Dreamweaver cs6 Spry validation - validation

I have a textfield and a spry validation text field.
In the spry properties I changed the max chars value to 50, checked required and on blurr.
When I test the page I get all the error messages at once ("valure required", "exceeded max number of chars")and the textfield is not coloured. Looks good in the preview in dreamweaver.. but when I run itt in the browser it fails.
Any hints?
I did not copy the spry assets folder to the testing server.. I only had it in my local site folder.

I have had a similar problem with the error messages, it is extremely frustrating. I eventually found a solution via http://cssmenumaker.com/dreamweaver-css-menu-extension - I would definitely recommend them.


Google Drive API Console: Error saving Drive UI integration page

I have a webapp in production that interacts with Google Drive through Google Drive API.
I need to change some settings in Drive interaction but I can't save.
When I save the Drive UI integration page, I receive this error:
There's a problem at our end.
Please try again. If the problem persists, please let us know using
the "Send feedback" link below. Thanks!
(spying Network console: there is an Internal Server Error in a POST call)
I tried to send feedback for months: nobody answers and the bug is still there.
I tried also to create another project: I can save the first time but then the bug returns.
How can I do? Has someone the same problem?
Is there a way to receive a reply from Google? Is there some workaround?
Thank you.
i think that problem must be Client ID
before adding Client ID, go to the Credentials -> OAuth 2.0 Client IDs
then select edit your Client ID. after that your production site url add to Authorized JavaScript origins and Authorized redirect URIs.
then enter your Client ID in Drive UI integration page
For myself trying to get the Drive UI configured I noticed a couple of errors (that don't have any specific error messages)
When adding in an Open URL it has to be a valid domain, so for instance I tried to test it out with local host, to no avail. However something like https://devbox.app.com worked, but something like https://localhost:8888 does not. Even though https://localhost is a valid javascript origin in the client_id configuration (at least for the app I am working on, not sure about other apps), localhost doesn't work as an open URL.
When adding in the mimeTypes it needs to be in the format */* and can include custom mimeTypes like application/custom+xml and application/custom-name+json not sure for other custom types that are not in a particular format like xml or json. Also not sure about wildcards.
When adding in file extensions do not add in the '.' just the name of the file extension.
The app icon I found only failed to upload the image when the image wasn't the exact dimensions, I actually ended up editing some icons in photoshop to change the pixel x pixel values as a quick work around during dev.
That worked for me to get it to save and I tested it with a file that had a custom mimeType (application/custom-name+xml specifically) and custom file extension!

Newsletter tracking image Outlook

I have a newsletter system that keeps track of the people who read it. Although this function works only if permission is given to download the images. But this is not my problem at this time.
My problem is that when I open an newsletter in Outlook (2010) and I give permission to download the images, my system doesn't register this view. But when I open the same newsletter in gMail, it works without any problem. Even when I use Outlook to save the e-mail to a HTML file and I open this file, a new view is registered. The page that save's the view and renders an 1x1 image, doesn't return any errors and no errors can be found in the Apache logs.
The strange thing is that it still worked until a week ago. But even if I put backups of the code, it still doesn't work....
The image url is build up with an base64 encodes string, for example:
In this encodes string, I have a JSON string that contains the newsletter id, a contact id and a MD5 string which I use to validate the data.
I run of ideas what to do to fix or debug this issue. Does anyone have a tip or even better, a solution? :) It it possible that Microsoft updated Outlook to prevent it from downloading this kind of images?
Check if you are sending correct MIME
I suggest using extensions in url example: .png .jpg
Try different domain.
This is the code for generating the image:
header('HTTP/1.0 200 Ok');
header("Content-type: image/png");
$trackerImage = imagecreate(1, 1);
$bgColor = imagecolorallocate($trackerImage, 255, 255, 255);
This always worked until a hardware crash of the server 2 weeks ago... The hosting company claimes nothing has been changed to the servers configuration.
I already tried adding an extions to the image path, but that didn't make a difference for Outlook.
Try to set the HTML code to display the image as if it's a larger image. Or even better, just display a normal image along.
I just happen to resolve this issue. The cause appeared to be fairly simple, but very difficult to detect.
When saving data about a user, I also requested the user-agent. In the database, I had a varchar (255) field in use for this information. However, the user-agent Outlook proved to be more than 255 characters. So this resulted in an error message from the database so that no image was generated.

