Issue with PyroCMS clean URLs - codeigniter

What do I need to change to get my site to present the CleanURLS ?
I installed PyroCMS with Apache Mod ReWrite option, the installation was successful, however when I click on the links I get..
I want to get..
If I type the URL in the address bar as Pyro still works and supports the clean URLs however the links are being presented with the index.php. I looked into
and confirmed that index_page is blank so the system should present the clean URLs unless there is another file I need to amend.
$config['index_page'] = '';

For the record, if you select "Apache (/w mod_rewrite)" this won't happen.

Force regeneration of cached query result by removing the navigation_m model cache folder
located here: system/cms/cache/<site>/navigation_m/
worked for me


magento Every Product detail page showing 404

I have shifted from live site to local site, the product detail page is showing a 404 page. I tired re-index multiple time.clear cache. check database also but it still displays a 404 page.
There can be several things you can check:-
1. Check for url in core_config_data and also check cookie url.
2. Check on server for mod_rewrite module may be this is not enabled on local, this can also be the reason if you were using SEO friendly url.
Clear the cache once you are done with these. It will be great if you can tell how url for PDP page is been generated on local.
my url is like this
same it working on existing live site
Run below sql query
SELECT * FROM `core_config_data` WHERE path = "web/seo/use_rewrites";
See whether the value 1 or not, if the value is 1, try to change it to 0.
This value is for SEO friendly url, which removes index.php from your store url.
Also, you can replace your .htaccess file with default one in Magento root folder.
Your server may have problem with mod_rewrite module or its configuration, you may re-install it.

*some* magento links pointing to old domain

I have just moved a magento site from one domain to the new one. Steps so far...
Backup the database and restore the database on the new domain. Change the core_config_base table for secure and unsecure base urls
Upload source files
Update the local.xml with new database information
Cleared cache
Now I can go to the site and everything is showing up fine on the new domain. The main navigation is working as it should. When I click on a product, however, it goes to the old domain. Does anyone know why this might be happening?
Can you verify the links when you hover products are correct or in correct consistently? Is old base URL in all links I mean. Also check htaccess file for any directives containing the old domain. Also check to make sure no custom URL rewrites exist in the Magento admin Catalog → URL Rewrite Management .Once you verify htaccess or custom URL rewrites in Magento admin are not causing it, I can suggest other procedures to fix.
Probably your previous developer didn't follow all Magento standards while coding.
My suggestion is download your code and search for strings that equates to your previous domain.Also check in data base, as use of CMS blocks too might result in previous domain links.
Btw make sure you delete all caches
Rm -rf var/cache/*
Verify base URL and secure URL are correct in all scopes via drop down in Magento system configuration.

Moved joomla site to another host but doesn't work

I have recently moved my joomla site to another hosting. But now the site doesn't work. Shows blank page. Though the administrator's page (/administrator) is shown and works correctly. Have any ideas for what reason it can be?
Remove the .htaccess altogether
clear the cache and tmp folders
make sure db name, login and password are correct in the configuration.php
make sure the server path (tmp and logs folders) are correct
if you still get an empty page, make sure you're looking at the right log file. Turn php error logging on or display them.
post some more details here...

Joomla: pages not found after copying site to another directory

I have copied a live joomla site. The original is found at [this][1] website. The copied one in found [here][2]. But all links (e.g. in the left navigation menu) result in 404 errors. The administrator backend is accessible and i can create new menu items in the copied one but they all result in 404 errors.
I did adjust the configuration.php file so var $tmp_path var $log_path point the right paths. i updated var $live_site = '
The live_site was empty in the original configuration.php file.
Do i still need to run an update or something?
Thank you
PS joomla 1.5.25
Turn off search engine friendly url feature in System -> global configurations.
If you really want to enable SEF URL then you need to set your rewrite base according to your site dir in the server.
For $live_site variable, no need to modify it and keep it empty.
I ran into a similar issue where all of my links were doubling up. Fixed by prefixing http:// to $live_site
You don't need to do anything to $live_site, just leave it blank. The tmp and log paths are the only thing you need to touch. If you have SEF URLs turned on, you will also need to change the rewrite base from / to what ever the subdirectory is.
I disagree with my friend #Brent. Go to your DB to the menu table (by default its called jos_menu) and look for the "path" column. you probably need to manually fix the paths of all your menus to point to the new folder.
Check if the .htaccess file exists in your new folder. if not exists remove the sef url configuration from admin side.

URL Rewrite with Joomla on IIS7

I have Joomla 1.5.9 running on IIS7. I'm now experimenting with the SEO Settings from the Joomla global configuration page.
First I toyed with Search Engine Friendly URLs (that gets rid of the queries part of URLs); that works fine.
I also tried to enable the "Use Apache mod_rewrite". I installed "Microsoft URL Rewrite Module for IIS 7.0" and added the web.config as per . When clicking on menu links, this seems to work in that I no longer see index.php in the URL. The address bar updates to what appears like the right URL, but the content shown is always that of the home page. I tried both in IE and Google Chrome with the same result. Refreshing the page after loaded made no difference.
I tried re-starting IIS7, it didn't make a difference.
Edit: After I followed the suggestion below (followed instructions at :turned on fast cgi, modified php.ini, and imported rewrite rules instead of putting them in a web.config myself), I now get 404's instead of just showing the home page's content. The URL still appears to be correctly rewritten. So, different behavior but still doesn't work. I'm not sure this is useful information, but these two fields are shown in the 404 page:
Requested URL http://localhost:80/joomla_course/seasonal-specialties
Physical Path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\joomla_course\seasonal-specialties
Should the physical path be the 'non-rewritten' URL? Or is it expected that that it be like this?
Edit 2: Oho! I found someone with the same issue posted on Joomla forums: . No answer there either, though.
Any idea on how to diagnose (or even better, fix :) ) this?
I got this to work now. The key was to make sure FastCGI is used to run php (as per ), and making sure that the "Use Apache mod_rewrite" is enabled. If "Use Apache mod_rewrite" is turned off but the rewrite rules are present in IIS7, then the HTML shows up but none of the styling or images.
The requirement for using FastCGI is weird (and contradicts what is suggested in , which is what I used to setup php in the first place). Everything seems to work when not using FastCGI, except for the URL rewriting.
It seems that either importing the rules (as suggested in or manually adding them to a web.config file (as suggested in ) will work.
It looks like there is something wrong with the rules in the web.config. Just going from a comment on the article you linked you are not the only one having this issue. I would remove the web.config and then follow the steps outlined here.
