How can I avoid this Interface Builder crash in Xcode 4.4 - xcode

I've made a demo video showing how I make Interface Builder in Xcode 4.4 crash:
Currently I'm struggling to continue my work due to this problem.
How can I avoid this crash? Any ideas, work-arounds, manual xib files tweaks, etc?

It's all ok for me following your youtube video, but i'm with 4.2 on Snow Leopard and my resulting object structure is slightly different.
was it ok with 4.2 and start to crash only with 4.4?

Is it still happening, or have you fixed it?
Looking closely at your video, I think the error in the crash log is the same as the crashes I had earlier this week:
Xcode Interface Builder crashes when I edit storyboard
Try switching off auto layout and seeing if it helps.
Once Interface Builder is working reliably, you seem to be able to switch auto layout back on again without re-creating the problem.


Xcode 10.1 How to fix User Interface Inspector "Capturing User Interface" not working continuously loads

I updated to Xcode 10.1 today, and noticed that when trying to utilize the User Interface Inspector that it continuously loads. I utilize this feature a lot to check how constraints are behaving. Was wondering if anyone else had the same issue?
Steps that I have taken to try and resolve it:
Reset all simulator data
Cleared all derived data
Cleaned build
Tried multiple simulators with the same issue
Just had the same issue. Creating a new simulator on the latest iOS that came with Xcode fixed it for me.

Quitting Xcode 8 and reopening it breaks constraints in my Xib file

encountering a very frustrating issue. I have a Xib file for my custom UITableViewCell. I set the constraints up and there are no warning or issues and the app runs fine. However if I close the Xcode and reopen it they are set to different values and the entire view is broken.
There seems to be no way to fix this, even if I reset to a previous commit the view remains broken. Has anyone else encountered this? Is there a fix?
Please try Xcode 8.1 which addresses the following:
Xcode 8.0 did not always restore view frames from storyboards and xibs when layouts were ambiguous. Xcode 8.1 fixes several of these issues. If you have encountered these issues, resolve the ambiguity in the Auto Layout issues and update frames. Xcode 8.1 will persist them correctly. (28221021, 28244619)
(If not, please file a bug with

Xcode 7.3 is excruciatingly slow when loading Storyboard IB

I recently upgraded to Xcode 7.3. I found that loading up the storyboard can take anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes to complete(and may sometimes result in a crash). I've restarted my Mac several times. I uninstalled Xcode and reinstalled it to no avail. I then cleared my Derived Data as well as to find that this did not help either. Is anyone experiencing a similar issue and possibly has a solution?
Although this actually might be an issue with incremental changes in Storyboards with Xcode 7.3 you can always speed up build times by creating multiple small Storyboard files in favor of a big bloated Storyboard.
Xcode can then reuse already built Storyboards in subsequent builds (as long as they are not changed) instead of building the complete bloated Storyboard over and over again even for small changes.
Apple even has a guide that might help getting this started.
I hope that helps!
This is really annoying bug/issue with XCode 7.3. So, If you have an hour or so to spend you can download and install XCode 7.3.1 Beta from here
It seems that this issue has been fixed in this version (at least it works for me).
Edit: OK. After a few minutes, Interface Builder became extremely slow again. Changing only one property can take up to 15-20 minutes.
After some research I have figured out that autolayout constraints were the cause of this issue, BUT only if you have a combination of some components present. I had a segmented control inside a navigation bar. When I removed navigation bar and placed segmented control in a simple UIView, all issues were gone and IB was smooth again.
Hope this will help.
I am using Xcode 7.3.1 and had the same problem. My problem was solved by disabling source control.
Go to Xcode->Preferences->Source Control and then Uncheck the Enable Source Control. Worked for me.
Sometimes the storyboard gets slow because of unresolved errors of autolayout. In my case i tested by changing screensizes and it showed me some errors on different sizes. Once i resolved those errors the storyboard was working fine. Please confirm
Yep I had the same problem. In design mode, it's Autolayout that is causing the 5-10 second delay between edits, especially if it's a large storyboard. Turning off Autolayout in the storyboard at design time fixed the issue for me:
Open project
Select storyboard from the Project Navigator
Open the file inspector
Under Interface Builder Document uncheck 'Use Autolayout'
If you need Autolayout at run time, I recommend you layout your Storyboard in design time with this off (to avoid those long delays between edits) then turn it back on afterwards. Or, turn Auto layout on programatically. Or better yet, split your storyboard out into smaller storyboards.
Referenced this question: Can I disable autolayout for a specific subview at runtime?
I got the same issue recently after I updated the OSX to 10.11. Xcode 7.3 will take almost 5 mintues to respond when I just change the button's font (or anything else change). This made me almost crazy. Incidently, just for a try, I updated Xcode from App Store to 7.3.1. Then I was happy to cry when I opened the storyboard and changed the attributes. Xcode responds smoothly.
So please try Xcode 7.3.1 for your problem. Hopefully you can be happy with it.

Interface Builder appears blurry on retina display in Xcode 6.3

I just recently downloaded the latest public release of Xcode (6.3) and I noticed the storyboard for my app is now low res on my Retina MacBook Pro. Images, text and standard UI elements all appear blurry. On the actual device everything looks fine and code still looks sharp its just while working in the Interface Builder.
Has anybody else noticed this and figured out a way to fix it? This is happening to me in both Swift and Objective-C projects including in Apple's sample projects (Master-Detail Application and etc).
I submitted this as a bug report, and Apple responded by saying that it is the desired appearance. They did not give an explanation, that was all they said.
It appears to be related to a bug in the newest iOS SDK, and as a workaround, they've forced Interface Builder to render everything at 1x. Currently, there doesn't seem to be any solution to this annoying problem other than to wait.
Just installed Xcode version 6.3.2 and this issue appears to have been fixed.
Have you tried re-installation of the same version? That helped once.
Alternatively, can upgrade to newer version, too.

iPhone App crashes (EXC_BAD_ACCESS) on editing any textfield in main

I am a bit new to the iPhone, but I have done some work on the Mac before. In my App there is a text field. And if I´m editing this text field, the App crashes after a few types, and there is an an EXC_BAD_ACCESS sign in main. I have added an other textfield, right in the standart view. It crashes, too, although I have not done anything with it. I have no idea, and I killed every release, so that nothing is overreleased, bit it does not help. Has anyone an idea? thanks
I found the answer. It´s a bug in iPhone Simulator. I had to turn off autocorrecting. Then it worked.
Are you working with XCode 4.1? This is a problem related to that version, I just downloaded the Xcode 4.1.1 from the App Store and the problem went away completely.
