Windows Phone SDK for AR, location chat? - windows-phone-7

Hi I'm building a social networking / dating app where users can see who is around in Augmented Reality mode.
To speed things up I need:
Server / API to store users' locations
AR lib or SDK to do client-side integration
I've done some research on this, there is GART library for WP7: Implementing augmented reality using GART and code samples from MSDN: Augmented Reality Motion Sample
I'm also considering using Quickblox SDK as they have done exactly what I need - AR Chat - but for iPhone - so I'm thinking of taking their WP7 Location Chat code sample QuickBlox Developers (API docs, code samples, SDK) and doing AR part myself with GART library or from scratch using MSDN samples.
Have looked into Wikitude Architect as well but they do it via web/Javascript overlay so not native which I don't really like.
Any suggestions regarding what's the best approach to implement AR Chat on WP7 - are there any better solutions?

Server / API to store users' locations
I think QuickBlox is good solution for this purpose. There is VK Radar sample application wich demonstrates that QuickBlox is good solution for AR based applications.
AR lib or SDK to do client-side integration
I recomende to use GART. This is great kit, it has 2 samples : SimpleAR & BingAR . I used them when develop simple application at one hackathon some times ago


.NET 6 Mobile App without Cross Platform UI

Is it possible to write a mobile app using .NET 6 but still maintain platform specific implementation of UI
So this would involve still using UIViewControllers for iOS and Activities for Android without taking the MAUI approach of writing the UI in a cross platform manner.
If this is possible could you point us at some documentation around how this is achieved.
I haven't tried to follow the instructions yet but the links provided by #Paramjit in the comments to my original question seem to provide the answer I was looking for, namely that MAUI isn' the only mobile option in .NET 6:

Using the Mobile SDK for the Mavic 2 what language needs to be used for the iOS app?

I'm looking into the Mavic 2 Pro for autonomous flight. I just need to get some more information on what language I should use, and which SDK is the best: Mobile, Ux, Onboard, or the Windows SDK.
Thanks in Advance!
autonomous flight is a wide topic.
based on gps or gpsless there could be a huge difference.
when dealing with normal
normal Java should be sufficient.
But when you dealing with research level vision-based navigation .e.g. SVO, then bottom layer has to be C++ and you need a corss compiler for it.
also can give what you want. Below is the demo that I did use DJI WSDK alpha release and Windows UWP. As for what language it is, I think it is C#. but not sure(uwp not traditional C# anymore), I coded it without knowing what language it is. Just follow the sample style and API. You can code without knowing what language

Mobile Cross-Platform Camera Frames Extraction

Is there any cross-platform framework for mobile apps (Xamarin, Flutter, React-Native, etc.) that allows accessing frames from the camera's feed live?
In other words, is there any way to perform manipulations on live video (frame-by-frame) in cross-platform environments? (Similarly to this tutorial for iOS).
From what it seems, in Flutter for example, it's possible to display a live preview of the camera, but not to access the frames; and beside some ghost-town questions I couldn't find much online about it.
Xamarin allows you to access and use each and every feature of all platforms.
The code will be platform specific but C#. I have one project in my repo where I'm using Xamarin.iOS to overlay rectangle detection onto the camera live feed. You can implement something similar using Xamarin.Android (using Android specific APIs).
You can then create an abstraction which will be consumed from a Xamarin.Forms app or you go with two separate C# based native apps.

there is a face detection API for WinRT?

I see statements on the web about Windows 8 supporting face detection. Is this face detection or face recognition or both? (I don't care so much about recognition.) Is it in an API available inside a WinRT application and/or .Net? Where's the documentation for this API? (MSDN and Google both give me links to Windows Phone 7 stuff.)
There is no built-in API for this in WinRT. You will have to use a web service for this functionality or build one yourself.

Augmented Reality in Windows Phone

I am a Beginner for Windows Phone 7. My project is on developing augmented reality in windows phone.Many of them suggested GART Toolkit. It seems to be good. But as a beginner i am not able to understand that. Are they any other SDK's or Toolkits available other than GART or any tutorial for GART Toolkit? Any Windows Phone lovers here? is the second article that comes up in Bing when you search using the terms: windows phone augmented reality tutorial gart
Try this one:
It's about implementing GART in 6 easy steps. :)
There is also the Augmented Reality sample on MSDN, described as:
This sample uses the Motion API and the PhotoCamera class to create an Augmented Reality application that lets you pin labels to points in space as you rotate the device. For more information, see How to: Use the Combined Motion API for Windows Phone.
