CL/Scheme DSELs with non-lisp syntax - scheme

I have been curious lately about DSLs, specifically, how to implement them in Lisp,
since it looks like a piece of cake compare to the alternatives.
Looking for information I cannot find any evidence of a non-lisp DSEL in Lisp in internet.
So my question is:
Is it possible to implement a DSL with non-lisp syntax in lisp with the use of macros?
How is this achieved?
Can the reader of lisp be replaced by a custom reader that translates code to lisp structure?
If the former is true: is this a common way to implement "non-lispy" DSELs?

Short version: Racket does this.
In more detail: Racket, a descendant of Scheme, has a really well-thought-out story here. A Racket module/file can begin with a language declaration, e.g.
#lang algol60
... and then the rest of the file can be written in the given language. (Yes, algol60 is built in.)
In order to develop your own language, you need to write a package that is a language specification, that shows how to expand the syntax of this language into the syntax of the underlying language (in this case, Racket). Anyone can write such packages, and then distribute them to allow others to write programs in this language. There are examples of such language specifications included with Racket, e.g. the algol 60 example mentioned earlier.
I think this is exactly what you're asking for?
ObDisclaimer: Yes, I am a Racket developer.

How do you implement the surface language of a programming language? You write a parser or use a parser generator. You can do that in Lisp, too.
There are many examples of general purpose and domain specific languages written in Lisp - not using s-expression syntax.
Historically the first ML (an extension language for a theorem prover) was written in Lisp. Macsyma (a language for computer algebra) is written in Lisp. In many cases there is some kind of 'end user', for which a non-s-expression language needs to be written/supported. Sometimes there are languages which exist and need to be supported.
Using macros and read macros you can implement some languages or extend the Lisp language. For example it is easy to add JSON syntax to Lisp using a read macro. Also some kind of infix syntax. XML (example: XMLisp).

There's no problem in supporing non-Lisp syntax DSLs in Lisp. You'll need to use some parser/parser generator library as Rainer has mentioned. A good example is esrap that is used to parse markdown (see 3bmd) and also for the pgloader command language which is just an example of an external DSL you're asking about.

From Let Over Lambda, there is an implementation of Perl style regular expressions:
Also there are several attempts at making a "non-lispy" version of Lisp, the main one being the Readable Lisp S-expression Project:

One implementation-specific solution that sticks out (if you want to use Scheme rather than CL) is Gambit Scheme's built-in support for infix syntax via its SIX-script extension.
This provides a rich set of loosely C-like operators and syntax forms, which can either be used out-of-the-box to write code in a C-like style, or redefined to mean whatever you want (you can easily redefine e.g. the function definition format, if you aren't a fan of type name(args) {}). for, case, := and so on (even goto) are all already present and ready to mean whatever you need.
The actual core of the syntax (operator precedence, expressions vs. statements) is fixed, but you can assign things like a Scheme binding construct to the s-expression produced by an operator for a reasonably large amount of freedom.
a = b * c;
is translated by the reader into
(six.x=y (six.identifier a) (six.x*y (six.identifier b) (six.identifier c)))
You can then override the definitions of those macros with your own to make the syntax do whatever you want. Turning the C-style base into a Haskell-looking functional language isn't too hard (strategically redefine = and -> and you're halfway there...).


Source code documentation in Racket (Scheme)

Is it possible to write documentation in source files like in Common Lisp or Go, for example, and extract it from source files? Or everybody uses Scribble to document their code?
The short answer is you can write in-source documentation by using scribble/srcdoc.
Unlike the other languages you mentioned, these aren't "doc strings":
Although you can write plain text, you have full Racket at-expressions and may use scribble/manual forms and functions.
Not only does this allow for "richer" documentation, the documentation goes into its own documentation submodule -- similar to how you can put tests into test submodules. This means the documentation or tests add no runtime overhead.
You do need one .scrbl file, in which you use scribble/extract to include the documentation submodule(s). However you probably want such a file, anyway, for non-function-specific documentation (topics such as introduction, installation, or "user's guide" prose as opposed to "reference" style documentation).
Of course you can define your own syntax to wrap scribble/srcdoc. For example, in one project I defined a little define/doc macro, which expands into proc-doc/names as well as a (module+ test ___) form. That way, doc examples can also be used as unit tests.
How Racket handles in-source documentation intersects a few interesting aspects of Racket:
Submodules let you define things like "test-time" and "doc-time" as well as run-time.
At-expressions are a different syntax for s-expressions, especially good when writing text.
Scribble is an example of using a custom language -- documentation-as-a-program -- demonstrating Racket's ability to be not just a programming language, but a programming-language programming language.

What extension allows access to time function in r5rs?

