AJAX not getting invoked through QTP - ajax

I am working on QTP 11. I my current project I am trying to automate a website with AJAX fields. I my project I have a text field on which if we try to enter characters then AJAX table appears and we have select a suitable value from the below table. I am able to check the existence of AJAX table.
The problem is to set the text field through QTP, AJAX is not getting invoked. But manually it is working properly. Also, if I first try manually and then I try to enter any through the script, then also it is working properly. It is not possible for me to check each field manually then enter it through script. So can any body tell how AJAX can be invoked on first try without any manual intervention?
I have tried to Set property, Keyboard events like WScript.shell, Mercury.DeviceReplay and AutoIt, however none of them are working. Are there any keyboard input methods that I have missed out?
Can somebody please help me out?

Try performing a WebEdit.Click on the text field in question. If this doesn't work it means that the web page is expecting some events that QTP didn't fire in this case you should change to device replay mode
Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 2
Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 1

I had the same issue, not recognizing the web list (not selecting the item from list). Using QTP 11.5 loaded with web toolkit 2.0, ASPAjax, DOJO, JQuery add-ins. Still showing the same behavior.
However there is nothing wrong with the code, if I give some wait the code is working OK.


If session cookie not exists CodeIgniter return error on model query

I have a CI application that works in the Browser and ElectronJS, I am using FPDF to generate some reports, but I have a problem when a I need to open the PDF from ElectronJS to Internet Explorer or Chrome. If I launch PDF link from Electron I get and syntax error on model query. But if I login using the browser and relaunch the PDF everything works well, It looks like the problem is the session that not exists in browser... but I don't have idea how to solve this problem. Can someone help me?
Electron app
Browser error after launch the PDF from Electron
Sorry for my English, regards...
You're not showing any code, but a simple inspection to your DB error shows what the problem is:
where a.codigolocal= and adddate(...)
See how the a.codigolocal= constraint doesn't have anything after the = sign and goes straight to the next and clause?
This is very likely because what you are passing as an argument to that constraint comes from the session cookie. No cookie, null value, syntax error.
You need to make sure you have all the data you need (either by checking there's an active session before running the query, or by making sure your query doesn't depend on a session variable that may or may not be there)

Part of the HTTPS response is changing on every session

I have a HTTP response code. A part of it was changing with application upgrade, so I have created a variable for this and changing the variable after each upgrade and so that it will be automatically updated throughout the JMeter script.
The above is the part which is changing and I have created a Variable as Language. And everything is fine till now.
Now, I am facing a new problem after upgrading my application. This variable is changing with every new login, because of this was unable to run the load test. It is giving me the following error.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Error while decrypting message, close tab or re-login
Can someone came across similar issue or if anybody has some idea how to solve this. Please help me !!
So basically you are doing what is known as a "Correlation". The error you are getting is mostly related to correlation. when you are replaying the script, you are using dynamic value from the recording script which is expired.
Check the following:
Have you replaced all the changing values in the scripts with your variable? Maybe you
missed some parts. Some values could be in a request url or in a body data of a Post
Check for other values that are changing, sometimes you will have many values to be
correlated, not just one (ex. JSessionID, CSRF token and ...)
What tool you are using to search for dynamic values and their locations? You can use
JMeter response to check for dynamic values but it is easier if you use Fiddler or if
you know LoadRunner, you can use its scripts comparison capabilities.

Oracle Forms Global Exit in JNLP

I've the following problem:
I have an Oracle forms Application where the User can call multiple Forms.
I also have an Menu with an Logout button, that should close all open Forms.
When this button is pressed I set :GLOBAL.LOGOFF to 'TRUE'. And in WHEN_WINDOW_ACTIVATED I have placed the following code.
This whole thing also works when the Oracle Forms Application is called from a browser.
But when I call it via JNLP it crashes the application. I get the following errors:
All with:
I don't understand how the Forms Application is reacting differently depending on if it is executed via JNLP or from a Browser.
Although I question why you are doing logoff handling in a WHEN_WINDOW_ACTIVATED trigger, it is possible what you are seeing is related to a known issue. Refer to these Oracle bugs that all map together. You may need to work with Oracle Support as some of the bugs and/or their content may not be visible to you. 9764631, 22724515, 26996652
Also, if you are not already using, you will need to update your version in order to get the fix I mentioned.
Helpful resource:

Bot Framework returning to wrong dialog

I've got a stubborn problem trying to forward a message to a FormFlow dialog from within a LUIS dialog. The code I'm using to do so is:
var timeRegistrationDialog = new FormDialog<TimeRegistrationDialog>(new TimeRegistrationDialog(), TimeRegistrationDialog.BuildForm, FormOptions.PromptInStart, entities);
context.Call<TimeRegistrationDialog>(timeRegistrationDialog, this.ResumeAfterTimeRegistration);
This seems to be in line with the samples out there. What happens next though
The form flow dialog is created
The bot asks for the first field
I enter a valid value
When sent, the default LUIS intent triggers instead of the next step of the form flow
This is probably also related to what I posted here: https://github.com/Microsoft/BotBuilder/issues/1956. Probably not a bug but an error on my part; trying to resume a conversation from an oauth callback also fails because the framework seems unable to locate the right dialog. I based it completely on the AuthBot sample which seems super similar but doesn't have the issue.
So in general, it appears that I'm doing something wrong that causes the wrong dialog to be returned from the stack (or no dialog at all). I just have no clue what. A not up-to-date version of the code is located here: https://github.com/mstack/bots-jennifer. Not up-to-date, but has similar issues so should be sufficient to track any errors. Should any more be required I can post it.

Selenium not sending spacebars to application

I am using Selenium IDE 2.8.
I am a tester and using firefox to test a php based application with ajax.
There is a point in the application where three space bars are entered into the textfield and ajax will fetch all data and display a seperate bit of css displaying the information.
Enter 3 spaces in the textfield, information then appears.
For some reason on playback this 'three space bar key press' event isn't called or indeed reaches the texfield....nothing happens, ajax has nothing to do and the info that my selenium script is waiting for doesn't appear and promptly fails.
There is nothing to 'waifFor...' etc.
Any suggestions?
Thank you!
use sendKeys command instead of type
