there is a face detection API for WinRT? - winapi

I see statements on the web about Windows 8 supporting face detection. Is this face detection or face recognition or both? (I don't care so much about recognition.) Is it in an API available inside a WinRT application and/or .Net? Where's the documentation for this API? (MSDN and Google both give me links to Windows Phone 7 stuff.)

There is no built-in API for this in WinRT. You will have to use a web service for this functionality or build one yourself.


How to include windows azure mobile feauture in c++/cx windows 8 application?

I am making windows 8 application using c++/cx but i am not able to get how to include azure feature in my app,every where tutorials is given in c# but nowhere i can find tutorial in c++/cx.
As most of the samples written in managed code to access Windows Azure Mobile Services, It is trues that there are no samples available in C++/C. However it does not mean you could not do it. Keep in mind you would need to do extra work to get it done.
As Windows Azure Mobile Services use RESTful interface so you can access them from any language as long as you can call REST api from there. Here is the documentation for Windows Azure Mobile Services REST Api.
With C++/C you just need to search and find an appropriate framework to call REST api and once you have that working just call Windows Azure Mobile TEST Api to achieve your objective.
This blog post has some examples of how to perform various Azure Mobile Services tasks using C++ for Windows 8.1 Store apps. The IDE tooling mentioned in that post is not available for Windows 8 apps.

Windows 8 speech to text and text to speech API

I guess the question pretty much says it all?
And I would prefer not to access cloud services such as Microsoft Translator and Project Hawaii?
Is there any direct API I can access?
(For metro apps)
I was able to get the Microsoft Speech Platform working on my Windows 7 laptop (both Voice Recognition and Text-to-Speech). You just need to install SDK and the runtime. You can also download additional Voice and Language packs. I would think it should work on Windows 8 as well. Here is a good sample on how to set it up to recognize some basic phrases like "Find restaurants near Seattle".
There are some new APIs for Windows 8.1:
Text-To-Speech sample:
//build video on Channel9:
There are no Text to Speech or Speech to text libraries available in .Net for Windows 8 apps. System.Speech and such is not available. You will need to roll your own or find compatible 3rd party library.
I use Bing Translator service in my apps, but that has been removed from existance, they brought the text translator services into Azure, but did not bring speech over and they disabled the old website to get API keys for bing translator. Hadn't heard of Project Hawaii before will have to check it out.
Microsoft's speech API seems available in Windows 7. Was it taken out of Windows 8?
You can now Access Bing Services for Windows 8 , the service has been just released and is in Beta1 stage

Windows Phone SDK for AR, location chat?

Hi I'm building a social networking / dating app where users can see who is around in Augmented Reality mode.
To speed things up I need:
Server / API to store users' locations
AR lib or SDK to do client-side integration
I've done some research on this, there is GART library for WP7: Implementing augmented reality using GART and code samples from MSDN: Augmented Reality Motion Sample
I'm also considering using Quickblox SDK as they have done exactly what I need - AR Chat - but for iPhone - so I'm thinking of taking their WP7 Location Chat code sample QuickBlox Developers (API docs, code samples, SDK) and doing AR part myself with GART library or from scratch using MSDN samples.
Have looked into Wikitude Architect as well but they do it via web/Javascript overlay so not native which I don't really like.
Any suggestions regarding what's the best approach to implement AR Chat on WP7 - are there any better solutions?
Server / API to store users' locations
I think QuickBlox is good solution for this purpose. There is VK Radar sample application wich demonstrates that QuickBlox is good solution for AR based applications.
AR lib or SDK to do client-side integration
I recomende to use GART. This is great kit, it has 2 samples : SimpleAR & BingAR . I used them when develop simple application at one hackathon some times ago

Augmented Reality in Windows Phone

I am a Beginner for Windows Phone 7. My project is on developing augmented reality in windows phone.Many of them suggested GART Toolkit. It seems to be good. But as a beginner i am not able to understand that. Are they any other SDK's or Toolkits available other than GART or any tutorial for GART Toolkit? Any Windows Phone lovers here? is the second article that comes up in Bing when you search using the terms: windows phone augmented reality tutorial gart
Try this one:
It's about implementing GART in 6 easy steps. :)
There is also the Augmented Reality sample on MSDN, described as:
This sample uses the Motion API and the PhotoCamera class to create an Augmented Reality application that lets you pin labels to points in space as you rotate the device. For more information, see How to: Use the Combined Motion API for Windows Phone.

Text To Speech Api

I'm porting an app from Android/iOS and it uses text-to-speech.
Anything like this available for windows phone?
I tried the Bing/Microsoft Translator APIs but they dont work and rumour says they are deprecated:
Nuance is out of the question, as their fees are ridiculous.
Thanks in advance!
They do work. The Bing API is deprecated for use on Microsoft Translator services, the new format is to obtain tokens.
I was able to implement a library for this, here:
obtaining tokens.
text-to-speech library
Starting with Windows Phone 8, there is now a build in TTS engine. More details can be found in the official MSDN documents.