A 4-year-old old post suggests that one might be able access the current-seconds and related functions in the r5rs language.
Here's why I ask: I'm a high school teacher new to Racket and we are using the r5rs language. I would like to introduce students to functions by starting with a function that needs no arguments to make sense. The example that occurs to me is minutes-past-the-hour. But I am ignorant of how to make those functions recognized in an r5rs program.
Thanks for any helpful advice.
First of all, why not use #lang racket instead of r5rs? Racket is very much built with education in mind. It even has various teaching languages for use with the How to Design Programs textbook (or its second edition, which is still being worked on).
Racket's implementation of R5RS is intentionally limited—it's not usually intended to be used for anything practical, since Racket itself has outgrown its Scheme roots. It can be useful as a teaching tool, but as you've seen, it doesn't include any special extensions (beyond a small set of internal forms).
If you're really interested in using R5RS Scheme, there exists an implementation of SRFI 19: Time Data Types and Procedures bundled with Racket. R5RS does not have a module system, so there is no formally-specified way of loading external libraries in pure Scheme. You'll need to use the Racket #%require extension to load the SRFI implementation:
(#%require srfi/19)
This will give you access to all the SRFI 19 functions and values.
You could also just include the functionality you want from Racket itself, since the languages are actually interoperable. To include current-seconds, you'd want to do something like this:
(#%require (only racket/base
If you're going to do that, though, it seems almost pointless to use the r5rs language. Just use racket or racket/base instead.

Writing ontologies in DL syntax?

I just discovered OWL and Protege. Upon reading through this reference page (which I quote below), I am left wondering whether it is possible to not use the abstract OWL syntax, and rather to write in DL syntax. My background is in logic, so it sounds like it would be more fun even if I would have to translate the ontologies later (though I am sure there must be applications to do this--besides, don't reasoners use DL?).
If it is possible, what configuration of settings should I use in Protege (or other software of your suggestion) in order to do this? I suspect it's not possible, but I want to be sure, as I see no good reason for this other than the awkwardness of special symbols.
EDIT: If it is NOT possible, how exactly are DL languages used?
OWL DL is the description logic SHOIN with support of data values, data types
and datatype properties, i.e., SHOIN(D), but since OWL is based on RDF(S), the
terminology slightly differs. ... For description of OWL ontology or knowledge
base, the DL syntax can be used. There is an "abstract" LISP-like syntax
defined that is easier to write in ASCII character set.
Here's a very brief working example of the two syntax styles for the same data.
don't reasoners use DL?
Not necessarily. They use all kinds of logics, some of which are DLs, some are not.
If it is possible, what configuration of settings should I use in Protege (or other software of your suggestion) in order to do this?
I'm pretty sure there is no such pluggin for Protégé. But if you really want some fun, use a text editor and write your ontology by hand. There are many syntaxes you can use: the functional syntax, the OWL/XML syntax, the RDF/XML syntax are all normative. In addition, you can use the Manchester syntax, Turtle, N-Triples, JSON-LD, that will be future recommendations for writing RDF (and therefore OWL). Or the more exotic RDF/JSON, HDT. Or again, more "powerful" syntaxes like Notation3, TriG, TriX, NQuads. Plenty of fun!
In any case, if you would like to write in the DL syntax, you would need to use special Unicode characters or special commands like in LaTeX for instance. And the parser that deals with it would have to read those characters or commands. Not ideal if you are programming. But you can always use the DL syntax in your writings.
BTW, the current standard Web Ontology Language is OWL 2. Its DL variant (viz., OWL 2 DL) is based on the even more irresistible SROIQ.

What languages support "dynamic" metaprogramming?

In Metaprogramming Ruby, the author states that only a few languages, including Ruby, can manipulate themselves at runtime. What other languages besides Ruby can support this type of metaprogramming?
The specific quote I'm referring to is in the introduction on page xix:
In this book, I'll stick to a different meaning of metaprogramming,
focusing on code that manipulates itself at runtime. Only a few
languages can do that effectively, and Ruby is one of them. You can
think of this as dynamic metaprogramming to distinguish it from the
static metaprogramming of code generators and compilers.
Most languages now days are moving towards providing that kind of functionality, but it's generally not as "clean" as it's in ruby.
All these languages have a lot of those capabilities (reference):
Common Lisp and most other Lisps
E programming language
MATLAB / Octave
Other languages such as Java and C# (reference) have ways of inspecting and creating code at run time, but it's not so "natural" as in those languages, and it feels a lot like a hack.

Scheme core language specification

I am learning my way around Scheme, and I am especially interested in how the language is constructed. I'm trying to find a nice description of the core syntax for a Scheme implementation. I don't know enough about the standards, but I assume that they all contain macro systems. If not, I'd like to read about a standard that also includes macros (they can't possibly be implemented in simpler Scheme constructs, can they?).
Does anyone have a good reference for the minimal syntax needed for a Scheme dialect?
Just an update:
I also stumbled upon this: If you also add define-syntax and delay then it seems like it might be a good start.
In the R5RS specification, the following page appears to be what I was looking for: formal syntax
Although it may be a bit dry, you should read over the R5RS spec or the R6RS spec.
The docs really do not take that long to read through and you can just skim most of the sections until you need more detail. But either document does cover all of the minimal syntax required, including macros.
