and all senders when the message is being sent to a variable declared to be of a type in that hierarchy (however, I could imagine scenarios where even with type declaration, that would break down and produce undesirable results).

windows programming without a OOP language

Which language ( that is not oop ) should I consider using for writing gui windows apps ?
I guess the obvious answers are visual basic and C , but am wondering if I should look into anything else
am not saying OOP sucks or anything. I just don't.. not using it. The END
Edit: I just want a language that has a non oop paradigm option and that is/can be used to write a windows gui application .
It is quite possible to write procedural code in any language.
There is FreeBasic
I'd personally recommend giving Fortran a go, it's quite nice...
I'd use Python. Sure it can be used in a OO way (as pretty much all other languages can as well), but it's pretty easy to write clean, simple, procedural code with it as well.
C would be my choice, Visual Studio supports it and has an excellent debugger. There are also plenty of examples out on the web in C for Windows programming so you'll have the easiest time getting your code to work.
OO is kind of a pervasive paradigm these days. It's pretty much impossible to avoid, even languages like VB and C can be used to program in an OO way, although I do get what you mean. Have you considered Fortran? COBOL? J? Perl? Python? They can all pretty much be used in a non OO way.
Not to mention assembly language.
F# I guess, avoiding its inherent object-oriented programming model. But do you like functional languages and the .NET framework?!
Out of curiosity, why do you need such a thing?
Windows programming is OO by design. Even if you use C, all the API functions work like OO.
Every handle has a corresponding Create function
CloseHandle if used to close any object, not just a specific type
And finally every single API function gets a Handle to a relevant object, just like the old implementation of OO in pure C with structs - the equivalent of this.
Well, there are guys who are still using Visual Foxpro, or Visual Basic 6 (which is NOT OO, contrary to what some people say).
C and Windows API. It is not OO, but feels like, because OO (C++, Java, C#) is nothing but making structs into objects.