AJAX not getting invoked through QTP

I am working on QTP 11. I my current project I am trying to automate a website with AJAX fields. I my project I have a text field on which if we try to enter characters then AJAX table appears and we have select a suitable value from the below table. I am able to check the existence of AJAX table.
The problem is to set the text field through QTP, AJAX is not getting invoked. But manually it is working properly. Also, if I first try manually and then I try to enter any through the script, then also it is working properly. It is not possible for me to check each field manually then enter it through script. So can any body tell how AJAX can be invoked on first try without any manual intervention?
I have tried to Set property, Keyboard events like WScript.shell, Mercury.DeviceReplay and AutoIt, however none of them are working. Are there any keyboard input methods that I have missed out?
Can somebody please help me out?
Try performing a WebEdit.Click on the text field in question. If this doesn't work it means that the web page is expecting some events that QTP didn't fire in this case you should change to device replay mode
Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 2
Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 1
I had the same issue, not recognizing the web list (not selecting the item from list). Using QTP 11.5 loaded with web toolkit 2.0, ASPAjax, DOJO, JQuery add-ins. Still showing the same behavior.
However there is nothing wrong with the code, if I give some wait the code is working OK.

ABCPdf - Unable to render HTML. Unable to load page

I'm using ABCPdf to convert HTML to a PDF. I'm using the method:
This works fine in Dev and UAT, but on Production I continuously get the message:
Unable to render HTML. Unable to load
Anyone see this before? Need more info?
I guess you are tying to do URL->pdf generation. It is difficult to directly to do URL->pdf conversion. We ended up URL-Save HTML in local folder ->read HTML and convert to PDF-> delete HTML file from folder - tricky approach but it works. The only flaw is that you need to give read/write permission on a folder on server. Its still better than decreasing security settings.
have you take a look at this http://www.itjungles.com/dotnet/abc2pdf-unable-to-render-html
The default timeout for abcpdf is 15 seconds. If the page is taking longer than 15 seconds, you will get this exception.
Add the line below just after object creation of the document to resolve the issue.
theDoc.XHtmlOptions.Timeout = 10000000;
I found by working backwards (removing elements) from a target html page that omitting the tag (of all things) created this error. also, calling localhost in the target url generated this error.
I have no idea what caused this error, but I stopped the scheduled task that was running, then restarted it and it's worked fnie ever since.

Upload images problem: IO error. (Error #2038)

I'm using script which is uploading files to server via flash component. Sometimes, very rarely, when trying to upload images via Firefox I get following error: IO error #2038. Searching on the net I could find reason why is it really happening to me. But I found solution for my case:
I open IE6, do the same thing there (photos are always uploaded without problem) and the when I try again in Firefox problem disappears. If someone had similar problems maybe this could help or maybe this hint could help to someone discovering cause of the problem :)
I just had this error also using ASP.Net MVC and I discovered I just had my handler namespace wrong/missspellled in the web config section where the handlers go. HTH...
After far more time than I'd like to admit, here is the solution. Change the following variables in your php.ini to be large enough to handle your largest file:
; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept.
post_max_size = 32M
; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 32M
; Whether to allow HTTP file uploads. (this is on by default)
file_uploads = On
Since files are sent as POST data, both the first variables need to be set. Otherwise, there will be an error, but you won't see what the error is, except IO error #2038.
If you didn't add quote around the option names, try doing that. Sometimes in IE, quoting the option names fixes the issue. It would help if you posted some example code though.
Also make sure that the path to the server being used by the upload component is correct. If the path is a relative path, try to fully qualify it. IE can do some "magic" with relative paths that the other browsers cannot do, and sometimes trying the code from one browser to the other can tweak things.
Also, could be permissions...and having IE go there first could manipulate the permissions in a way that the other browser(s) then work "correctly".
I solved the problem.
In my office I use a proxy and I must change the settings to No Proxy.
Or if you do not use proxy, try to change in php.ini:
Hostname:Port localhost:0
Hostname:Port localhost:80
